
Nikki Haley Backed By Koch Right Wing “Americans For Prosperity”–Makes Her Unacceptable!

“Americans For Prosperity”, the Charles Koch family libertarian right wing powerful network, has endorsed and is financially supporting Nikki Haley as the best alternative to Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024, choosing her over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Haley has sold her soul to an evil group, which had done so much damage for many years, most notably backing the Tea Party Movement that emerged under Barack Obama in 2010.

This evil group has opposed any action on global warming; the Affordable Care Act; labor union rights; assisted in the Republican gaining of the House of Representatives in 2010 and the Senate in 2014; is against raising of the minimum wage and supportive of “right to work” laws which undermine worker rights; against Medicaid expansion; opposes internet neutrality; and promotes loads of “dark money” which allows them to have a deleterious effect on all kinds of other social issues, including attacks on Social Security and Medicare.

Basically, it is the Barry Goldwater 1964 right wing assault on the New Deal and later on the Great Society. The fact that Nikki Haley accepts their support, while certainly is common sense for her, it shows that she has no basic principles, is inconsistent in her outlook, and runs the risk of “being owned” by this extremist right wing group, in an attempt to overcome the advantage of Donald Trump as the Presidential campaign moves forward!

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul Delays Authorizing Military Aid To Ukraine Against Russian War Crimes!

Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul has been a nightmare and embarrassment to the US Senate since he was elected in 2010.

He has followed the so called “Libertarian” mentality that his father, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul, pursued during his years in Congress, a total of 12 terms.

He has been a critic of any federal actions on the COVID 19 Pandemic, and now is holding up much needed military aid of $40 billion to Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian Federation and its horrendous war crimes!

It is clear that Rand Paul has no soul, no ethics, no morality, no decency, no compassion, and he is an embarrassment to the US Senate, one of its worst members!

He sought the Presidency in 2016, and came across as an embarrassment to his home state of Kentucky.

He was elected in the time of the Tea Party Movement, and has always been outrageous in his utterances and actions, including refusal to accept the results of the Presidential Election of 2020, promoting the “Big Lie” that Donald Trump won and Joe Biden lost that election!

He faces reelection in November, and it is hoped that his Democratic opponent, Charles Booker, will be able to defeat him, although the odds are against it!

Rand Paul And Ted Cruz Are The Most Obnoxious Republicans Of All!

In 2016, there were 17 Republicans contending for President.

Many would say that Donald Trump was the most scary of the 17, but I would argue, that despite the horrors that Donald Trump has imposed on the American people, at the time, two other contenders seemed even more terrifying.

And these two scary and despicable candidates are still potentially interested in being President, and would be no better, and possibly worse, than Donald Trump, believe it or not!

I am speaking about Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul!

Cruz and Paul both promote division and hate, and can be seen as totally evil characters, who would undermine American democracy, and promote Fascist ideas, as they already have done so in the Senate.

One wonders how the citizens of Texas and Kentucky do not have the common sense to dump these villainous Senators, who have no concern about common decency, empathy, and compassion.

Both have lied, manipulated, deceived, and have no ethics, scruples, or morals!

Rand Paul is up for election this year, and for the benefit of poor Kentuckians of all faces, needs to be retired, as his libertarian craziness is a total disaster.

He has not stopped causing threats on Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the crazies have threatened Fauci, due to the recklessness of Paul, as outlined today in a Senate hearing by Fauci.

And Ted Cruz, who conspired to overthrow the election of Joe Biden, has degraded himself by kowtowing to Donald Trump, and clearly is afraid of Demagogue Tucker Carlson of Fox News Channel, after having a moment of sanity and stating that January 6 was indeed a terrorist attack and insurrection, before backing off to the evil Carlson, who is provoking a potential civil war!

Right Wing Predictability: Call For Joe Biden Resignation, While Ignoring Threat Of Donald Trump For Five Years!

