Karl Rove

The Collapse of Rick Perry: The Disastrous Performance Which Improves The Image Of George W. Bush!

Texas Governor Rick Perry started off his Presidential campaign with a roar, surging ahead of Mitt Romney in September with 23 percent, and in some polls even more that that.

By mid October, after disastrous debate performances, he fell to 12 percent, and now, after the rude, nasty, aggressive attacks on Mitt Romney at the Nevada debate last week, he has totally tanked to fifth place, with only 6 percent support, in the New York Times-CBS News Poll.

Herman Cain, the “flavor of the month”, is ahead with 25 percent, with Romney second at 21 percent, followed by Newt Gingrich with 10 percent, Ron Paul with 8 percent, and Rick Perry at 6 percent.

And now he has proposed a new tax plan which would make the rich even richer, and hurt the middle class and the poor. And he has embraced the “Birther” myth about Barack Obama, which has been revived by Donald Trump yet again. Perry has also come across as insensitive, divisive, controversial, and personally obnoxious competitor in so many ways, with his personality and viewpoints undermining his candidacy the more one examines him!

Perry is seen by many as a total disaster, and this has led to condemnations by many Republicans, who realize Perry is worse than George W. Bush ever was, and it is clear that the Bush family and its supporters, including brother Jeb Bush, the former Governor of Florida, and Karl Rove, the “Bush Brain” advisor, are working very hard behind the scenes to derail Rick Perry.

Perry, due to his large campaign chest, is going to be part of the race for a long time, but he is an embarrassment to many in the party who see a total calamity ahead!

“Bush Brain” Karl Rove Alarmed At Disintegration Of Republican Party Represented By Candidacies Of Rick Perry And Herman Cain

Karl Rove, known as the “Bush Brain’, the man who was able to succeed in electing George W. Bush President twice, is alarmed at what he sees as the coming disintegration of the Republican Party.

Rove has denounced Rick Perry and Donald Trump for reviving the “Birther” conspiracy theory about Barack Obama’s birth certificate, and denial that he was born in the United States. He is also alarmed at the ignorance and rhetoric of Herman Cain, who he considers totally unprepared to be President.

Without saying so specifically, it is clear that Rove prefers Mitt Romney as the nominee, particularly since Jon Huntsman so far has not shown any ability to gain support in the polls. Rove is worried that the Republican Party could self destruct in congressional races, due to the image of the party being crazy, looney, and conspiratorial in nature.

And to top it off, conservative talk show hosts and spokesmen, including Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, have bad mouthed Mitt Romney’s credentials, which along with “Birthers” and Tea Party activists, is a tremendous burden for those, such as Rove, who wish to keep the GOP in the hands of mainstream, rational leadership.

All this is great news for President Obama, as the opposition party tears itself apart.

George W. Bush To Rick Perry: The Potential Further Deterioration Of The American Presidency In The Election Of 2012!

Much has been written about the faults and shortcomings of the George W. Bush Presidency, but we are now faced with another Texas Governor who could, if elected, make us wish for the “good old days” of Bush 43, and certainly for the “very good old days” of Bush 41, and even to wish for a “Bush 45 (Jeb Bush)”!

The Bush family and their supporters are clearly vigorously opposed to a President Rick Perry. Jeb Bush has been indirectly critical of the GOP Presidential field, saying instead of just attacking President Obama, real alternatives to his policies are needed, a swipe at Rick Perry. His son, Jeb Bush, Jr. has formally endorsed Jon Huntsman, and Huntsman met with the elder President Bush at his home in Kennebunkport, Maine, before entering the race. Bad blood has existed between the second President Bush and Perry, who was his Lieutenant Governor and succeeded him when Bush became President in 2001. Karl Rove, adviser to the second Bush, has been vehemently against Perry, as he and the Bush family were when Perry ran in the 2010 GOP primary for another term against Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.

George W. Bush promoted “compassionate conservatism”, and while that is often ridiculed, in fact, for all its faults, Bush’s administration DID promote a prescription drug plan for seniors, although it was not funded by taxes and has added to the national debt. Bush also was not, and his family are not, supporters of the Tea Party movement, which in many ways, are a reaction against steps taken by Bush in the economic crisis of 2008–2009.

