John Adams-Thomas Jefferson

Jimmy Carter-Walter Mondale: The Most Intimate Team In White House History!

Presidents and Vice Presidents often are an awkward pair, with the Vice President chosen for electoral and regional reasons, not because of friendship or familiarity before the Presidential term.

Most Vice Presidents are ignored by the Presidents they are serving, and some have even, actively, worked against the President’s interests.

Most Vice Presidents, historically, have not been even considered as possible successors.

Often, the connection between Presidents and Vice Presidents are considered like a “shotgun marriage”!

Examples of awkward combinations are Thomas Jefferson under John Adams; Aaron Burr under Thomas Jefferson; John C. Calhoun under both John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson; Charles Fairbanks under Thedodore Roosevelt; Thomas Marshall under Woodrow Wilson; Charles G. Dawes under Calvin Coolidge; John Nance Garner under Franklin D. Roosevelt; Lyndon B. Johnson under John F. Kennedy; Hubert Humphrey under Lyndon B. Johnson; Spiro Agnew under Richard Nixon; Dan Quayle under George H W Bush; and Mike Pence under Donald Trump.

The greatest and most intimate team was Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale, and their partnership lasted 45 plus years until Mondale died in April 2021. Carter made Mondale as close to a co-President as could be possible, as Mondale was in on every decision, and the two men and their wives were very close in office and for the 40 plus years of retirement together.

No other combinaton comes close, although Joe Biden under Barack Obama would rank second in closeness and intimacy.

Until the revelation of the personal scandals under Bill Clinton, Al Gore was also very close and intimate, but the Monica Lewinsky scandal created a barrier for the remainder of Clinton’s second term, causing Gore not to utilize Clinton in the 2000 Presidential race, a major factor in Gore’s defeat, despite winning the national popular vote over George W. Bush.

The extent of the closeness and intimacy of Kamala Harris with Joe Biden is not yet fully understood.

If Kamala Harris Wins Presidency, She Would Be 16th Vice President To Become President!

If Vice President Kamala Harris wins the Presidency in November 2024, she would become the 16th Vice President to succeed to the Presidency.

There have been 49 Vice Presidents, so only about 30 percent have made it to the White House.

Four, before Harris, have made it by election (Adams, Jefferson, Van Buren, H W Bush); eight by death of the President; one by resignation (Ford); and two winning the Presidency later than the next term (Nixon and Biden)

The list includes:

John Adams after George Washington 1797–Election
Thomas Jefferson after John Adams 1801–Election
Martin Van Buren after Andrew Jackson 1837–Election
John Tyler after William Henry Harrison 1841–Death
Millard Fillmore after Zachary Taylor 1850–Death
Andrew Johnson after Abraham Lincoln 1865–Death
Chester Alan Arthur after James Garfield 1881–Death
Theodore Roosevelt after William McKinley 1901–Death
Calvin Coolidge after Warren G. Harding 1923–Death
Harry Truman after Franklin D. Roosevelt 1945–Death
Lyndon B. Johnson after John F. Kennedy 1963–Death
Richard Nixon 8 years after Dwight D. Eisenhower 1969
Gerald Ford after Richard Nixon 1974–Resignation
George H. W. Bush after Ronald Reagan 1989–Election
Joe Biden 4 years after Barack Obama 2021