
Extreme Right Influencers Among MAGA Republicans!

As much as Donald Trump has moved the Republican Party toward an extremist right wing view, there are people out there who are even much more extreme right influencers.

Among them are:

Nick Fuentes, whose paternal line is Mexican;

Laura Loomer, who is Jewish;

and Candace Owens who is African American.

Despite their identity, these far right influencers are, in varying degrees:

anti semites



neo Nazis

white nationalists



conspiracy theorists

All three of the above characters often fight with each other.

They are all threats to civil order, as they work to divide and exploit for their own financial betterment.

Were Trump to be elected, they might have great impact and influence on government policies.

The Poisonous Nature Of Fox News Channel Deadens The Brain!

Chris Wallace is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Shepard Smith is no longer with Fox News Channel!

Any decent journalist would NOT work for Fox News Channel, which preaches lies, mistruths, misinformation, and promotes sedition and treason after the January 6, 2021 Insurrection at the US Capitol, inspired by Donald Trump!

Fox News Channel has anchors in the evening who are truly massive liars and deceivers, including Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, all of whom are vaccinated but do not promote vaccination and masks!

All of these individuals were concerned and alarmed by January 6, and we know they tried to contact Donald Trump, but now they ignore reality and facts, and inspire the Republican Party in its self destruction!

All of these individuals denounce people of principle, who are strongly conservative, such as Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger and the small band of Republicans who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution, and want Donald Trump and his minions held accountable!

Fox News Channel promotes fear, ignorance, and hate; sees the world as simple and black and white; distrusts science and education; supports government by the wealthiest, with no concern for the poor and middle classes; and endorses religion in schools and government, rather than the basic constitutional principle of separation of church and state!

Fox News Channel has become the “Bible” for a majority of people best defined as white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, nativists, misogynists, and homophobes!

The poisonous nature of Fox News Channel, and also One America News Network (OANN) and Newsmax TV, which are even worse, imagine that, helps deaden the brain of common sense and common decency!

The Republican Party Of History Is Gone! 1854-2022!

The Republican Party of history once stood for human rights, civil rights, racial equality, in the age of Abraham Lincoln.

The Republican Party of history once stood for progressive reforms, in the age of Theodore Roosevelt, Robert LaFollette, Sr., and George Norris.

The Republican Party of history once stood for promoting internationalism and fighting the Cold War for democracy and against the threat of totalitarianism, in the age of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

The Republican Party of history once stood for Civil Rights in the age of Senators and Congressmen who joined with Democrats to promote political and social reform.

The Republican Party of history had its elements which were evil and divisive, but the party overall stood for basic principles of decency while promoting conservatism and the concept of limited national government.

But now, the Republican Party has promoted massive give aways to the wealthy, while having no concern about the needs of the middle class and the poor.

But now, the Republican Party consorts with authoritarian regimes of the Left and the Right, including collaborating with Vladimir Putin to fix the Presidential Election of 2016, and to make concessions to the Russian Federation during the era of Donald Trump.

But now, the Republican Party has the craziest conceivable elements in its party, who promote sedition, treason, and attacks on the Constitution and the rule of law.

Only a small element of the 2021-2022 Republican Party is part of the mainstream of American politics, and they are outnumbered and attacked for their commitment to decency, honesty, and the tenets of American democracy. Plaudits to Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Anthony Gonzalez, Peter Meijer, John Katko, Tom Rice, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, and a small group of other courageous, principled Congressmen and Senators!

Donald Trump and his ilk, which include millions of ignorant, prejudiced white supremacists, antisemites, Islamophobes, racists, nativists and misogynists, represent a dire threat to the American republic, and must be combatted by every legal tool available, to allow America to reach its 250th anniversary in 2026 as a nation still keeping its values and heritage that are a model for democracy around the world in the 21st century!

The Evil Hypocrisy Of So Called “Devout” Evangelical People, Who Accept Donald Trump As Speaking For God!

It is absolutely outrageous that many so called “devout” evangelical people accept Donald Trump as speaking for God!

Donald Trump is the complete opposite of what is considered basic teachings of Jesus, including compassion, empathy, tolerance, and promoting the best behavior by people.

Trump is supported by racists, nativists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes, and antisemites, and has lied and deceived his entire life, including more than 30,000 times during his Presidency!

Trump is far from being a devout Christian as imaginable, as he only worships his own ego!

Trump provoked the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, and continues to promote the “Big Lie”, that he won the 2020 Presidential Election!