Now we have Rick Perry, who has threatened Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve Board, an appointee of Bush. He has had the gall to say Barack Obama does not love America, even though Obama’s record of going after terrorists successfully far outdoes the eight years of Bush and Dick Cheney. Perry has also attacked Social Security, calling it a Ponzi scheme, and is trying to stir younger Americans to rise up against paying the Social Security tax, which effect would be to bring the whole system down and deny senior citizens the safety net that has worked well for 75 years, and is in good shape, even without any modification, for 25 more years, and with some tinkering, will be just fine for the long run!

Under Perry, the number of poor Texans, growth in minimum wage jobs, decline of educational funds and standards, and percentages of people with no health care coverage, has magnified, while under Bush, many of the statistics showed much more positive results. And one cannot just say that the Great Recession beginning in 2008 caused these downturns, as they were occurring all along during the past ten and a half years of Perry’s Governorship!

Perry has also had more people executed, including those on which there was doubt, than under Bush, and he is proud of this, as if that is an accomplishment! And the people around Perry make Bush’s “people” look brilliant by comparison!

The only virtue Perry would bring to the White House would be to make us “appreciate” George W. Bush for the first time, as the further deterioration of the Presidency would be in full swing!

Karl Rove’s Warning To The Republicans: The Bushes Speaking Out Against Rick Perry!

Karl Rove, the mastermind behind the election successes of George W. Bush, has issued a warning against the right wing extremism emerging in the Republican Party. The danger, he warns, is that the party will be seen as extremist, and lose the opportunity to win the White House away from Barack Obama.

What does this warning really indicate? It is that the Bush Family, father George Number 41 , as well as son George Number 43, and likely Jeb Bush and everyone else in the extended family, is terrified at Rick Perry, and to a lesser extent, Michele Bachmann, as being destructive of party success!

Already, Jeb Bush, Jr, second son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, has announced his support of Jon Huntsman, a minor issue, but a sign of the concern within the Bush family and among Establishment Republicans at the threat of Tea Party activists destroying the party for 2012!

It is not outside the realm of possibility that Jeb Bush MIGHT enter the race, if it seems that Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman cannot stop Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann, in order to save the party’s future.

So behind the scenes, much is going on that we will be learning about over time, depending on events!

The Crisis Within The Republican Party For 2012!

The Republican Party, once a proud party, is in total disarray, as all the attention is grabbed by what many call the “joke” candidates who have no chance to win, and yet are promoting a terrible image for the party, so much so, that the American people are totally unimpressed!

And yet, there is growing discontent with President Obama, due to the budget crisis, the stubbornly high unemployment, and the soaring gasoline prices, but there is no valid alternative!

At this point, there could be a landslide effect toward Obama, similar to what was the situation when Lyndon Johnson walloped Senator Barry Goldwater in the 1964 election, and in fact, no candidate gains 20 percent support in the latest polls, similar to what Goldwater had 47 years ago!

The control of religious conservatives and Tea Party activists are entrapping all reasonable, rational thought, and holding hostage any realistic, mainstream candidates from emerging!

Face the facts! The following so called “candidates” are disasters in the making in any order: Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Herman Cain, Gary Johnson, Haley Barbour, and any others who come out of the woodwork to claim they wish to run!

The “birther” issue and the race issue and the gay issue have destroyed all of the above from serious consideration by anyone with intelligence!

The only “serious” candidates, but lacking excitement for now, are Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Jon Huntsman, and really stretching it, Mitch Daniels and Jeb Bush, who have evinced no interest in running, but would have to be seen as serious and viable were they to announce for President!

Any “bully” Governor, such as Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rick Scott, Rick Snyder, or John Kasich, would be counterproductive, as all of them have caused great opposition and controversy!

It is time for Republican leaders to follow former George W. Bush advisor Karl Rove and do everything they can to derail all the loonies, and promote Romney, Pawlenty, Huntsman, Daniels or Bush as the ONLY viable candidates out of a sad group of people who betray the Republican heritage since 1854–the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and yes, even Ronald Reagan!

Karl Rove And The “Birthers”: Civil War Developing In Republican Party!

Karl Rove, the mastermind behind George W. Bush, much maligned and denounced by many, at least has some common sense, and has come out swinging against the loonies in his party, who continue to support the “Birther” argument that Barack Obama was not born in America!

A strong attack by Rove against Donald Trump, and by implication against Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann and others in the party who continue the reckless argument that only promotes disrespect and conspiracy theories, at a time when this nation has so many problems and issues, is a strong sign that the GOP is about to implode!

