Joe Biden Cabinet

The Loss Of Thirteen Young Military Personnel In Afghanistan A Great Human Tragedy!

The loss of thirteen young military personnel in Afghanistan is a great human tragedy!

It is understood that when young men and women commit themselves to the military, that they put their lives in danger.

But after 20 years of war in Afghanistan, and about 2,400 killed, it is still a great shock to have thirteen military personnel helping to evacuate Americans and Afghan supporters, being slaughtered by a suicide bomber.

These young men and women are patriots, and watching the dignified return of the remains at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware, with President Biden, his wife, and his Cabinet and military leaders present, to honor the fallen, is a very emotional moment.

This author and blogger feels as if he has lost people he knows, and all Americans should have the same sentiments!

It is also notable that the fallen include people of color and different religious heritages, and it reminds us of the sacrifices and patriotism of our diverse society, and we cannot allow white supremacists to promote hate and division!

We still live in a world of evil, with many enemies who wish to destroy democracy and peace, so the struggle against terrorism is not over!

Merrick Garland The Right Person To Be Attorney General Of The United States!

Merrick Garland is the right person to be Attorney General of the United States in these difficult times legally, due to the disaster of Donald Trump.

Denied a hearing for the Supreme Court in 2016, after his nomination by Barack Obama, with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senate not willing even to meet with him for consideration for the position, Garland now comes on the scene and will do what is right regarding the many outrageous legal actions and maneuvers of the Trump Presidency, including the horrifying Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

After a long career of prosecutions, including the investigation and the prosecution of the Oklahoma City Bombers in 1995, and service as Chief Judge for the US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit for 23 years, Garland will restore the good name of the Justice Department, and will remind us of morality and ethics in law enforcement.

Garland could end up as the most significant member of the Joe Biden Cabinet!

Criminals In The Republican Party: Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy And Others Need To Be Prosecuted!

As the Second Donald Trump Impeachment Trial came to an end today, with only seven Republicans joining the Democrats for conviction, ten votes short of the two thirds vote required to convict, one thing is very clear!

The criminals in the Republican Party who promoted sedition and treason, and refused to accept the Electoral College votes, even after the Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021, need to be prosecuted by the Justice Department and Attorney General Merrick Garland, once he finally has his hearing to lead the Justice Department, and is confirmed.

It is clear that the Republican Party has delayed hearings for Garland, who already was mistreated in 2016, when his nomination to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court was prevented by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

It may well be the most difficult position in the Biden Cabinet to be Attorney General in the present political climate, but justice demands that the Justice Department pursue prosecution of Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, the ring leaders in the promotion of Insurrection, but also six other Senators who joined them, as well as 139 House members, including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California.

And while now Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was not part of the treason-sedition crowd, he should be condemned for failing to support the conviction of Donald Trump!

Mitch McConnell Has Conceded Democrats Control Senate With 50-50 Tie, A Major Step Forward!

After five days with a stalemate in the US Senate, Mitch McConnell has conceded that the Democrats and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer control the Senate with a 50-50 tie, allowing the opportunity for progress, after standing in the way of approval of Cabinet members expeditiously.

The Donald Trump Impeachment Trial will start in two weeks, and work will begin on the COVID 19 Pandemic legislation, and the confirmation of all of the Cabinet appointees of President Joe Biden will now move forward rapidly.

Joe Biden wants a very activist first 100 Days, possibly the greatest since Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal in the years of the Great Depression.

This is a time for optimism and hope as we move forward!

The Joe Biden “Cabinet” Is Well Balanced, Diverse, And Talented!

Joe Biden promised diversity in his “cabinet”, both the official Cabinet members, but also others, and he has shown he means business!

At this point, still incomplete, Biden has appointed a group of talented people that includes:

45 percent whites
27.5 percent black
12.5 percent Asian
10 percent Latino
5 percent Native American
50 percent men
50 percent women
5 percent gay

Only three House of Representatives members are in this group, and no US Senators as of yet, and only one rival of Joe Biden during the Presidential campaign, former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg.

Hopefully, the positions left open at this point, including Attorney General, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Labor, and Secretary of Education will be filled soon, with lots of speculation about who might be under consideration!

Joe Biden Finally Able To Move Ahead And To Select A Talented Team Of Cabinet Advisors

Joe Biden has hit the ground running, officially selecting today a group of seven talent Cabinet advisors to cope with foreign policy, economic policy, homeland security and intelligence matters, and with the crisis of climate change.

Anthony Blinken will be Secretary of State; Janet Yellen will be Secretary of the Treasury; Alejandro Mayorkas will be Secretary of Homeland Security; Linda Thomas-Greenfield will be US Ambassador to the United Nations; Avril Haines will be Director of National Intelligence; Jake Sullivan will be National Security Adviser; and former Senator, 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee, and Obama Secretary of State in the second term John Kerry as Climate Czar to deal with the climate change crisis.

These are all experienced in their fields, and have worked in the government for decades, and they are all decent, honorable people who wish to do a job to promote recovery of the nation from the multiple crises it faces as Joe Biden gets ready to take the oath of office as the 46th President of the United States.

The group includes three women; a Cuban immigrant; an African American woman; two Jews; and age wise, they range from the 40s to the late 70s.

Any decent person can feel a sense of satisfaction already, and there are still many other appointments to come!

A Suggested Joe Biden Cabinet For 2021 Difficult To Formulate Before The Election Results Are Clear!

Thinking ahead about a suggested Joe Biden Cabinet for 2021, it is difficult to formulate before the election results are clear.

If the Senate goes Democratic massively, to say 53-55 seats, then it might be possible to have one or two US Senators in the Cabinet, but having to take into consideration whether the governor in such states is a Democrat, so that Republicans do not gain a seat by such Senator joining the Biden Cabinet.

The same goes for the US House of Representatives, which hopefully will see a 10 gain seat for the Democrats to about 245-250 seats, and then allow some House members to be Biden Cabinet officers.

Of course, there are former members in the Cabinet or sub Cabinet from the Presidencies of Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who might be factored in to possible Cabinet posts under Joe Biden, with one example being former National Security Adviser Susan Rice in the Obama Administration.

So trying to formulate a list is difficult, and much of it may be too speculative and or unrealistic at this time.

So just a few suggestions of who might be selected to be part of the Biden Cabinet or other top aides and advisers. besides Susan Rice mentioned above.

It would seem likely at least one Republican would be put into the Biden Cabinet, as is customary, and it would seem to me that the most appropriate would be former Ohio Governor and former Congressman John Kasich.

Also possible is former Pennsylvania Congressman Charlie Dent or former Arizona Senator Jeff Flake.

At the same time, some former Democratic contenders in the Presidential Primaries of 2020 would seem fit to put into the Cabinet, including possibly the following:

Former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang

Former San Antonio Mayor and Secretary of Housing And Urban Development Julian Castro

Former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke

Notice just from this list the wide diversity of just this short list of potential candidate for the Biden Cabinet—African American female; former Republican Governor, Congressman, and Senator; former Mayors; former Obama Cabinet member; a gay male former Mayor Presidential candidate; and a Latino and Asian contender for President