Marjorie Taylor Greene

Age Issue Is Neutralized: Competence And Decency Will Decide Election In November!

For the next nine months, we will hear constantly that Joe Biden is too old and feeble to be President for another four years.

This is really a non-issue as his opponent, Donald Trump would be in his 80s during the next four years, so the age issue is really neutralized.

If Biden was facing a much younger Republican opponent, then age would be an issue, but if that was happening, even Biden has said he would not be running, and is doing so only to stop the threat of Donald Trump returning to the White House.

Joe Biden was driven to run in 2020 due to the horrible reality of Donald Trump, thinking he was the only potential opponent who could defeat Trump, which he did handily by more than 7.1 million votes, a massive victory.

Biden’s competence, decency, and record in office have been so noticeable, that despite horrible attacks from MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump, and despite polls that are so often inaccurate so far out from an election, the odds of his reelection are very likely.

Biden has presided over an economy that is outstanding; has the respect and support of NATO leaders who fear Donald Trump; and has the vision that would move America and its relationship with the world forward.

Fear that he might not finish a second term is also the issue of Donald Trump, since arguably, Trump is in far worse physical and cognitive shape than is Joe Biden.

So the Vice Presidency is crucial, and while many would be not happy at the thought of Kamala Harris, when considers the likely alternative list being bandied about of possible Trump Vice Presidential running mates, there is no comparison!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, Kari Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kristi Noem, Vivik Ramaswamy, Tim Scott or other sycophants be better than Kamala Harris?

Only in the delustional minds of MAGA Republicans, who care not a whit about American democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution!

Republican Party Destroying Itself From Within

The Republican Party, born in 1854, is very likely to die in 2024, and be replaced by a different political entity.

Their decision to support a criminal President, Donald Trump, and start impeachment action against a decent, compassionate, accomplished President, Joe Biden, will put the final nails in the coffin of the party of Lincoln, TR, Ike, Reagan, and Bush.

When Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for secession of states and a new Civil War, and when Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy allows an attack on a man, Joe Biden, he knows has done nothing wrong or illegal, it is clear that the party is in its death spiral.

There is a dire need for a solid conservative party based on principle and on support of the American democratic republic, and the GOP is in its death throes!

Horrendous Alternative Vice Presidential Candidates For Donald Trump!

As Donald Trump seems near to becoming the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024, despite 4 indictments and 2 impeachments, the horrendous thought of who could be, in theory, his Vice Presidential runningmate comes into focus.

Republicans have been infamous for selecting terrible Vice Presidential choices, going back a half century.

Think of Spiro Agnew under Richard Nixon; Dan Quayle under George H. W. Bush; Dick Cheney under George W. Bush; and Mike Pence under Donald Trump!

Also, think of Sarah Palin under John McCain; and Paul Ryan under Mitt Romney.

Compare them to Walter Mondale under Jimmy Carter; Al Gore under Bill Clinton; Joe Biden under Barack Obama; and Kamala Harris under Joe Biden.

Now, the so called “short list” includes South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem; Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene; Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake; Ohio biotech executive Presidential contender Vivek Ramaswamy; New York House Chair of Republican Conference Elise Stefanik; and Florida Congressman Byron Donalds!

None of this list of six would be a safe choice to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency!

Horrifying Potential VP Choices For Donald Trump In 2024!

The thought that Donald Trump might be the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 is horrifying, but even worse is the thought of potential VP running mates for him, who would be a heartbeat from the Presidency if he won the election!

Many of the potential candidates are women, and many of them are ill qualified to be President in any form or fashion.

Among them are in no special order:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene
Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn
South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
New York Congresswoman Elise Stefanik
Former Congresswoman and former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard

Also, the following male contenders:

Missouri Senator Josh Hawley
Florida Congresswoman Byron Donalds
Former Fox News Host Tucker Carlson
Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Any of the above 12 would be outrageous!

Of course, contenders against Trump could be on the short list

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley
South Carolina Senator Tim Scott
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy

Also, at the moment, non candidate Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin might be on the list!

Nikki Haley Goes Low, And It Clinches Her Doom In Presidential Race!

Former Republican Governor of South Carolina and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley once had great promise and a future in American politics.

But now, that is totally gone, as she has revealed herself to be rude, nasty, and lacking sensitivity on the issue of age and race!

To claim that electing Joe Biden in 2024 insures that Kamala Harris will be President is clearly a disgusting attack on both the age and race fronts!

Why would anyone who was decent claim that Joe Biden almost certainly will not be alive to finish a second term at age 86, when no one can possibly know the age longevity of anyone?

