
Pure Insanity: The Gaza Strip, Added To Panama Canal, Greenland, Canada, As Expansionist Ambitions Of Donald Trump!

America and the world is in a season of pure insanity, with lunatic, out of control President Donald Trump, setting out to dismantle many federal government agencies with the assistance of billionaire Elon Musk, who holds no government position and is a danger to the nation and the world, alongside the 47th President!

But also, Donald Trump, supposedly a President who was “isolationist” and wanted America to withdraw from world commitments, is on a rampage to have the United States take over the Gaza Strip, and remove all Palestinians permanently from their land!

This, if it occurred, would be truly “ethnic cleansing”, similarly to what America did to its native Americans over the past four centuries!

THere is ZERO support in the Middle East to relocate, forcibly, 2 million Palestinians, and imagine if one was to say that the Jewish population of Israel should leave their land under force of a foreign nation that has no business getting involved in any threatened, and forced, relocation of population?

And Trump is a threat not only on the Gaza Strip, but also to the Panama Canal treaty signed and ratified by the US Senate a quarter century ago under President Jimmy Carter, a rightful action to undo three quarters of a century of exploitation by the United States from the time of Theodore Roosevelt onward.

And Trump also is threatening Denmark over its territory of Greenland, all over wanting access to the mineral resources of that barren island of only about 56,000 people, endangering US relations with our European allies in NATO.

And putting tariffs on Canada, and then having a 30 day delay, is inflaming anti American sentiments in Canada, among all political views in that nation, and the insult of Trump suggesting that Canada become the 51st state, and calling Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “Governor”!

Donald Trump is out of control, acting maniacally, and his Republican Party is ceding all rights of Congress to promote checks and balances, as required under the US Constitution!

America is in a constitutional crisis and an American national security crisis, and the only winners are our adversaries in Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and foreign terrorists!

The Ignorance And Naivete Of Millions Of Americans About Immigration And Isolationism

The ignorance and naivete of millions of Americans about immigration and isolationism is extremely depressing and counterproductive!

America is a nation of immigrants, and for so many Americans to wish a curb on immigration, and not be concerned about the possible deportation of undocumented immigrants who have not been arrested or convicted, is stunning.

The importance of immigration is misunderstood, as the economy will be horribly damaged if mass deportation occurs, and there will be massive inflation, and shortage of workers to fill many jobs across the economy.

And for Americans to think isolationism, and ignoring of aggression by authoritarian governments is not our concern, makes clear their total lack of knowledge of World War II and the Cold War.

Of course, Republicans want to promote ignorance and naivete in order to gain and keep power, so the concept that history needs to be sanitized for the future generation is highly disturbing.

It is deja vu all over again, as Donald Trump returns to power to do more damage on human rights, the economy, national security, and so many other areas of policy.

America is reaching the lowest level of education and knowledge of the masses, and that is a guarantee of the destruction of American democracy, if allowed to succeed over the next few years.

So all those who care about America and its future must do everything possible legally to thwart the evil intentions of the Trump Presidency, including court suits, and courageous journalism, and the American people utilizing the First Amendment rights of speech, press, assembly and religion free of government intervention!

From Ronald Reagan To Donald Trump: Complete Tranformation Of Republican Party!

The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan has completely transformed in the 40 years since, and has become alien to the beliefs of conservatives, due to the impact of Donald Trump.

Ronald Reagan believed the Soviet Union was a threat to world democracy, while Trump and MAGA supporters are openly pro Russian Federation, as well as friendly to North Korea and China, and also other authoritarian regimes around the world. So Trump and his supporters are isolationists, and do not give a damn about Ukraine.

Ronald Reagan believed in free trade, but now Donald Trump and his ilk promote protectionism, and pledge rise in tariffs if he elected, which would increase the cost of living for all Americans.

Roneld Reagan believed in supporting immigration as a strength of America, while Trump and his supporters are nativists, who wish to prevent all immigrants from anywhere but Europe.

The historical Republican Party is now dead, only kept alive by a small number of old line Republicans, who wish for a return to the ideals of Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan had many faults and shortcomings, but it is clear he would not support the Donald Trump controlled Republican Party!

Tulsi Gabbard, Another True “Loser” Former Democrat, Backs Trump!

