James Inhofe

The Republican Party And The BP Gulf Oil Crisis: A Total Disgrace! :(

It is indeed shocking, but not surprising, that Republicans past and present are working very hard to back British Petroleum in any way they can, and to have them avoid full financial and legal responsibility for the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico! ๐Ÿ™

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, former Bush Chief of Staff Josh Bolton, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Congressman Don Young of Alaska, and House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio are among the GOP leaders who are working behind the scenes, and also in public statements, to whitewash BP’s legal and moral responsibility, and to make it out that the environmental disaster not be totally placed on BP stockholders by a loss of dividends paid by the corporation! ๐Ÿ™

When one wants to think that the GOP is maybe worth some slack, the party leaders work very hard to make it impossible to have such sympathies! ๐Ÿ™

How can any of these leaders, and others in the party, have other than total outrage at BP? And yet they go about their merry way justifying, defending, belittling criticism, and conspiring to help the oil company and put the burden of the disaster on the American people! ๐Ÿ™

The Republican leadership has lost all morality and decency, if they ever had any! ๐Ÿ™

The Moronic Climate Change Deniers: Senators James Inhofe And Jim DeMint

Washington, DC and the Atlantic Coast from New York to Virginia are suffering from what is, at least in the nation’s capital, the worst winter season and snow totals in recorded history.

Florida had a sustained period of two weeks of very cold weather, which did great damage to agricultural crops, causing major financial losses.

This has encouraged climate change deniers, such as Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma and Senator Jim DeMint of South Carolina, both Republicans, to ridicule the idea of climate change, with Inhofe building an “igloo” as a gift to former Vice President Al Gore, the leading promoter of the concept of global warming. And Senator DeMint has been joking about Gore as well.

The problem with these two senators is that they do not understand science, as both are religious zealots who believe that there is no crisis pending, that no evidence is able to convince them of the need to plan for climate change in the future. They ridicule people like Gore because of the colder weather and heavier snow now going on, but the point of climate change is that it is not just warmer weather than normal, but also much colder weather than normal, which are scientific signs of the climate change crisis.

The fact that heavy rains and flooding is becoming more common worldwide, and that the icebergs at the North Pole are melting very rapidly does not dent their moronic brains.

Rather than prepare the nation and the world for the future, they would rather put their heads in the sand as an ostrich would, and only focus on the moment, instead of on the future when their children and grandchildren will face the climate change crisis and wonder why these stupid, moronic senators refused to believe scientific evidence and show some statesmanship in preparing for the future, as Al Gore and many others have been doing.

The ignorance of science is astounding, and the stupidity of these two senators and their ilk is mind boggling! ๐Ÿ™

Correction To Yesterday’s Entry: Inhofe Returns To Vote, But Jim Bunning Misses The Vote On Health Care

I stand corrected on the matter of Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe being absent for the final vote today on Health Care Reform, as he surprisingly returned for the vote.

But Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky, former baseball player and Hall of Famer, who did not have an “All Star” career in the House and Senate, replaced Inhofe as the absentee in a final 60-39 vote this morning. No explanation was given, but since Bunning is retiring next year, and is depicted as unpopular among his Republican cohorts, including his Kentucky colleague, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, no one should be surprised that he did not stay around to vote.

I apologize to Senator Inhofe, but only on his reported absence, as everything else that has been stated about him by me and other critics remains true. But then Bunning and Inhofe could easily compete for the list of worst senators in the present membership. The one virtue of Bunning is that he is leaving, and Inhofe is not!

On Top Of Copenhagen Embarrassment, Now James Inhofe Is Absent From Senate!

When Oklahoma Republican Senator Tom Coburn prayed the other day that some senator in the majority would be absent so that there would not be 60 votes for passage of the Health Care Reform, he had no way of knowing that his own colleague, James Inhofe, just back from the embarrassment of his ridiculous presence at the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit, would decide to be go home for Christmas early, leading to a procedural vote of 60-39 in the Senate on the health care bill.