Just because Joe Biden “flubs” every once in awhile is not proof of lack of mental agility, and his half century experience in government is invaluable, and the lack of respect for him is atrocious!

Donald Trump is only three and a half years younger, so who can say, with him being in poor physical shape, and his clear mental and emotional disorders, would live for five years. And he is, of course a threat and danger to American democracy, as he has already proved that to be so in his incitement of the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection, and his assertion that he wants revenge and retribution, which motivates him to run in 2024!

The elderly population over 65 is not going to take kindly to such ageism on Haley’s part!

And it is clear that Haley, herself of South Asian heritage, is using the race card, that the world will collapse if a black mixed race woman, who has superb credentials, possibly might succeed to the White House if Biden were to pass away!

This is the same hysteria that was visited upon Barack Obama, as racism continues to be promoted and encouraged by Republicans!

Kamala Harris is better qualified to be President than any Republican woman who might be in the mix as a Vice Presidential running mate for the Republicans, with or without Donald Trump as the Presidential nominee!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Kari Lake, Kristi Noem, or even Nikki Haley herself come with better credentials than Kamala Harris?

The answer is clearly “NO”, as Harris has proved herself in many years of experience in California state government, as a US Senator, and now Vice President, and is certainly better in “performance” than past Vice Presidents for the Republican Party, including Mike Pence, Dan Quayle, Spiro Agnew, or failed Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin!

Violent Attack On Speaker Pelosi’s Husband Just Tip Of The Iceberg, Incited By Donald Trump!

The violent attack on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, home alone at their San Francisco home, is shocking, but just the tip of the iceberg, as it is just one of many threats against members of Congress and their families.

It is clear that this incident was an assassination threat against Pelosi, had she been present.

Most of the threats are against Democrats, and are promoted by MAGA domestic terrorists backed by Donald Trump.

Notice that Trump has NOT expressed his sympathies and denounced this attack, and by having no comment, is endorsing the violence!

Some Republican leaders have spoken up, but many have encouraged such attacks, including Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebet, Matt Gaetz and others!

There is a need for protection of the homes and close family members of top leadership, as one must realize that the Speaker of the House is second in line for the Presidency.

So this incident represents a second attempt of Trump and his supporters to threaten the life of Nancy Pelosi, after the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol, where Trump remained silent, as the threat against Pelosi and Vice President Mike Pence, first in line of succession, occurred.

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable for these threats, a situation that has never occurred before for the top leaders in the Presidential succession!

The threats against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are a great concern, and if Republican Kevin McCarthy becomes Speaker of the House in 2023, and Iowa Republican Senator Chuck Grassley become President Pro Tempore of the Senate, there will be a need for increased security for these leaders who would be next in line for the Presidency in case of a tragedy!

Kevin McCarthy Would Be A Disaster As Speaker Of The House!

Trepidation is growing at the looming possibility that Kevin McCarthy could become the Speaker of the House of Representatives in January 2023, two heartbeats away from the Presidency!

While John Boehner and Paul Ryan had their major shortcomings, either of them would be far superior to McCarthy, who has demonstrated his total lack of morals, ethics, and principles in his years working his way up leadership to the potential Speakership!

McCarthy was totally freaked out on January 6, 2021, and momentarily said and did the right thing in condemning Donald Trump, but his ambition took over, and he made up with Trump at Mar A Lago, and denied reality of the criminal activities of that day, including ignoring the suffering of US Capitol police officers!

McCarthy was willing to ditch Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, and work with Elise Stefanik, Jim Jordan, and the 147 House Republicans who refused to accept that Joe Biden won the Presidency!

He is willing to work with the most extremist members of his caucus, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, and he has made it clear that the goal of the Republicans is to destroy ObamaCare (The Affordable Care Act), as well as phase out Medicare and Social Security, and move to impeach President Biden, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and other cabinet officers, even though none would be removed from office by such action!

The lunatic fringe of the Republican Party would hold the reins of power, and promote chaos, including trying to adopt a national abortion ban! As conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post and MSNBC host Chris Hayes have stated, the Republican Party would “wreak havoc”, including threatening not to raise the debt limit, and stopping aid to Ukraine, a gift to Vladimir Putin!

So the Republicans would do what Donald Trump was doing in his Presidential term—cozy up to Putin, and undermine NATO, a horrifying scenario, which would undermine both American democracy and efforts to maintain democracy in Europe and elsewhere!

A Contrast In Two Republican Women: Day Of Reckoning Tuesday For Liz Cheney, Sarah Palin!