This week has seen two former Democrats, who are true “losers”, come out and endorse Donald Trump, and are both part of his “transition team”, a fantasy that Donald Trump will be inaugurated the 47th President.

First, it was Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who has gone off the rails mentally, and has embarrassed his mother and siblings and other Kennedy family members, by his lunatic behavior in the past few years.

Now it is former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (2013-2021), who also was a Democratic Presidential contender in 2020, before leaving the party, becoming an independent, and tying her future to Donald Trump, despite the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection.

Gabbard clearly has “gone off the rails” like RFK Jr, a sad commentary on what had been a promising career.

Gabbard embraced the Syrian government of Bashar al-Assad despite his brutal ten years and longer civil war and use of chemical weapons, and also has opposed support of Ukraine in its war against Russia, which invaded in February 2022.

She has conserted with conservative activists, including Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, and involved herself in the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) and has been on Fox News on a regular basis. She also, openly, campaigned to be Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, an embarrassment to anyone paying attention to her antics.

Gabbard’s extreme isolationist stances are out of tune and common sense, as she shares the admiration of Donald Trump for Vladimir Putin, failing to see the threat of Russia to NATO if Ukraine’s government falls to Russian aggression!

Donald Trump And American Foreign Policy: Goodbye To Ukraine, NATO, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan!

It has become very clear that IF Donald Trump is returned to the White House for a second term this November, that American foreign policy will be totally obliterated from what it has been since 1945!

Trump will not support Ukraine, and is willing to let Russia and Vladimir Putin take it over!

Trump will not continue to support NATO, as he is an isolationist of the worst kind, more interested in gaining the support of authoritarian leaders, including Putin, but also the dictators of China, North Korea, Hungary and elsewhere!

So America will have no allies in Europe, endangering American national security!

It is also unlikely that Taiwan and South Korea and Japan would have confidence in a President, who would be more interested in collaborating with the tyrants of Asia!

82nd Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor Attack: Never To Forget!

Today, December 7, is the 82nd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which brought America into World War II.

There are still alive some veterans of that dastardly attack on a Sunday morning, which woke up America to the threats and the dangers from overseas, and proved that having two “great oceans” did not mean we were protected without a strong defense!

The attack woke up America, which again needs to be woken up, due to the opposition that exists to the US aiding Ukraine in its war against its Russian invader.

Just as the isolationists of the 1930s were wrong, so are the isolationists of the present, who live with their heads in the sand, thinking a Russian seizure of all of Ukraine is no threat to the rest of Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The battle over Ukraine aid now raging on Capitol Hill is a reminder how many Americans do not learn from history!

Six Months To Midterm Elections: Time To Emphasize The Danger Of Republican Extremists!

In six months, the Midterm Congressional and Gubernatorial Elections of 2022 will occur.

Polls indicate disillusionment with Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, due to inflation and its effects, and the fact that there is stalemate with the evenly divided Senate and the small Democratic edge in the House of Representatives.

There is concern felt about the danger of Republican extremism in the states and on the Congressional level.

The party has allowed itself to promote policies that victimize women, people of color, immigrants, gays and transgender individuals.

They are promoting censorship and declaring war on public education and libraries in the name of advocacy of Christian values in a nation based on separation of church and state.

There is a strong strain of pro Russian, pro Vladimir Putin, support and a growing isolationist spirit, which endangers the alliances of the United States in international relations, most notably the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The cancer of Donald Trump still infuses the party rhetoric and obsequious support of a man who still contends that the election was stolen, and attempts are being pursued to insure limitations on voting and on control of election machinery for the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024.

American democracy and basic common decency, humanity, empathy and compassion are under attack, and the Democrats must pursue an aggressive counter reaction to the evils represented by an opposition party which is authoritarian oriented, and Fascist in nature!

The whole future of the American nation is at stake, if the Republican Party, as now constituted, wins control of state and national governments, as likely it will be a point of no return!

So Joe Biden and all Democrats must go on the offensive and make clear the dangers of Republican extremism!

Joe Biden Becomes A Wartime President, Will Change The Equation On His Presidency!

Sadly, but unavoidably, Joe Biden has become a wartime President, which will change the equation on his Presidency.

