Jobs Speech

Barack Obama’s Jobs Speech: Aggressive, Blunt, Forceful, Extremely Effective!

Barack Obama gave a fantastic speech before a joint session of Congress this evening, and he called upon the Republicans to be bipartisan, but warned that he will fight for his jobs agenda across the country if there is no action!

This is the kind of speech that his supporters have been wishing for over a long time period! Be a strong advocate, offer cooperation, but make it clear that he will not tolerate lack of action by Congress without a clear cut reaction, on the level of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman!

Calling for dealing with education by rehiring of thousands of teachers, infrastructure spending, tax cuts for small businesses and the middle class, and aid to the long term unemployed through further extension of unemployment compensation, Obama called for a fairer tax system as well, to revive the American economy!

Basically, he declared a war on the economy, and seemed to gain some GOP support, based on early reactions by Speaker of the House John Boehner and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. But if they follow the lead of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, pledging opposition to any Obama programs, then the Democrats will fight in every congressional district to get the message across, and put Republicans on the spot with their constituents!

The speech was inspiring, and is the opening salvo in the 2012 Presidential election, with and without GOP support! This is the time for all who believe that President Obama is doing the best for this nation to rally around the administration and its programs to deal with the economy!

The Urgent Needs For The Jobs Speech Of President Obama

President Obama will be delivering a Jobs speech to a joint session of Congress this Thursday, with skepticism and even disrespect already evident, with Congressmen Joe Wilson of South Carolina and Joe Walsh of Illinois already stating they would not be present.

The Republicans are unwilling to do anything to create jobs, and seem ready to refuse the Obama plan to continue the payroll tax holiday, which cut the Social Security tax on employers and employees, giving taxpayers approximately a thousand dollars extra to spend, helping middle and lower income taxpayers, and helping to stimulate the economy. After all they did under George W. Bush to increase the deficit, now the Republicans put the deficit ahead of helping the average American, while not considering any tax increases to be borne by those who have received the bulk of the tax cuts in the past decade, the extremely wealthy! It is this reckless fiscal policy under George W. Bush which has led to this economic crisis we now face!

Unemployment compensation, which has been extended up to 99 weeks in some states, needs to be extended since we have more people with long term unemployment than ever before since World War II. Money coming from unemployment compensation is immediately spent, which would help the economy in a major way.

Infrastructure spending is urgent, not only in creation of jobs, but also the dire need to rebuild and extend our roads, bridges, rail and mass transit, which are in poor shape across the country.

Refinancing of mortgages is urgent to give struggling homeowners the opportunity to keep their homes, as the more homes in foreclosure, the worse the whole housing situation will be for the long run.

Unfortunately, the likelihood is that close to nothing that Obama will promote will make it through Congress, setting up the political debate for the 2012 Presidential Election. The sad part is the great human suffering which will ensue, and the danger that it could lead to violence and turmoil in America!