For a senator supposedly so committed to his whacko views, it is ironic that Inhofe would fail to sacrifice his time at home, as the other 99 senators are doing, having their final vote on passage scheduled for 7 am on Christmas eve, before they go home.

Senator Inhofe, obviously, does not care how his colleagues in the Senate feel, as he is an arrogant, strange character. It adds to the image that although I believe both senators from Oklahoma are the worst tandem of any state in the Senate, that Inhofe is indeed WORSE than Tom Coburn, and that is not easily accomplished! ๐Ÿ™‚

We can only hope that Oklahoma will some day wake up from its stupor and defeat Inhofe, but unfortunately he was just reelected in 2008, so can afford to be as arrogant, ridiculous, stupid and irrelevant as he wishes to be for the time being! ๐Ÿ™

Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe Made Himself A Fool In Copenhagen!

The leading anti environmentalist in the Senate, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, made a total fool of himself at the recent Climate Change summit in Copenhagen.

Going there with Mississippi Senator Roger Wicker and Wyoming Senator John Barrasso, both freshmen members, Inhofe had trouble even gaining attention from news reporters, and ended up being called “ridiculous” and “stupid” by foreign reporters who wasted their time listening to what he had to say.

What it comes down to is that Inhofe contributed carbon dioxide and hot air to the meeting, and came across as a whacko who has no credibility at all on the issue of the environment and climate change. He wasted taxpayer money going to the summit without the ability to have a hearing, because no one who is serious thinks his total opposition on all environmental issues is legitimate.

The Copenhagen Climate Change Summit: No Verification Or Enforcement Mechanism

President Obama’s trip to the Copenhagen Climate Change Summit cannot be seen as a success, although it is not a failure.

At the last minute, there was an agreement to set limits on greenhouse gases among China, the US, India, Brazil and South Africa.

However, the agreement does not contain verification or enforcement mechanisms, and one gets the feeling that obtaining such guarantees at the next summit in Mexico City in 2010 is highly unlikely.

The world faces a crisis, but unfortunately, politics and nationalism and secrecy of dicatatorships such as China will make it probably impossible to forge agreements that are truly binding.

Also, the politics of climate change are in full swing in this country, with such critics as Sarah Palin and James Inhofe on full assault against the administration, as well as Al Gore and Arnold Schwarzenegger and other supporters of the concept of global warming.

So the truth is one should not expect much progress on climate change legislation in America, although supposedly the Obama Administration is optimistic on “cap and trade” legislation early next year. But even with that possibly occurring, there must be world wide cooperation for the global warming crisis to be dealt with seriously.

The Florida Senate Republican Primary: Should Marco Rubio Be Contented?

Florida has an interesting Republican Senate primary coming up in 2010 to replace Senator Mel Martinez, who resigned in September.

Governor Charlie Crist is heavily favored at this point to win the nomination over former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio of Miami.

But despite the odds in favor of Crist, the Senate primary is becoming an example of the attempt of conservatives to defeat the more moderate Governor over his very conservative opponent.

Marco Rubio has achieved two leading conservative Republican senators endorsing him, but one wonders if that is a blessing or a curse! LOL

The two are South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint and Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe, both of whom are, in my estimation, two of the very worst senators we have seen in the long history of the Senate. I rated both in “another seven” when I had an entry in this blog regarding the ten worst senators of all time.

Rubio even says he disagrees with Inhofe, the leading critic of global warming, but will still accept his endorsement. But in my view, accepting endorsements from two horrible members of the Senate is not a plus for Rubio, but rather for Crist.

It is hard to imagine Rubio defeating Crist, and frankly, with the backing of DeMint and Inhofe, we would have to say that Florida would suffer under a Senator Rubio who would lean on these two senators for advice. Such advice would be poisonous in more ways than one.

Of course, the ideal result would be for Congressman Kendrick Meek of Miami, the almost certain Democratic nominee, to win the seat over either Crist or Rubio. He would be a real asset to the Senate and would represent a progressive Florida looking to the future, rather than to the past!