Not an hour passed after President Joe Biden called for a national vaccination and mask mandate, and the right wing, including Fox News Channel, One America News Network (OANN), Newsmax, and a whole slew of talk show hosts on cable and radio, and many Republicans, have called for his resignation!

Of course, they also want Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats to resign, based on their opposition to any government intervention in the worst health crisis in a century!

So they are libertarians, who believe all fetuses must be born, but have no concern about life of those already born, including children, who are endangered by adults and teenagers who think it is their “religious” right to refuse to consider their public responsibility to all around them, clearly “Pro Life” hypocrisy!

Ironic that those who had no issues with the infuriating moral, ethical, and illegal actions of Donald Trump, and refuse to admit that January 6, 2021 was a violent insurrection, an act of domestic terrorism, are now attacking Joe Biden for having decency, compassion, and empathy. Ultimately, the final responsibility to protect the American people, even if many of them do not appreciate federal government intervention!

Joe Biden is in a fighting mood, and he will NOT be intimidated by people who have no concern other their own selfish interests, instead of what is good and necessary for the American people at large!

Twenty Years Since September 11, And The Terrorists Won! We Have A Divided America Worse Than The 1960s!

It has now been a full generation since September 11, 2001!

Sadly, the terrorists won!

We have a more divided America now than we had in the 1960s!

There is no sense of unity, and one of the two political parties, the Republican Party, is a shell of itself, totally contradicting the heritage of the party, and now a full blown Fascist Party, which has no concern about public health, public safety, or common decency!

It is nearly impossible to accomplish any great goals, as occurred with the “Great Society” in the 1960s, as the Republicans are nihilists, libertarians, who do not care at all about anyone other than themselves. Their wealthy benefactors only care about keeping taxes low, not dealing with the many social and economic problems of a society which is becoming more inequitable every year.

The Supreme Court is the most extreme it has been since the 1920s, and is losing public respect, and there is no sense of humanity, empathy, compassion in the public sphere by close to half of the Congress, only out to promote cruelty and suffering of the masses of Americans.

So the terrorists won. and only the corporations and wealthy have benefited, and this portends future conflict that could escalate the terrible divisions now so evident in America!

Time For “Hard Ball” On Vaccinations And Masks In The Midst Of A Threat To Human Health And Safety!

With the fall term of school beginning, and with many Republican state governors being willing to sacrifice children’s lives on their mantle of “libertarianism”, it is time for the federal government to play “hard ball” on the issue of vaccinations and masks!

The threat to human life and safety is alarming, and it is going to cause a new wave of massive death, as school boards defy dictatorial state governors who are only interested in scoring points on the US Government’s responsibility to insure that America can overcome this COVID-19 Pandemic!

This crazy concept of “freedom” to do whatever the hell you want, and no concern for anyone else, is the downfall of civilization, as we clearly have demagogues exploiting insecurities and stupidity of many Americans!

Any parent against masks is being an abusive parent, who refuses to believe science, when students must be given vaccinations for measles, mumps, rubella and small pox in order to attend public schools!

Already, many naysayers have gotten sick and died, and said before they passed away, that they wish they had used their common sense, rather than believe right wing talk hosts, and corrupt preachers, and Facebook!

The Hall Of Shame: Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy Lead The Pack!

The Republican Party has become a total embarrassment and disgrace, which will scar the memory of great Republicans of past generations.

Republicans are refusing to acknowledge the massive 7 million popular vote win of Joe Biden, as Donald Trump continues to act in an unpatriotic, uncooperative manner, including showing grace in defeat, inviting Joe and Jill Biden to the White House, and cooperating with the transition team on so many important matters, including the COVID 19 Pandemic and the National Security of the United States.

The Hall of Shame includes many, but leading the pack are the following:

Rudy Giuliani, once the much celebrated Mayor of New York City, who has made a fool and mockery of himself in his endless quest to destroy the victory of Joe Biden, and it is clear that Giuliani is seriously demented, mentally ill, and needs to retire from public life, although he also faces the danger of prosecution, that even a Presidential pardon may not totally exonerate him from a potential prison term.