In the midst of so many issues and controversies facing the 46th President, the issue of foreign policy and war has reared its ugly head.

Joe Biden and NATO must meet the Russian Federation threat of Vladimir Putin, with his invasion of Ukraine, before it becomes a further invasion of NATO nations, such as Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, or Poland.

This situation will have a dramatic effect on so many areas, beyond international affairs, as it is likely to have a deleterious effect on the economy, and will likely cause new debate about the old isolationist arguments of the past.

The danger of a real third World War is omnipresent, and the national security of America, as well as their NATO partners, is under threat.

And sadly, the conservative right wing is amazingly pro Russian, mind boggling to have Fox News Channel and its despicable talk show hosts embracing Putin, and showing no concern over the future of Ukraine.

So the Republican Party faces a crossroads on this matter, as to whether they are prepared to embrace this extremist viewpoint favoring Russia.

It will be a major factor in the politics of 2022 and 2024!

Six And A Half Months To Most Crucial Presidential Election Since 1940

We are facing this November the fifth most crucial Presidential election in American history.

Every Presidential election matters, of course, and in the midst of each campaign, there are those who will think it is the most important event ever to occur.

But in reality, the number of times that an election has been truly “crucial” is limited to what this author and blogger believes are only a few times.

Those few elections that have been crucial to the extreme would include, chronologically the following:

Election of 1860, a four way race, with the Civil War seen as on the horizon, and Abraham Lincoln winning with only 39.8 percent of the vote, over Stephen Douglas, John C. Breckinridge, and John Bell.

Election of 1864, in which Lincoln defeated former General George McClellan, at a crucial time in the Civil War.

Election of 1932, in which the nation was at its lowest economic point in history, with the failure of Herbert Hoover, and the alternative of Franklin D. Roosevelt and his New Deal.

Election of 1940, when America faced the danger of Fascism in the world, but isolationism reigned, and Franklin D. Roosevelt faced a businessman with no government experience, Wendell Willkie, as the world was engaged in World War II.

Now, in 2020, we face a CoronaVirus Pandemic; a collapsed economy worse than any time since the Great Depression; and a crazed, dangerous President who should have been removed from office for abuse of power, and instead is, effectively, taking the nation over the brink of the cliff that it is facing at this time!

So just as Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt came to the rescue, each of them twice, now Joe Biden and his female running mate face the challenge of the greatest crisis in 80 years, and we have to hope he can gather the strength, courage, and decisiveness of Lincoln, FDR, and other great Presidents, including Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Barack Obama in difficult moments in their Presidencies!

America In World Affairs Since First World War Entrance 101 Years Ago!

America has been actively engaged in world affairs now for a century, finally abandoning isolationism in the first week of April 1917, when President Woodrow Wilson delivered a war message to Congress on April 2, followed by four days of heated debate, and then a declaration of war on April 6.

While America reverted to isolationism in the 1920s and 1930s, it failed, and once we entered World War II, the die was cast that we would always play a major role in world affairs, but not without controversy.

Since World War II, America has engaged in five wars–Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf against Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iraq, with none of those wars leading to victory, although at least, the boundary line in the Korean War was restored by 1953.

But we lost in Vietnam, and have not accomplished our goals in Afghanistan and Iraq, although the brief Persian Gulf War was won in six weeks, but the problem of Saddam Hussein reared its ugly head a decade later.

We have also been involved in many invasions, unofficial interventions, and many cases where we had troops without the knowledge of the American people, and often even leaders of Congress.

Secret wars have gone on and are going on right now, and under Donald Trump, we might very well end up sending troops to North Asia to fight North Korea and to the Middle East to fight Iran.

We now have the most militaristic government without any controls under Donald Trump, with his top aides now being extremely militaristic and warlike.

And war will likely reinforce the Trump supporters, and could, conceivably, cause public opinion gains that could help the Republicans keep control of Congress, and keep the White House in Republican hands in 2020!

We are at a very delicate time, with instability of our nation’s relationship with our allies around the world, and his “bromance” with Russia and Vladimir Putin, along with Trump’s “tariff wars” likely to provoke one crisis after another.

This is our situation as the 101st anniversary of our engagement in World War I is upon us three days from now!