Louie Gohmert

Educators Should NOT Be Responsible For Security, Or To Carry Guns!

As an educator, it is clear to this author that it is totally insane to expect or suggest that educators, whether teachers or administrators, should have as part of their responsibility, to carry guns, and be ready to use them against someone who is violent in a school situation!

Educators are not paid enough, and are mistreated and disrespected enough as it is, and particularly in Republican controlled states, and now they should become security guards as well?

Many educators would object to the concept that students would be aware that they have deadly weapons on their person or nearby, as that is NOT the proper educational environment, whether elementary school, middle school, high school or a college or university!

Education is designed to reach reason, humanity, thoughtfulness, consideration of the value of human life, It is not designed to act as police officers or military personnel. And many teachers and administrators might over react in a crisis, and lead to the death of more people as a result, including themselves!

Under no circumstances would I ever consider learning about guns, as I have no desire to do so, and no educator should be expected to do so!

Hire uniformed police officers, full time, and military veterans as well, as long as they have been fully investigated as to whether they might have psychological problems, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from combat!

The job of educators is to educate, not be a crime fighting force!

So Texas Congressman, Republican Louie Gohmert, himself a certifiable whacko lunatic, should be totally dismissed as reckless and dangerous, with his ridiculous suggestion of the arming of educators!

Those Against “Reasonable” Gun Control Laws Are Promoting Anarchy And Lawlessness, Undermining Police And Law Enforcement Agencies!

With the horrific events in Aurora, Colorado, on Friday, the Movie Multiplex Massacre conducted by James Holmes, we are seeing conservatives, Republicans, and the National Rifle Association ready to fight to prevent even “reasonable” gun control laws.

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, elected with the help of the Tea Party in 2010 over the great progressive Russ Feingold, came out swinging against any gun control legislation, using the same crazy viewpoint of Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert that if others in the audience had possessed guns, they could have stopped the gunman, fully misunderstanding that several people using guns would have likely led to far greater casualties, as no one would know who was the perpetrator, and who was trying to stop him!

Johnson, on Fox News Channel, saying this ridiculous comment, was contradicted by Senator Diane Feinstein of California, who knows the horrors of guns, witnessing the assassination of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk in 1978.

As Feinstein asserted, there is ABSOLUTELY no reason for ANYONE other than the military and police forces to have access to assault rifles, and magazines of large numbers of ammunition. Handguns and hunting rifles for specific purposes, after a total background check are reasonable, but not AK 47s or other types of rapidly firing machine guns that can kill large numbers of people, as this massacre was conducted two days ago.

This is a struggle that needs to be fought against the unreasonableness of the National Rifle Association, and those Republicans, and even Democrats, who seem to have the belief that we are fighting the Indians on the frontier, or are fighting the Crusades in the Middle East in the medieval period.

A civilized society MUST put controls on guns that are unnecessary, and that only crazy people would wish to possess, as what is the purpose of having assault weapons, except to kill large numbers of people? It is not like a handgun to protect oneself, or a hunting rifle to go hunting for deer, or whatever!

Sanity must be demonstrated, and requires courage by Barack Obama and Mitt Romney and those who understand that if nothing is done, the massacre in Colorado will be repeated with much higher numbers of casualties, far surpassing the all time record of 70 victims which occurred two days ago!

Also ask law enforcement agencies, and one will find that the police see themselves as the front line of possible victims, as even with their own defenses, the widespread ownership of assault weapons endangers their lives, even more than the average civilian!

Aurora, Colorado Massacre DEMANDS Action On Gun Control Measures, Despite National Rifle Association Lobbying!

The horrible tragedy, the massacre at the multiplex Century Theater in Aurora, Colorado this morning, needs to be treated as a wake up call for campaigning for strict gun control laws, similar to the Brady Bill passed under Bill Clinton, and ended under George W. Bush a decade later.

This should be an issue to unite Democrats and Republicans, but Democrats are afraid to promote gun control, as they lost control of Congress to the Republicans in 1994, with the Brady Bill being part of the reason.

Many Republicans and conservatives have the paranoid feeling that Barack Obama wishes to take away their gun rights under their interpretation of the Second Amendment.

The point is that no one is trying to say that ownership or purchase of guns should be banned, as that is impossible to accomplish, even if one wished to do that.

But after the Columbine Massacre in Colorado in 1999, the Virginia Tech Massacre in 2007, the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, in 2011, and now this event, the worst total of victims ever in American history, it is essential to take some steps on gun control.

And to have Texas Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert, promote the insanity that if some of the people in the theater had had weapons, they could have stopped the massacre, forgetting that several people opening up fire in a theater would have led to innocent victims being killed by those “heroes”, who might very well be shooting at each other, in the midst of the chaos, is no contribution, but Gohmert is infamous for insane, reckless statements.

This is as insane as to say that it should be alright for students and faculty to have guns on campuses, or to carry weapons into a bar, where drunken patrons could begin shooting!

A level of sanity and stability needs to be addressed by President Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney in a way to bring about some legislation to cut down the level of violence, which right now makes America the most violent society in the world, with about 10,000 gun victims annually.

Interpersonal Relationships On The Floor Of Congress: A Great Idea, And An Absolutely Insane Idea!

Democratic Senator Mark Udall of Colorado and Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas have proposed totally different ideas regarding interpersonal relationships on the floor of Congress.

Udall has promoted that Democrats and Republicans mingle and sit together when President Obama gives his State of the Union Address on January 25, as a way to promote civility and greater respect for each other, despite party differences, setting a good example for the nation at large.

