Mask Mandate

The Battle Is On: Joe Biden Vs. Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Kristi Noem, And Other Reckless GOP Governors!

The Republican Party and its leading reckless governors—Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, Kristi Noem of South Dakota, and many others—are engaged in a battle against President Joe Biden and his Vaccination and Mask Mandate, and Biden is on the side of history on this!

There will be mortal wounds against these disgraceful governors who are waging war against life itself, with the numbers of dead from COVID-19 a total of 3,160 on Thursday, September 9–equivalent to the 2,977 on September 11, 2001!

One would think with 660,000 dead in 18 months, as much as the loss of life of Union and Confederate military in the Civil War over the longer period of four years, that these governors and the Republican Party, and right wing cable and talk radio, would wake up to the dire threat of COVID-19 and unite to combat the crisis!

Many children are dying, and yet we have crazy parents and political leaders furious over masks and vaccinations!

The public health and safety are primary over so called “freedom”!

Right Wing Predictability: Call For Joe Biden Resignation, While Ignoring Threat Of Donald Trump For Five Years!

Not an hour passed after President Joe Biden called for a national vaccination and mask mandate, and the right wing, including Fox News Channel, One America News Network (OANN), Newsmax, and a whole slew of talk show hosts on cable and radio, and many Republicans, have called for his resignation!

Of course, they also want Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats to resign, based on their opposition to any government intervention in the worst health crisis in a century!

So they are libertarians, who believe all fetuses must be born, but have no concern about life of those already born, including children, who are endangered by adults and teenagers who think it is their “religious” right to refuse to consider their public responsibility to all around them, clearly “Pro Life” hypocrisy!

Ironic that those who had no issues with the infuriating moral, ethical, and illegal actions of Donald Trump, and refuse to admit that January 6, 2021 was a violent insurrection, an act of domestic terrorism, are now attacking Joe Biden for having decency, compassion, and empathy. Ultimately, the final responsibility to protect the American people, even if many of them do not appreciate federal government intervention!

Joe Biden is in a fighting mood, and he will NOT be intimidated by people who have no concern other their own selfish interests, instead of what is good and necessary for the American people at large!

Kevin McCarthy, The Republican Party, Marjorie Taylor Greene, And Antisemitism

Kevin McCarthy has a problem on his hands, and chose to ignore it until finally forced to speak up and condemn Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia for comparing a mask mandate in the House of Representatives to the Holocaust that killed six million Jews.

Greene is an antisemite, who crazily came up with the concept of Jewish space lasers as the cause for wildfires in California and other Western states, rather than the reality of Climate Change.

The Republican Party is unwilling to promote the expulsion of Greene, who already has been forced off all committees in the House of Representatives, and now has time to cause more trouble, and yet have no impact on House committees or actions.

The woman is mentally ill, and needs to be committed to a mental institution as a danger to society!

The Republican Party is appealing to the worst elements in America, and the thought that the party could be the majority after the 2022 midterm elections is terrifying!

Kevin McCarthy wants so much to be Speaker of the House, that he will tolerate any whackos in the Republican Conference.

And now another whacko, Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, has declared she wants to run for Speaker against McCarthy in 2022!

Joe Biden Starts Off Aggressively, With 30 Executive Orders In Three Days

President Biden is starting off his administration with a series of quick actions through 30 executive orders in three days in office, and more to come!

These include:

14 on the Corona Virus

4 on the Economy

2 on the Environment

5 on Immigration

2 on Equity

1 on Ethics

1 on Regulation

1 on the Census Bureau

These include in detail:

Reinstating ties with the World Health Organization; Enforcing a mask mandate on federal properties and public transportation; Coordinating the national response to the COVID 19 Pandemic.

Halting construction of the Mexico Border Wall; Ending the Muslim Ban; Including non citizens in the Census Count; Protecting DACA immigrants from deportation; Stopping aggressive actions to find and deport undocumented immigrants.

Re-entering the Paris Climate Accords; Revoking the permit for the Keystone XL Pipeline; Revoking rollbacks to Vehicle Emission Standards; Undoing decisions to slash the size of several National Monuments; Enforcing a moratorium on oil and natural gas leases in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; Reestablishing a working group on the social costs of greenhouse gases.

Ending the 1776 Commission which distorted the role of slavery in American history; Rooting out systematic racism, and working to prevent discrimination based upon gender, sexual orientation or gender identity and promote equity and diversity in all government programs and agencies.

Extend a federal moratorium on evictions, and foreclosures on mortgages; A pause on federal student loan interest and principal payments.