Two Republican women politicians face the voters this coming Tuesday.

Congresswoman Liz Cheney, whose father is former Vice President Dick Cheney, faces what seems like a certain defeat for her statewide Congressional seat in Wyoming, as Harriet Hageman, endorsed by Donald Trump, is up to 30 points ahead in various polls.

This author and blogger does not agree with Liz Cheney on just about anything, except her courageous, principled stand against Donald Trump and his incitment of the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection, the most dangerous threat to American government institutions since the War of 1812.

She has worked as co-chair, with another Republican, Congressman Adam Kinzinger, on the January 6 House Committee, and has endured vicious attacks and repudiation by her Republican House colleagues.

She is a “Profile in Courage”, as is Kinzinger, and they are on the right side of history, against the great evil of MAGA, the right wing Fascist movement led by the most corrupt and dangerous President America has ever experienced!

It seems likely, assuming she loses her Congressional seat, that Liz Cheney will mount a Presidential campaign, if for nothing else, than to split Republican and conservative votes and insure that Donald Trump, or anyone who runs in his place for President as a Trump supporter, is defeated for the Presidency.

The survival of American democracy is at stake with Liz Cheney’s battle against evil!

On the other hand, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Senator John McCain’s Vice Presidential running mate in the Presidential Election of 2008, is coming out of the “woodwork”, and plaguing us again with her inane, dumb, clueless candidacy for the open House seat in her state, caused by the death of long term Congressman Don Young.

Sarah Palin is part of the extremist right wing, divisive deterioration of the Republican Party in the past quarter century, and as a supporter of Donald Trump, it is hoped she will be repudiated by the voters, as she has nothing positive to offer her state.

If she is elected to the House, she will be an annoying figure such as Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene, so hopefully she can be rejected, and returned to private life!

Sarah Palin Comes Back Into Politics In Alaska, With Death Of Long Term Congressman Don Young

Former Alaska Governor and 2008 Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin has come out of the woodwork, so to speak, to announce her candidacy for the statewide US House seat vacated by the passing of long time Congressman Don Young last month, after serving longer than any Republican member of either house of Congress in American history, a total of 49 years since 1973.

There are a slew of candidates running for that seat, but since Palin is a known factor, she probably will have an edge on the nomination and election to that seat, but we shall see.

If she wins, she will join the group of lunatics that are now disgracing themselves in the House of Representatives, such individuals as Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Madison Cawthorn, along with others who have served longer than the present term in the lower chamber.

Palin will wish to compete for craziness with such people, as she craves attention, but she remains the most disastrous Vice Presidential selection ever in American history.

Thank goodness John McCain, who came to realize the mistake he had made, putting her, theoretically a heartbeat away from the Presidency, never came to pass, with Barack Obama defeating McCain in the Presidential Election of 2008!

Republican Party Divides Over Ukraine: Bad News For Donald Trump

The Ukraine Crisis, with the horrific invasion ordered by Vladimir Putin, has put the issue of Donald Trump’s “love affair” with Russia on the forefront of American politics, and is causing a Republican Party division of massive significance.

Trump, Mike Pompeo, and other Trump lackeys have good things to say about the “genius” of Putin, which is a total joke, as Russian military is suffering massive losses, and NATO and world reaction has done great damage to the Russian economy through harsh reaction in every economic way to the Ukraine invasion.

It has led many Republicans, particularly in the US Senate, to come to support of all actions being taken by Joe Biden and the international community to the tragic events.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell; Senator Lindsey Graham; Senator Mitt Romney; Senator Ben Sasse; and many others are united against Russia.

In the House of Representatives, we have Putin apologists, including Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina; Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia; Andy Biggs of Arizona; Lauren Boebert of Colorado; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Chip Roy of Texas; and others showing they are traitors to American interests and the concept of democracy, as for instance, Cawthorn condemned Volodymyr Zelensky as a “thug”.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has criticized Cawthorn, but refuses generally to condemn such seditionists, and there is a clearcut split in the Republican Party between Senate and House membership.

So the appeal of Donald Trump to run for President is declining rapidly, as there is no way that Trump could possibly unite the party or its remnants in a campaign for the Presidency.

So Civil War is evident in the Republican Party, and Senate apologists such as Josh Hawley of Missouri, Ted Cruz of Texas, and Rand Paul of Kentucky face repudiation by sane Republicans as they plan to run for President in 2024.

And Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have tremendous state controversies facing them, without even getting into the fray on the Ukraine Crisis, and how to handle Donald Trump and their own selfish personal ambitions!