James Mattis

Chaos In The Trump Cabinet: Corruption, Dissension, And Endless Mismanagement

The Trump Cabinet is in chaos, with corruption, dissension, and insults proliferating.

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price was forced to resign due to corrupt travel on private planes, costing the taxpayers one million dollars, with Price only agreeing to repay about $50,000.

Seven other cabinet members are accused of similar abuse: Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke, Environmental Protection Agency head Scott Pruitt, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, and Secretary of Veterans Affairs David Shulkin.

Meanwhile, there is dissension among the top cabinet members and advisers, with Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State, calling his boss “a F—–Moron”, and talk of his rapid leaving from the Administration expected.

There is also talk of White House Chief of Staff John Kelly having major conflict with Trump, as he is unable to control the irrational behavior of the President.

There is also, supposedly, an agreement among Tillerson, Mnuchin, and Secretary of Defense James Mattis, that if any of them are removed or forced out, all three would resign enmasse.

National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster has also been bitterly attacked by former Trump aide Stephen Bannon, who has returned to the destructive Breitbart News Service, an Alt Right extremist media company.

Overall, there has never been a cabinet of a President as horrible as that of Trump, with Ulysses S. Grant and Warren G. Harding. the previous worst cabinets, far surpassed by the Trump disaster.

How much more chaos can America take of such chaos and mismanagement?

Donald Trump Seems Ready To Use Military Force In Three Places: North Korea, Iran, Venezuela!

Donald Trump ran his 2016 Presidential campaign as a critic of our military engagements in Iraq and Afghanistan.

But now, after 8 months in the White House, Trump is promoting the possibility of war with North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela.

Trump is a madman, ratcheting up tension and hostile language, and stirring war fever, which would lead to massive loss of life, and overextend our military.

His military generals–John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, and James Mattis–are unable to stop him rhetoric on Twitter or in public speeches.

The temperature is rising rapidly, and soon, we could be in three major conflicts, adding on to the Afghanistan War and the fight against ISIL (ISIS) in the Middle East.

The Vietnam War draft dodger loves to talk about military prowess and military superiority, almost as if it is a sexual high for him.

Clearly, Trump is a mentally ill man, with likelihood of early dementia, which his father had, and also bipolar disease, with its highs and lows.

We are, clearly, in the most dangerous position we have been in since the age of nuclear power, and a nightmare scenario of a major disaster is no longer just fear, but more becoming reality!

Can Donald Trump Survive As “Independent” President? NO, As His Future Is Predetermined Already By His Earlier Actions!

Donald Trump is acting more irrationally by the day, and his movement toward an “Independent” Presidency will not work, as his future is predetermined already by his earlier actions.

The intellectual conservative Right has abandoned him.

Many Republicans in Congress are moving to abandon him.

His right wing propagandists (such as Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin) are abandoning him over his deal with the Democrats on the “Dreamers”, as he now seems to have agreed to allow DACA kids to stay in America, after making a statement through Attorney General Jeff Sessions that was hard line, and almost immediately reversing himself.

The Democrats might be, seemingly, cooperating with Trump on some matters, such as DACA, and the extension of the debt limit, but they are eager to take over the House of Representatives in the 2018 midterm elections, and to impeach him.

The intelligence community and the diplomatic community and much of the civil service bureaucrats are only too willing to undermine him for his attacks on them.

The news media, with facts, is on full scale attack, except for Fox News and Breitbart.

Many of his original staff and leading figures have either been forced out or have resigned, with more to come.

The trio of military people around Trump–John Kelly, H. R. McMaster, James Mattis–are very unhappy, and it could be that they are working to undermine him.

Trump has few true friends left, and even his family is enmeshed in scandal with him.

So the clock is ticking, and Trump will not survive in office for long, as impeachment resolutions loom, and Robert Mueller is closing in with Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort the lead figures in the undermining of the foundation that Trump thought he had control of, but does not, in fact. Do not be surprised at the coming likely resignation of Donald Trump from the Presidency.

Expect that Donald Trump will be gone within the next six months, with a good target date being the Ides of March, the 15th of March, the anniversary of the demise of Julius Caesar in 44 BC!

Eight Months Of Donald Trump: Destabilization Of Domestic And Foreign Policy

Today marks eight months of the Donald Trump Presidency, eight months of destabilization of domestic and foreign policy.

One wonders how much more of this America and the world can stand.

The good news is that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is steaming ahead in his investigation of the Trump scandals, including Russian collusion, obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and violation of the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution.

Mueller has his sights on Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort, and has gained a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) wiretapping order that indicates evidence that can be used against many Trump associates and the President and family members as well.

