Libertarian Party

300 Days To The Presidential Election: “Hell” Ahead For Mitt Romney!

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney may have won the New Hampshire Primary decisively, but that does not mean that he is going to sail to the GOP Presidential nomination anytime soon.

Witness the following facts:

1. Ron Paul ended up a strong second, and will be a problem for Romney all the way to the Republican convention in late August, and possibly beyond, as he may very well run on the Libertarian Party line, drawing together those who want a radical cutback in the federal government and withdrawal of military forces from overseas engagements.

2. Jon Huntsman ended up a strong third in the primary, and is now emboldened to go after Romney, with the possibility of gaining those who do not like Romney personally, and his flip flop reputation, and want an alternative who can appeal to Independents, moderates, and unhappy Democrats.

3. Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry will continue to challenge Romney as a phony conservative, and sustain their attack on his connections to Bain Capital.

4. Rick Santorum will continue to work to gain the social conservative vote, making him a real threat on those issues.

5. The Tea Party Movement, particularly in South Carolina at the moment, will not accept Romney, and want a true alternative to a man they consider a moderate, not a conservative.

6. Romney will have lots of ammunition employed against him by the Barack Obama campaign, utilizing Romney’s actions and statements, often contradictory in nature, and portraying him as not able to relate to the poor or middle class, due to his extreme level of personal wealth.

So Mitt Romney faces a series of major challenges that might impede his road to the White House!

With Ron Paul Having His “Surge” In Iowa, The Investigation Of His Record Begins!

Texas Congressman Ron Paul has been very appealing to libertarians, and was in fact the Presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party in 1988.

Having run as a Republican for President in 2008, the only repeat candidate along with Mitt Romney, Paul is presently first in some Iowa public opinion polls as the Iowa Caucuses of January 3 get closer.

So Paul is having a “surge”, as earlier Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich have had. Only Rick Santorum and Jon Huntsman have not had a “surge’ as the search for the non Romney candidate continues.

So now that Ron Paul is being paid more attention, let us look at the facts about a man who has been around a long time, and has taken positions on all kinds of issues, meaning at least some will be seen in a positive light, depending on the person looking at Paul’s record. But there is plenty to be disturbed about!

But face the facts: There is no way that Ron Paul can be the GOP Presidential nominee, and if he looked as if he was going to be, there would be such a ganging up on him by the Republican Party, which despite its claims, is NOT a libertarian, isolationist party as Ron Paul basically is.

What is objectionable about Ron Paul, in no special order?

1. Ron Paul has in the past, in a newsletter he now disavows, but was under his name, stated racist, anti Semitic, and anti gay statements. While he is not the only Republican to make racist or anti gay statements, the fact that he said them in a newsletter many years ago makes him even more objectionable, since it is harder to refute.

2. Paul is for taking America out of the United Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and all free trade agreements. He is perceived as an isolationist.

3. He is highly critical of Israel, the only Republican candidate to be so, and yet does not see Iran as a threat for the future with the development of nuclear weapons.

4. Paul is for wiping out most government agencies and their bureaucracies, including Education, Commerce, Homeland Security, Energy, Health and Human Services, and Energy. He also would love to eliminate the Federal Reserve Board. None of this is going to happen, no matter what criticisms there might be of these agencies.

5. Paul promotes letting states decide most matters dealt with by the national government, and thinks climate change is a hoax, and advocates stopping interference with religion’s influence in government, including the teaching of intelligent design over evolution.

6. He is a strong believer in pro-life without exceptions; against any government intervention in the environment; any regulation of guns; and any aspect of affirmative action.

7. Paul opposes any kind of amnesty for illegal aliens, any support of any kind for them, and birthright citizenship for their children born in the United States.

8. Paul believes only in excise or sales taxes, and the wiping out of the income tax, and refuses to support any spending programs that create new debts.

Also, a study by a political science journal, The American Journal of Political Science, came to the conclusion that, overall, Paul has the most conservative voting record of all 3,320 members of Congress from 1937 to 2002!

So the attacks on Ron Paul as outside the mainstream, even of the GOP, is rapidly growing!