Again, only two major candidates totally repudiate the “Birther” argument convincingly–Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty, and that is why if the party has any sense, it will nominate one or the other next year for the GOP nomination, with Romney still having the upper hand at this point, but with Pawlenty or Jon Huntsman as “dark horses” who might suddenly surge!

Unfortunately, as Rove well realizes, the GOP is becoming the laughing stock of serious minded people with its irresponsible candidates, who seem to focus on nothing else except citizenship, rather than the important domestic and foreign policy issues!

What is becoming more apparent is that the Republican Party MUST declare a break with the Tea Party Movement loonies, both on economic and social issues, and liberate themselves to return to be re-established as a main stream party, as it used to be until 1980!

If not, if the Tea Party Movement takes over, the Republican Party will become part of the dustbin of history!

A Move Toward A Centrist Political Party, Called “No Labels”, And The Role Of Michael Bloomberg And Joe Scarborough!

At Columbia University in New York City, on December 13, a centrist group is going to form a “No Labels” centrist movement to promote civility in American politics.

Among those who will engage in this new movement are the following: Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City; former Republican Florida Congressman Joe Scarborough, MSNBC talk show host of “Morning Joe”; retiring Democratic Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana; Independent Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut; Democratic Senator Debby Stabenow of Michigan; former Republican Congressman Tom Davis of Virginia; Republican Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut;  Democratic Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa of Los Angeles; and former Republican Governor Christie Todd Whitman of New Jersey, among others!

The group is against hyper partisanship, and promotes civility, calm, reason, and cooperation. Prominent fundraisers are involved in the new movement, and the hope is to form chapters in all 50 states.

There is growing speculation that Mayor Bloomberg might run as an independent for President, and some even speculate that Joe Scarborough might seek the Presidency or run with Bloomberg for Vice President on an independent party ticket, although the “No Labels” group claims that is not the purpose of the organization being formed!

One thing for sure: Joe Scarborough has begun a full scale attack on the incompetence and inadequacy of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a possible candidate for the Presidency by the Republican Party, joining many others who feel the same way, including not only Barbara Bush and Karl Rove, but also conservative columnists Mona Charen, David Frum, and Peggy Noonan.

Certainly, if Bloomberg were to run, being the wealthiest political figure in the nation, with billions of dollars in assets, he could fund his own campaign, but the question is could he win over the country with his overly liberal views on social issues, and being a New York Jew! In an early poll, it shows he would only win about eleven percent of the vote, but in a dry run with President Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney, Obama would be the beneficiary, as Bloomberg would hurt Romney more than he would hurt Obama!

The Potential Candidacy Of Sarah Palin: Ignorance And Mediocrity Personified! :(

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has told Barbara Walters that she is seriously considering a Presidential run! 🙁

Sarah Palin is seriously delusional to believe she has the talents, abilities, knowledge, and insights required to be a President in the 21st century! 🙁

It might have been alright to have mediocrity in the White House in the 19th century, and even the early 20th century, but since the time of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the years of the Great Depression, and the constantly complex world we live in since World War II and the Cold War, it is no longer conceivable to have a President who is not only mediocre, but ignorant!

Sarah Palin does not have a clue as to the complexities of the modern world! She knows absolutely nothing about foreign affairs or domestic affairs! She is a very ordinary, mediocre, ignorant American, which is fine, as everyone cannot be intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable!

It is perfectly alright to be an average American or average human being, but the Presidency demands much more than that!

Would we want just anyone to be a surgeon, an attorney, a college professor, an engineer, an accountant, or a dentist? The answer is NO, as we want the best in these professions!

Well, being President of the United States also requires that we get the best, at least someone who is educated, intelligent, and knows or has the interest in knowing what candidates for the Presidency need to be aware of–public affairs, economics, foreign policy–and has compassion for the less fortunate among us, not only those who have power and wealth, often by ill gotten methods!

It is not just the so called “liberal elite” who think that Sarah Palin’s potential candidacy for President is a mockery!

It includes Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski, who pointed out that Palin has no great interest in governing, as she quit the Governorship of Alaska after only a little more than half her term, and also lacks intellectual curiosity!

It also includes former Bush adviser Karl Rove, who said hosting a Learning Channel reality series does not make people think that Sarah is qualified for President!