This author published an article in February on HNN, picked up by Newsweek, that went viral, stating the belief that Trump would leave office between the James A. Garfield assassination death after 199 days and the Zachary Taylor natural cause of death after 492 days, which is matched on May 27, 2018.

Now this author would change the date to predict that by the Ides of March (March 15), the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC, that we will see Trump leaving office, which would be 419 days.

The clock is definitely ticking for Donald Trump, but meanwhile, there is great concern that Trump could launch a nuclear attack or declare martial law, and it is essential for the military people around Trump–John Kelly, H. R. Mcmaster, and James Mattis–to work to prevent such actions as the investigation continues toward resolution.

Trump Threatens Extermination Of 25 Million People in North Korea, And Plans Confrontation With Iran And Venezuela: A President Gone Mad!

Donald Trump spoke at the United Nations today, and sounded more warlike than any American President.

He seems to relish war and destruction, as he threatened the extermination of 25 million people in North Korea.

he also made clear that he intended to rip up the Iran Nuclear Agreement, which seems to be working for now, and which Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China all plan to continue to support, making Trump an international outlaw and a war criminal, if he intends to start war with that nation.

And on the sidelines, it is clear that Trump is threatening intervention in Venezuela as well.

Se Trump seems to be planning to add three potential wars or military conflicts to the problem of Afghanistan and the challenge of ISIS (ISIL) in the Middle East.

Trump is a warmonger, even though he avoided Vietnam War service due to a bone spur in his foot, a minor problem, but using his family influence to evade military service.

If Trump were to use nuclear weapons against North Korea, it would be considered a war crime, and would kill more people in North Korea, as well as the certainty of deaths in South Korea and Japan, along with American troops, families and expatriates who live in South Korea and Japan.

It is more clear than ever that the three military figures in the government–James Mattis, John Kelly, and H. R. McMaster–must go to Vice President Mike Pence, the cabinet members, and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, and promote immediate removal of Trump from the Presidency, as a menace to the nation and the world.

If tragedy happens, these military men, and the top leaders of the government, will have blood on their hands, and will destroy the image of America as a nation of human rights and decency.

The time for action is NOW, and the Mueller investigation needs to move at an ever more rapid pace as well, to bring this President down, and remove him from office!

Trump In Danger Of Facing Massive Resignations With His Controversial Personality, And Unwillingness To Be Controlled!

Donald Trump has growing problems with his staff, and faces the threat of massive resignations in the near future.

Rumors abound that Gary Cohn, Chief Economic Adviser; Secretary of State Rex Tillerson; Secretary of Defense James Mattis; Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao (wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell); White House Chief of Staff John Kelly; and National Security Adviser H. R. McMaster are all having major problems with their boss.

The White House is still in chaos as Trump does not wish to be controlled in any form by anyone, and rages often, which could undermine his own health, and causes worry about his growing level of mental instability.

No President has ever gone through so many people being fired or resigning in the first seven plus months of a Presidency.

It seems likely that September will be the most tumultuous month of the Trump Presidency so far, with so many issues on the agenda, and this after the tumultuous month of August, even with Congress not in session.

But now Congress is back, and it is not just Democrats who are ready to go on the attack against Trump, but also many Republicans, as well as conservative intellectuals and writers.

The pressure is growing on Trump, and with the Mueller investigation in full swing, the Trump Presidency is getting closer to a time when it seems clear that Trump will be unable to handle the pressures of being President.

So the sense of a coming resignation at some point seems ever more likely. It would save the nation from the nightmare it has been going through in 2017!

No Discrimination Should Be Allowed Against Transgender Military, As They Are, Willingly, Sacrificing For Their Country, And Should Be Honored!

Donald Trump has shown just how biased and prejudiced he is, by declaring that Transgender military personnel shall be forced out of the military, and any recruitment in the future shall be denied.

For a person who was a draft dodger in the 1960s to do this shows just how despicable a human being Trump is, as transgender military has served in our armed forces, and some have won special honors and recognition, and the vast number of military people do not care about this issue, as long as one is fit and ready and willing to serve with honor for our country.

At a time when so few men and women volunteer for the military, to deny those who wish to serve and sacrifice, as many have in Iraq and Afghanistan, is truly a mark of the lack of patriotism of Donald Trump, whose only loyalty is to money!

The fact that Secretary of Defense James Mattis is given the leeway to make decisions on those military personnel, who are transgender and serving, should lead to Mattis ignoring Trump, and the top military people should inform the President that they will not discriminate against anyone willing and able to serve.

The next thing we could expect from our President is to ban gays and lesbians, and say that women cannot serve in front line military positions, so this is a slippery slope.