The Trump Debate Collapses: What It Means For 2012!

The smack in the face and ego of Donald Trump, as his NewsMax debate has collapsed, with only two out of seven candidates agreeing to participate, is going to reverberate in American politics in 2012.

It can be certain that Trump is furious and humiliated by the series of events, and it is also clear that he will endorse Newt Gingrich after the two way debate with Rick Santorum.

And, assuming that the mainstream conservative wing of the party is able to stop Gingrich from being the nominee, it is certain that Donald Trump will run as an Independent candidate out of pique, and desire for constant attention, and his own extreme narcissism.

Such a move against the Republican Party will only help President Barack Obama, and lead to victories for the Democrats in Congress as well, certainly more than if Trump did not run!

And with Ron Paul likely to run as a Libertarian candidate as well, we are likely to have a four way race, all to the benefit of President Obama!

Ron Paul: The “Secret Weapon” Of Barack Obama In 2012!

Texas Congressman Ron Paul is Barack Obama’s “Secret Weapon” in the Presidential Election of 2012.

Ron Paul is the steady candidate, constantly improving his standing in the public opinion polls nationally, and in Iowa and New Hampshire polls.

He is the burr in everyone’s back, including Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich, and was an annoyance earlier to Rick Perry, critical of his home state governor in GOP debates when Perry was soaring.

He could take away the chance of Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney to win Iowa and New Hampshire, respectively, without himself winning the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary.

He could be the “bridesmaid”, instead of the “bride”. He is like someone’s uncle who is always present to annoy, but not able to take the number one spot.

With his libertarian economic and social viewpoints, and his anti interventionist (some say isolationist) foreign policy, Ron Paul CANNOT win the Republican nomination or win the Presidency, but he can decide, by being the annoyance in the race, who does win the nomination.

And then, it is clear that a repudiated Ron Paul could very well run a third party candidacy, as he did as the Libertarian Party candidate for President way back in 1988. Ron Paul is NOT a typical politician, never has been, but has a very loyal following among his supporters, many of whom are young and fanatical about him. He brings a different image to the race, totally different in so many ways from all of the other Republican candidates for the White House.

If Paul runs on a third party, he has the potential to take 5 to 7 percent of the vote, and be a spoiler for the Republican nominee.

No matter how one looks at it, Barack Obama is the ultimate beneficiary of a Ron Paul second or third place finish in Iowa and New Hampshire, and of an independent candidacy!

Third Party Speculation Multiplying: Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Buddy Roemer, Jon Huntsman, Michael Bloomberg!

It is now eleven months to the Presidential Election Of 2012, and one month to the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire Primary.

We are now facing great dissatisfaction with the Republican candidates for President, and at the same time, unhappiness with President Barack Obama.

So speculation is rampant about THIRD PARTY candidates, and the number of possible candidates keeps on growing!

Donald Trump has hinted that if he is not happy with the GOP nominee, he might run as an Independent!

Texas Congressman Ron Paul, who has been dismissed by many in the party but is still running, has also hinted he might go a third party route, which he actually did for the Libertarian Party in 1988.

Buddy Roemer, former Democratic Governor Of Louisiana and Congressman as well, switched parties, but was not allowed to participate in any Republican debates. Now he suggests he might run as an Independent on the AmericansElect organization line, which wants the people online to choose a President-Vice President team which consists of a Republican and Democrat running together.

Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, also past Ambassador to China, is being promoted to go a third party route by former New Jersey Governor Christie Todd Whitman, who deplores what is happening to the Republican Party, and Huntsman has indicated that he is unwilling to rule out a possible run. Without saying it, Huntsman, running on the AmericansElect party line with a Democrat for Vice President could be a formidable challenger!

And then, there is NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who claims he is not interested, wants to finish out his third term which ends at the close of the first year of the next Presidential term, and yet keeps on popping up in criticism of the party deadlock in Washington, DC, As an Independent with unlimited funds, he could be a formidable challenger, as much as Huntsman, and might be considered by the AmericansElect group online!

So the likelihood of one or more third party or independent runs for President in 2012 is great, but at the end, it will help Barack Obama if it occurs!