Media Critics

Project 2025: Authoritarian Fascism Replacing Democracy!

Project 2025, the work of the Heritage Foundation, is a declaration of war on American democracy, the US Constitution, and the rule of law.

Authoritarian Fascism would replace the kind of government we have had for nearly 250 years.

It would establish a dictatorship, with a crazed, unstable criminal in charge, and even if Donald Trump was not aware of policy details, there would be a massive number of ideological loyalists, much younger, who would be making policy and enforcing discipline, with some of them already involved in illegal and criminal activities in the first Trump administration.

Trump has made clear he wants to be a dictator on Day One, but clearly it would not stop on that day!

Project 2025 would allow Trump the ability to deploy the military against American citizens who utilized the right of assembly to protest government policies!

Project 2025 would promote the arrest and deportation of up to 11 million non citizens, who would be placed in internment camps, a reminder of what happened to Japanese Americans in World War II!

Project 2025 would allow the termination of tens of thousands government employees, to be replaced by Trump loyalists, who would have a deleterious effect on government policy in a multitude of areas!

Project 2025 would promote Christian Nationalism, and impose religious beliefs in public schools, already occurring in Louisiana and Oklahoma, ignoring the reality that it would undermine religious freedom and separation of church and state!

Project 2025 would allow political persecution of opponents, both in government and the media, with Trump threatening imprisonment of prominent critics, including those who investigated the January 6, 2021 US Capitol Insurrection!

Trump himself has said that while he wants everyone to vote in 2024, that he does not care if they vote after that, implying there may not be any future elections as he would be President for life!

So much more will be delineated in future articles, but all of the above is alarming to the extreme, and every effort must be made to insure that Donald Trump never gets near the Oval Office again!

Ralph Nader For President In 2012? Give Us A Break! :(

Ralph Nader, the consumer activist and environmentalist, has run for President numerous times, including the infamous Election of 2000, when he helped to cause the defeat of Al Gore by George W. Bush in Florida. Nader won 97,000 votes in Florida, with George W. Bush defeating Al Gore by 537 votes in the Sunshine State, and therefore winning the election, after the Supreme Court intervened to stop the vote recount! ๐Ÿ™

Now, Nader is discontented with Obama as not “progressive enough” and is considering another campaign for President, which can only help the Republicans in their campaign to defeat President Obama! ๐Ÿ™

There has been a growing trend of progressives and liberals, particularly in the news media, being critical of Obama for failure to accomplish all of his goals after 17 months in office!

The problem with these progressives and liberals is that they fail to recognize the realities of American politics! The opposition from conservatives and Republicans is so strong that when one looks back 17 months, one must be amazed that Obama has accomplished all that he has so far!

If these media critics and others do not recogize the realities of the circumstances that Barack Obama faces, they may be faced with a Republican President in 2013! ๐Ÿ™

They will have lost the best opportunity in 40 years to accomplish the goals that progressives and liberals have been desirous of since the last major period of reform, which occurred during Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society in the 1960s!

If this opportunity for measured reform is lost, it may be another 40 years before there will again be a chance to accomplish the goals that all progressives and liberals share! ๐Ÿ™

So instead of holding Obama’s “feet to the fire” and working to undermine him publicly, what is needed is a sense of appreciation and loyalty to a man who has advanced the progressive agenda far more than the other two Democratic Presidents since the end of the 1960s–Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton!

And a word to Ralph Nader: Don’t do the progressives any
favors by threatening to run again! ๐Ÿ™

We do not want you to destroy another chance for progressivism by your unwillingness to accept the “real” world! ๐Ÿ™‚

Do everyone a favor, Ralph! Stop looking for attention and be gone! ๐Ÿ™