On the other hand, Gohmert, notorious for being a “Birther” who believes that the President is not a US citizen, and believing that illegal immigrants come to this country to have babies, then go back to their home country and bring their children up to be terrorists 20-30 years later, has come up with an absolutely nutty idea: that members of the House of Representatives be permitted to pack guns on their person on the House floor! 🙁

Why in the world would members of the House need a weapon on the floor, with people in the galleries and on C-Span able to witness that, when there is total security for everyone in the Capitol complex? Would they not be tempted to draw a weapon against an opponent who angers them with their rhetoric? 🙁

Are we going to go back to the pre Civil War era, when members of Congress packed pistols, and Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts was assaulted with a cane by Congressman Preston Brooks of South Carolina? 🙁

As usual, Gohmert is promoting insane ideas, while at the same time, Mark Udall is proving to be someone that his dad, former Arizona Congressman Morris Udall, once a presidential possibility in 1976 against Jimmy Carter for the Democratic Presidential nomination, could be proud of!

Texas Tea Party And Conservative Republican Dominance Today, But Long Range, Democrats Have Advantage

Texas has become a solid Tea Party-Conservative Republican state, arguably the most right wing state, although with strong competition from Florida, South Carolina, Idaho, Utah, Oklahoma, Arizona and Kansas.

It has the longest serving Governor in the nation, Rick Perry, who has endorsed the idea of state secession, even though that was supposedly resolved 150 years ago!

It is the home of Senator John Cornyn, and Congressmen Louie Gohmert, Joe Barton,  Randy Neugebauer, Jeb Hensarling, Pete Olson, Ted Poe, Pete Sessions,  Lamar Smith, and of course, the best known of all, libertarian Ron Paul!

It is also a state in which two Democrats just switched parties and gave the GOP a two thirds plus one margin in the State House, making it a veto proof legislative body.

This is a state which has promoted secession and states rights; propagandized in the History curriculum so as to distort and omit large portions of history and de-emphasize historical personalities and events; worked to undermine the study of evolution in favor of Christianity on the state level; became the leader of anti abortion and anti gay rights crusades; and has an oligarchy of powerful financial interests who aim to keep Hispanic, Latino and African American populations in a dependent state and deny them bilingual education, equal job opportunity, and even the ability to study their own heritage, as it may lead to immigration raids to arrest illegal immigrants.

It is hard to believe that Texas was the state that gave us Sam Houston,Lyndon Johnson, Sam Rayburn, and many others who made the state renowned!

The problem for the GOP is that while now they have a tremendous edge, there could be a complete collapse of the Republican dominance within a generation in the state.

This is due to the fact that there are so many Hispanics in Texas, along with African Americans, that as time goes by and as the modern Republican Party manages to turn off most minority people, the likelihood of Democrats regaining majority status in the House of Representatives and in state government grows greater, particularly due to the present economic downtown, in which there are inadequate efforts to provide jobs and educational opportunities as government cuts back social services.  So although the GOP is more dominant than ever, Texas is going into turmoil which bodes for a change of the leadership statewide as Hispanic and Latino population become citizens and go in droves to the Democratic Party!  So Texas is likely to go “blue” in the near future, meaning by 2025-2030!

Nativism Gone Viral: Tom Tancredo, Louie Gohmert, And Illegal Immigration!

The issue of illegal immigration is one that will be an embarrassment when we look back at it historically, as the assertions and viewpoints of those who are exploiting the issue bring out the worst in our nation! 🙁

The latest outrages have been expressed by former Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, both Republicans!

Both are further evidence that the GOP is painting itself into a corner for the future, as with the growing Latino and Hispanic vote, it will make many say what Senator Harry Reid of Nevada said yesterday–that he could not understand why any Hispanic or Latino would vote Republican! 🙁

Tancredo, long a nativist, sought the GOP Presidential nomination in 2008, and is now seeking the Governorship of Colorado as an Independent. He has stated that if he is elected Governor, he will make sure that the children of illegal immigrants are not educated in the public schools of the state!

This is certainly a statement that can arouse those who want to send millions of immigrants back to their home countries! But the reality is that there is no possibility of returning millions of people, and meanwhile, if we are going to ban public education for these children, what are we to do with them? Shall we keep them out of school and on the streets lacking education? Will this promote civil order to have them idle and ignorant? How preposterous and ridiculous a campaign pledge this is, and certainly, it would be lost in court if Tancredo somehow became Governor and tried to enforce such a ridiculous idea! 🙁

Congressman Louie Gohmert, infamous for some really outrageous and loony ideas, has now come up with the idea that many illegal immigrants come to this country to have their children, then go home and breed them over the next 20-30 years as “terrorists”, with the plan to send them back to overthrow America! If this is not paranoia and hysteria and craziness, what is it? So we are to be afraid of babies and see them as vicious terrorists for the years between 2030 and 2040!

If this does not make Louie Gohmert delusional and needing of psychological counseling, and Tom Tancredo needing the same, then our country is in deep trouble with such political leaders sowing hate and fear, and making unstable people go over the edge to violence! 🙁

Both should be roundly condemned as having no purpose but to divide and stir up a tempest for their own political aggrandizement! 🙁

Rep. Louie Gohmert And Direct Election Of The Senate

One of the great “progressive” reforms a century ago was the 17th Amendment, promoting the direct election of the US Senate by the people, a move advocated because of the terrible and corrupt image of the Senate due to corporate influences on the state legislatures, who had the responsibility to select the Senate under the Constitution.

Now, Texas Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert promotes a repeal of the amendment, in order to promote states rights!

This is a loony idea, to move AWAY from democracy, back toward corrupt state legislatures and corporate influence!

Is this Texas Congressman crazy? What is it about Texas that they elect such loony people to Congress?

I would argue there is a better case for giving Texas back to Mexico LOL than to repeal the 17th Amendment! 🙂