Former First Lady Barbara Bush told Larry King this weekend that Sarah Palin is a beautiful lady who likes living in Alaska, and should stay there! 🙂

Sarah’s potential opponents have remained silent in public, but it is clear that they are appalled at her thought of running, as they know she will be a difficult candidate to handle, being backed by the ignorant masses that love the Tea Party movement! They see her as a danger to the Republican Party future, and as a total disaster were she to run against Barack Obama! But they also recognize it will be hard to campaign against her in the primaries and caucuses, and that she could win the Iowa caucuses and South Carolina primary in 2012, and therefore have “momentum”, making her hard to stop!

There is no doubt that Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Haley Barbour, and all other potential nominees see her as a “nightmare”, but realize she is an imposing presence that they will have to, somehow, deal with if she decides to run!

The point is that all of the potential candidates, no matter how objectionable they might be to many observers, all have credentials, experience and intelligence to be potential Presidents of the United States!

Sarah Palin does NOT have these credentials, and she would do a lot of good for the country if she were to realize that she is hallucinating, as she is NOT qualified to be President of the United States. and her triumph would be a serious blow to American prestige and security in the world, and a sign that the American nation has been “dumbed down” to the most common denominator–the ignorant masses who pride themselves on NOT knowing public affairs, and have no clue as to what is good for this nation’s future! 🙁

The Republican Civil War Begins Before The Expected Victory In Midterm Elections!

Imagine this: The Republicans are expected to gain a great increase in seats in tomorrow’s election, if one goes by polls and most prognosticators, but in the midst of what might be an historic landslide, the party is starting to splinter already!

An article in Politico indicates that “establishment” Republicans are terrified at the thought of Sarah Palin running for President in 2012, as they consider her unqualified, and that her nomination would lead to easy victory for President Obama in 2012!

Among these “establishment” Republicans, supposedly, are Karl Rove, Ed Gillespie, Tim Pawlenty, and Mitt Romney, with the latter two likely to announce for President soon, and not wishing to have to deal with Sarah Palin!

But she sounded very combative and dismissive of the news report, and made it clear that she would not allow herself to be stopped in her plans, and was willing to “sacrifice” for the nation’s future, a comment that was sure to have these Republicans above, and others, to “roll their eyes”!

The big question is whether Senator John McCain, who made her what she is, would be willing at some point to repudiate his own created “monster”!

In any case, the fight for the GOP nomination for President has begun before it has begun! LOL 🙂

Christine O’Donnell: Questions About Her Competency, Integrity, And Motivations! :(

Delaware GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell is a new Tea Party favorite, but one who makes you wonder about the competence, integrity and motivations of this right wing Republican associated movement! 🙁

Questions have been raised about her competence, including the fact that she has lied about being a college graduate, which she only became this year after finishing one more course and paying much belated fees and bills due to Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey from the 1980s!

Also, O’Donnell has not held a paying job for years, and seems to have used campaign funds to pay her personal expenses, including rent and credit card bills! And she has alienated campaign staff who have not been paid for their services in past campaigns for the Senate! 🙁

O’Donnell also has in the past promoted a very narrow minded view of sexuality, including arguing against any sexual activity outside of marriage, including masturbation, and yet lives with a boyfriend, and seems unlikely now to be practicing celibacy, which she pushed as a religious issue in the 1990s!

She claims to be an expert on the Constitution, but has never written or expressed orally any specific knowledge of government issues, and just seems to be a professional office seeker, with three attempts for a Senate seat, but with no actual credentials! 🙁

This woman is extremely attractive, but comes across as not very bright or knowledgeable, in many ways a clone of Sarah Palin!

The Delaware Republican Party repudiated her before she defeated Congressman and former Governor Mike Castle in the primary by a small margin of votes, and Castle will not endorse her as he states that she has lied consistently, which indeed seems to be totally true, including claiming that she had won two counties in Delaware against Joe Biden in 2008, when she won none of the three counties in the small state! 🙁

Karl Rove, former adviser to George W. Bush, may be switching gears under pressure to back O’Donnell, after criticism of his strong stand against her competency, integrity and motivations, but the fact he has switched views does not take away from his earlier views, which seemed indeed legitimate!

Karl Rove may be objectionable in many ways, but he truly knows politics and candidates backwards and forwards, and his initially strong doubts about O’Donnell have to be seen for what they were! CHRISTINE O’DONNELL IS NOT QUALIFIED TO REPRESENT DELAWARE IN THE US SENATE! 🙁