Trump was impeached twice, and lost the popular vote both in 2016, when Russian collusion helped to put him into office, and in 2020, and both times by massive margins–2.85 million in 2016 and 7 million in 2020!

Trump’s whole purpose is to regain power and establish an authoritarian Fascist government!

For any “religious” person to see Donald Trump as speaking for God demonstrates how evil and hypocritical such individuals are, and the concept that America should become a theocracy defies the teachings of the Founding Fathers, who promoted separation of church and state!

Vast Majority Of Women, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, Millennials, College Educated, Against Trump!

With less than two weeks to the election, the following is clear:

The vast majority of women, having self respect no matter what their political leanings, are going to vote for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump. They know he is a womanizer, a misogynist, and a sexist, who objectifies women and brags about his conquests, like a teenage jerk.

The vast majority of African Americans are against Donald Trump, knowing his racism and condescending attitude toward them.

The vast majority of Hispanic Americans are disgusted by Donald Trump’s nativism, and promotion of building a wall at the Mexican border.

The vast majority of Asian Americans, recognizing that Trump is as prejudiced against them as other ethnic minority groups, are not going to vote for him.

Millennials, aware that Donald Trump offers nothing for them, as he only concerns himself with the wealthy upper class, will vote for Hillary Clinton, or Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein, but with the majority likely to go to Hillary Clinton.

The college educated will, for the first time, go Democratic. because they see Donald Trump as promoting prejudice, discrimination, and bias, and their education makes them unwilling to support a person they see as a demagogue.

So who is left to back Trump? Well, for one thing, working class white Americans, non college educated, who are drawn to Trump by his charisma, and want to believe that he really cares about them, when he has no interest in them at all, and many of them will be very disillusioned when, after the election, they realize they have been bamboozled by a con man!

Trump will also be backed by racists, nativists. antisemites, misogynists, Islamophobes, and homophobes, and such people of any background or description, are correctly described by Hillary Clinton as a “basket of deplorables.”

Amen to that a thousand percent!

The Mental Instability And Hatred At Trump Rallies Totally Terrifying!

We are living in dangerous times, and the most scary scenario is being at a Donald Trump rally.

We have white supremacists there.

We have Neo Nazis and Ku Klux Klan types there.

We have “Birthers” and conspiracy theorists there.

We have misogynists, racists, Islamophobes, nativists, homophobes, and xenophobes there.

We have women who could be imagined as Nazi concentration camp guards torturing people.

We have what could best be described as the most ignorant of the ignorant, who drink too much, use drugs too much, and think women are to be controlled by men.

We have people who want the “good old days” of segregation, lynching, and even slavery.

We have people who hate anyone who speaks a foreign language, or who is darker skinned than they are, and believe in an Aryan race mentality.

We have people who claim to be “good Christians”, but have no concepts of the true teachings of Jesus Christ, and are also anti-semites, who do not realize Jesus was a Jew.

We have people poorly educated, and reveling in that fact, and love their own ignorance.

We have people who would, willingly, in 21st century America, salute and obey an Adolf Hitler or Benito Mussolini.

The mental instability and hatreds of Trump crowds are stunning, shocking, and terrifying!

What has happened to our nation that we love, that we have such warped people within it, who have no interest in facts or truth?

The Threat Of The Alt-Right Made Clear By Hillary Clinton In Nevada Speech: White Nationalists And Anti Semite Hate Groups And The Radical Fringe

The Alt-Right is the new extremist Right Wing, which makes Fox News Channel, the right wing radio talk show hosts, and the conservative think tanks seem moderate.

These are groups and individuals, including Stephen Bannon of Breitbart News, now working with Donald Trump, who are white nationalists, mixed with anti Semites, nativists, misogynists, xenophobes, homophobes, and Islamophobes.

They include Confederate sympathizers, who hate the federal government, and want the end of all government regulation on any area of the economy, and would love to get rid of civil rights laws and civil liberties protections.

If they could gain power, they would love to wipe out the New Deal and Great Society reforms, that have made America the nation it is today.

They want the return of the “good old days” of states rights, racial discrimination, and women being “put in their place” in the bedroom and the kitchen, and not being out in the work force and promoting feminist causes.

And they believe in a “great Jewish conspiracy”, which connects them to Nazi mentality.

These are the groups that Hillary called a “Basket of Deplorables” yesterday, a perfectly appropriate term.