Judicial System

Republicans In Congress Plan Wrecking Ball On Democrats, Presaging Civil War!

The Republican Party at large, in both the House of Representatives and Senate, are planning a “wrecking ball”, open revenge on Democrats, due to the felony conviction of Donald Trump.

The Republican Party is declaring war on civility, and advocating open insurrection against the Constitution, the judicial system, and the rule of law, and this is being led by Speaker of the House Mike Johnson and the multitude of MAGA Republicans.

In so doing, unstable American right wing extremists are being incited to rise up in rebellion, with the potential for mass bloodshed and violence throughout the nation.

The likelihood of a new wave of assassinations of public leaders, as occurred in the 1960s, but on a much greater scale, is becoming a reality, as we commemorate today the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968, two months after the murder of Martin Luther King Jr. in April 1968.

This level of threat is a clarion call that could make for a level of violence reminiscent of the pre Civil War period in the 1850s.

This is no laughing matter, as the breakdown of law and order would also endanger America’s position in a world with major threats from Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.

Mind Boggling That Convicted Felon Is Allowed To Run For President!

Only a few days since the felony conviction of Donald Trump, it is mind boggling that a convicted felon is allowed to run for President, and is gaining the support of over 90 percent of Republican officeholders, who are attacking the judicial system and the rule of law.

It is also mind boggling that members of the Supreme Court are willing to undermine American democracy and their own reputations in service of a man who has made clear that he wants to destroy the US Constitution, American democracy, and to seek retribution on his enemies, and declare a dictatorship on Day One and beyond.

It is also beyond understanding why the judge, prosecutor, jury and witnesses in the Donald Trump trial are facing constant threats to their personal security and that of their family members, and yet no condemnation by Republicans to this threat to public order.

The American nation also has allies in NATO and other friendly nations around the world who are truly alarmed at the prospect of a second Donald Trump Presidency, and have told Joe Biden that he must insure that Trump, a menace to the world, is not permitted to retake power.

The concept that Donald Trump still keeps millions of supporters makes one wonder what is wrong with the mental health of the American people.

How could any decent person who is Jewish, African American, Latino American, Asian American, and any person who professes to true Christian faith be able to overlook the record of destruction and hatred of Donald Trump, and vote for authoritarian Fascism just before the 250th anniversary of the American Republic?

The Growing Militarization And Right Wing Nature Of The Nation’s Law Enforcement Network A Danger To Democracy In America!

There is growing evidence of the militarization and right wing nature of the nation’s law enforcement network, a true danger to democracy!

We see more police officers breaking the law in the handling of suspects and the general public, including easy willingness to shoot and kill, rather than less aggressive tactics, particularly with African American and Latino young men.

We see law enforcement being uncovered as secret members of the Ku Klux Klan and other domestic terrorist and right wing militia groups, and preaching racism and hatred in many forms.

We see hints, strong hints, that members of the Secret Service are, in some cases, unfit for duty, as they harbor deep resentment against our first African American President, Barack Obama, and his family, and being less than zealous in their handling of his security, in a way not seen to such an extent for earlier Presidents.

The feeling is growing, that the American public can no longer feel relaxed with their local police, as there are many signs of aggressiveness, abusive language, and the wielding of power by law enforcement who have too much military style hardware and weapons, as in Ferguson, Missouri, way more than is needed in almost all situations.

The concept that the law enforcement authorities are out to protect us has become one of rather of some of them lacking proper training in sociology and psychology, and getting a power and ego trip by their ability to threaten us or mistreat us with impunity.

This is a feeling that some would say reminds historians of the concept of storm troopers and secret police in Fascist, Nazi, and Communist dictatorships, far from the concept of equal justice and fairness that is the benchmark of the American legal and judicial system over the history of our nation, and a warning sign for the future, to be alert and aware of possible abuses!