Lindsey Graham South Carolina

Passing Of Russian Critic Alexei Navalny Should Lead To Widespread Condemnation Of Trump And Maga Republican Support Of Putin, And Expanded Aid To Ukraine!

The tragic death of Russian critic Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony, another indication of the brutality of the Russian government under Vladimir Putin, is a clarion call for Putin supporters in the Republican Party (Donald Trump and most Republicans in Congress, and hangers on who are MAGA supporters) to be held accountable in speeches and debates over the next nine months!

The idea that Donald Trump and his crazy minions, who bow to him, can back and support such a monster as Putin, needs to be a top issue constantly over the coming months!

ANY decent person should be outraged, and ready to hold Trump and his seditionists and traitors accountable in every way and means possible!

Notice that neither Donald Trump nor any of his seditionist, treasonous Republicans have condemned the death of Navalny, and in particular, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is a disgrace to his state! This moron football coach defeated the best Alabama Senator in Doug Jones in 2020, a crime against common decency!

But where is Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and all of those who in the past believed in a hard line against Putin and Russia, including the now two year old war against Ukraine?

Now than ever before, more military aid to Ukraine is urgent, as they are the first line of defense for NATO!

Nikki Haley Emerges As Only Possible Alternative To Donald Trump

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley has emerged as the only possible alternative to Donald Trump for the Republican Presidential nomination in 2024.

But the question is whether, even with growing business support, Haley can manage to overcome Trump in the upcoming Presidential caucus in Iowa and the Presidential primaries in New Hampshire, Nevada, and most significantly, her home state of South Carolina.

The decision of fellow South Carolinian, Senator Tim Scott, to drop out of the race certainly helps Haley’s bid, but leading South Carolina Republican figures, including Governor Henry McMaster and Senator Lindsey Graham, have endorsed Trump.

Also, can a woman of South Asian ancestry from India overcome those barriers?

The next few months will answer these questions!

Only One Republican Senator And Many Republican Governors In Presidential Race Of 2024!

With the Presidential Election campaign beginning with the announcement of numerous Republicans having declared their candidacy or about to announce, an odd point to make is that ONLY one Republican Senator, Tim Scott of South Carolina, has announced his candidacy, and it is highly unlikely any other Republican Senators will join the fray.

Instead, the bulk of candidates are those who have served as Governors in the past or the present.

This includes Ron DeSantis (Florida), Nikki Haley (South Carolina), Mike Pence (Indiana), Asa Hutchinson (Arkansas), Doug Burgum (North Dakota), Kristi Noem (South Dakota), Chris Christie (New Jersey), Chris Sununu (New Hampshire), Glenn Youngkin (Virginia), and Greg Abbott (Texas).

In 2016, the following US Senators ran for the Republican Presidential nomination: Ted Cruz (Texas), Marco Rubio (Florida), Rand Paul (Kentucky), Rick Santorum (Pennsylvania), and Lindsey Graham (South Carolina). All except Santorum are still in the Senate, but not choosing to run this cycle!

There are also other Republican Senators rumored to have Presidential ambitions, including Rick Scott (Florida), Josh Hawley (Missouri), and Tom Cotton (Arkansas), but they have chosen to stay out of the race.