Ted Cruz, who has humiliated by Donald Trump regarding his wife and father, and yet has become a total sycophant, and was willing to argue a case before the Pennsylvania Supreme Court until the Supreme Court yesterday rejected in one sentence any challenge to the results of the Presidential Election of 2020. This blogger and author has always found Cruz to be the most despicable possible would be President, and thought in 2016 that Cruz on paper was more dangerous than Donald Trump, and the recent escapades of Cruz just add to the total disgust felt about this disgrace!

Rand Paul, who also alarmed this blogger when he ran for President in 2016, advocating the preposterous libertarianism of his father, former Congressman Ron Paul, who is now retired, but has a horrid history of antisemitism and racism in his past, and his son, if anything, much worse, in his delusions. This includes his denunciation and regular attacks on Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is the true hero of the present Covid 19 Pandemic. This monster plans again, like Cruz, to seek the Presidency in 2024, and both of them are a cancer on the future of the Republican Party!

Mitch McConnell, who hopefully will NOT be Senate Majority Leader after the Georgia Special Senate Elections Runoff on January 5, as he has been the most destructive Senate Majority Leader in memory, going back to making clear his desire to make Barack Obama a one term President. He also denied Obama the right to the appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court in 2016; refused to have dignity and prevented a Supreme Court replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg with only weeks before the Presidential Election of 2020; and lacks respect for his former colleague, Joe Biden, in refusing even now to acknowledge that Biden will be inaugurated on January 20, 2021.

Kevin McCarthy, the Republican Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, from California, who has been a horrid leader of his party, making former Republican leaders Paul Ryan and John Boehner, look good by comparison, when both were obstructionists, and in the case of Ryan, like McCarthy, total sycophants to the evil of Donald Trump!

The Ten Most Disgraceful United States Senators In The 116th Congress

The United States Senate is a great institution, which has had 1,984 members in its 232 year history since 1789.

It has had its heroes and champions, but also some of the worst demagogues and villains imaginable.

As we come up to the 2020 elections, this is a time to look at who this author and blogger considers to be the ten most disgraceful US Senators in the 116th Congress.

There will be disagreement on any such list, of course, but this author and blogger sees the top ten most disgraceful US Senators to be all Republicans, unconcerned about the COVID 19 Pandemic, the economic collapse in what is fast becoming the Second Great Depression, and the racial injustice that prevails in our society.

So here goes the list, with ranking of the level of evil being attempted below:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky—who has shown complete hypocrisy on the Supreme Court regarding Merrick Garland in 2016 and Amy Coney Barrett in 2020, and is someone who should be defeated for reelection in November, but in Kentucky it is hard to get people to understand the depth of his venality on so many matters and issues. Were he to lose next month, it would be a massive victory of major proportions!

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina—who has a much tougher challenge to reelection, and has gained the enmity of many people who see him as having totally abandoned any sense of ethics or morality regarding President Donald Trump, including allowing his former friendship with the late Senator John McCain to be thrown aside with abandon, since McCain’s passing in 2018.

Senator Ted Cruz of Texas—who this author and blogger thought in 2016 was more dangerous and terrifying than Donald Trump, and who remains a truly evil, dangerous, egocentric threat, and with plans to run for President in 2024.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas—also seen as certain to run for President in 2024, and perceived as particularly dangerous in his views and outlook on just about any major issue that arises.

Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin—who has been an outrage and totally corrupt and manipulative, and makes one wonder why his state chose him twice for the Senate in 2010 and 2016 over their exceptional Senator Russ Feingold.

Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri—who is the youngest Senator at present, having defeated Claire McCaskill in 2018, and with grand ambitions to run for President in 2024, with a very hard Right set of values that makes him totally terrifying to any sane person!

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky— who is a fake libertarian and total phony, but seems likely to run for President again in 2024, and one wonders why anyone would go to this privately licensed eye doctor, who is not accredited by national organizations which he has repudiated, and who expresses the weirdest ideas imaginable, not impressing anyone who has intelligence!

Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma—who is running for reelection at age 86, and rejects science and climate change, and if he survives, would be one of just a few who would be in office in their 90s, a horrific thought! Oklahoma can do better than this, but unlikely Inhofe will lose next month, sadly!

Senator Rick Scott of Florida—-a felon who got away with Medicare and Medicaid fraud, and was elected twice as Governor and now to the Senate by less than one percent of the vote each time, and who did great harm in the Sunshine State when Governor, and is often called “Lord Voldemort” of the Harry Potter series, as Scott resembles him in appearance, but without the smashed nose, lol!

Senator Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee—the only woman in the group, but with a long held reputation as an extremely nasty, mean spirited Congresswoman, who sadly was elected to succeed Bob Corker, who was a reasonable conservative Republican and Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman, who turned against Donald Trump, and retired in 2018.

I welcome commentary and viewpoints on this list!

Alternate Reality, Improper Use Of Government Sites, And Violation Of Hatch Act: Highlights Of Second Night Of Republican National Convention

The second night of the Republican National Convention was a time of alternate reality;

acting as if the CoronaVirus Pandemic is over when it is not (as expressed by Larry Kudlow);

having First Lady Melania Trump condemn hate and division on social media, while her husband has done so non stop on Twitter for his entire Presidency;

having Pam Bondi, former Florida Attorney General, use the Ukraine scandal that led to the impeachment of Donald Trump as a gimmick to attack Joe Biden and his family with conspiracy theories about Hunter Biden, when the Trump children have been involved in corrupt activities all along;

and libertarian Rand Paul forgetting his condemnation of Donald Trump in 2016, and suddenly seeing Trump as someone to admire in 2020.

We also saw Donald Trump holding a citizenship ceremony for five immigrants at the White House, an improper use of a government building to try to convince Americans that he is open minded on immigration, while his record is the most horrific in American history, bar none!

He is trying to make the nation forget his separation of children from their parents at the border, and putting them in cages, which will harm them psychologically for the rest of their lives, and with some never reunited with their parents!

We also saw Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Jerusalem giving a speech to attract evangelical Christians and Jews, violating the Hatch Act, which bans government officials from making political speeches in foreign nations for purposes of political manipulation.

There is no such thing as a utterance or action of Donald Trump and his minions that will not lower the standard of decency, that will not undermine respect for the Constitution and the rule of law!

It is all designed just to win enough support to have a second term, where the President will be unleashed to wreak yet further havoc on America. The thought that it might occur is enough to cause one to wonder how the nation will ever revive from the establishment of a Fascist authoritarian government!

Donald Trump is a threat to American values and history, and we have to hope that the American people will repudiate this threat, as otherwise, the destruction of the America that has survived 231 years under the Constitution, and 244 years since the Declaration of Independence, is in dire peril!

Kentucky Has The Two Worst Senators Of Any State!

These days, there are so many Republican Senators who are totally disgraceful, despicable, horrendous, lacking in empathy, humanity, and common decency!

But although many are in this category, it is clear that the worst combination of any state goes to Kentucky, a very poor state, with many poor people, and more who are white than minority, and two Senators who do not give a damn about their own constituents!

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul share the prize for the most monstrous combination, and it is hoped that McConnell might be defeated in November, at age 77 and 36 years in the Senate!

And if that happens, it would be time to prosecute McConnell for his corrupt actions, and that of his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, as there has been a conflict of interest that McConnell’s wife has been allowed to serve in the Trump Cabinet!

It is outrageous that McConnell is unwilling to offer support for state aid to such states as New York, California, and Illinois, when those states supply a lot of financial aid to Kentucky annually!

And Rand Paul has been a total nightmare, as his libertarianism bent harms his population! Paul even questions the science and medical knowledge of Dr. Anthony Fauci!

It is impossible to explain why Kentuckians do not get the message and vote them out of office, as they clearly do not give a damn about the people of their state!