This action of Trump, and the possible future actions, would fulfill the “wet dreams” of right wing extremist Phyllis Schlafly before her death last year, and also of the extreme right wing lunatics of the Alt Right and of the Tea Party Movement.

Trump continues to disgrace the oath that he took as President!

IF Trump Wishes To Unite America After Charlottesville, He Must Fire All Connected To The Alt Right: Stephen Bannon, Stephen Miller, Sebastian Gorka!

If Donald Trump wishes to unite America after Charlottesville, which he finally made a more acceptable statement condemning the Neo Nazis, and Ku Klux Klsn today at the White House, he must fire the Alt Right members of his administration as destructive forces.

Stephen Bannon, Stephen Miller, and Sebastian Gorka are all connected to the Alt Right, and they are working to undermine John Kelly, James Mattis, H. R. McMaster and Rex Tillerson, and there is no room in the administration for them.

One can be sure that Bannon will go on the attack against Trump if he is fired, but so be it, and efforts must be made to combat the Alt Right propaganda organ, Breitbart News Service.

If Trump does not move away from these hateful influences, it is time for the Republican Party to move toward impeachment, as we cannot allow white nationalists, white supremacists, Ku Klux Klan, Neo Nazis, and neo Confederates to run our government.

The Republican Party must move away from racism, nativism, antisemitism, and misognyny and NOW, not four years from now!

“Bully” Donald Trump Meets “Bully” Kim Jong Un: Now What? The Most Dangerous Moment Since The Cuban Missile Crisis, But Trump Is NOT JFK!

So now after 200 days as President, the stupidity of the Trump voters is proven, as now our “man child bully” has us on the brink of a massive war, possibly nuclear war, the most dangerous moment since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962! Ironically, we are now commemorating the 72 year anniversary of use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, in August 1945!

Trump has no clue as to what to do, other than to threaten and talk about “fire, fury, and power” against North Korea and Kim Jong Un. Trump blustering in public is so “unPresidential” action, one of a mad man, not a stable leader! Donald Trump is no John F. Kennedy!

What it comes down to is one bully is meeting another bully, both men children, with the emphasis on children!

If there was ever a need for an immediate resignation, it is NOW, but we are stuck with a maniac, who will go down in history for the likely greatest loss of life since World War II, if sanity does not rise.

The military people around Trump–Mattis, McMaster, Kelly–MUST control Donald Trump, and the Alt Right people, such as Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller, must be immediately neutralized from having any influence on the President, or else we will see tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or even more, people dying in South Korea, Japan, and including America military forces and their families in those nations.

Bombast is reckless, and has never been done by any American President, and already, Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona and Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein of California have warned against any rash action by Trump.

The first thing Trump must be forced to do is SHUT UP! His mouth will cause the loss of life that will condemn him in history, and should accelerate his forced removal as an ignorant maniac who can destroy not only the nation, but the civilized world!

Military Leadership Ignoring Twitter Rants, And Trying To Discipline Donald Trump: First Steps Toward Ultimate Removal Of Donald Trump From Oval Office

It is interesting to note that the military leadership is ignoring some of Donald Trump’s statements on Twitter, and are battling behind the scenes against the more extremist aides that remain influential in the Trump White House.

General John Kelly, the new White House Chief of Staff, is trying to get rid of those who are causing disarray in the Trump White House, and it seems that at some point, he will be able to fire Stephen Bannon and Stephen Miller, both of the Alt Right persuasion, as the only way to get control of the chaotic situation in the Oval Office.

H. R. McMaster, the National Security Adviser, is working at trying to “mainstream” foreign policy, but faces loose rhetoric from Trump, that he is trying to limit, but with strong opposition from the Alt Right extremists, Bannon and Miller, with indications they are trying to force him out. This struggle of McMaster to remain influential is a battle that needs to be won.

Defense Secretary James Mattis has ignored Trump’s statements about eliminating transgender soldiers, with the argument that Twitter comments are not public policy, and it seems clear that he wishes to stabilize the military, and is against any change in military policy on this matter. The hope is that he will succeed in convincing Trump to leave such matters to the military, not to the President’s utterances.

Ordinarily. it would be seen as dangerous to have three recently retired military leaders so influential in a Presidency. but in this case, with this mentally unbalanced man in the White House, it might be the only way to rid the government of extremists that are encouraging him.

Hopefully, it could lead to the ultimate removal of Donald Trump from the Oval Office, when it is clear that there has been Russian collusion, as it is impossible to imagine that any of these three former generals would overlook the facts of the case, when and if they are confirmed.

Patriotism, doing what is proper to maintain our basic civil liberties and civil rights, is seen as the ultimate goal of these generals, to save the country from tyranny.

Hopefully, this blogger turns out to be accurate, in his judgment of what will happen.