The Republican party has a disease which is spreading widely, and making them look totally ridiculous to anyone who has any brains or common sense!
That disease is “Obama Derangement Syndrome”, which is a condition that blames President Obama for EVERYTHING that goes wrong, even when the President has NOTHING to do with what went wrong!
So it is Obama’s fault that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie failed to win $400 billion in federal aid for the state education system in the competition for federal funds, because the state failed to provide necessary information! It apparently is Obama’s job to make sure every state competing for the grants has filled out the forms correctly! ๐
It is Obama’s fault that we entered into the Afghanistan War in 2001, according to Republican National Chairman Michael Steele, even though Obama was a state senator in Illinois at the time and George W. Bush was President!
It is Obama’s fault that a mosque will be built at Ground Zero despite the fact the New York City Planning Commission approved the project, and another mosque is already there for many years, two blocks from the site of the new project!
It is Obama’s fault that British Petroleum failed to follow basic rules and regulations, resulting in the oil spill, even though the government reacted quickly to start dealing with the crisis, which BP could not figure out rapidly to resolve satisfactorily!
It is Obama’s fault that his father was born in Kenya and was a Muslim, even though his dad left early and his mother’s white family was Christian!
It is Obama’s fault that the economy has not turned around “on a dime”, rapidly overcoming the mistakes of eight years of the Bush Administration!
We could go on and on and on, but the point is that Obama is being blamed for everything, including original sin, by the opposition–more than any President has been blamed after only 19 months in office, and really even in a complete term of office!
The fact that the Republican party has not come up with one original idea on any government policy, and expects the American people to put them back in control, simply by employing “Obama Derangement Syndrome”, shows exactly why they SHOULD NOT be given back power, as they drove our country “into the ditch”, and now want the keys to take over the country again, a description Obama gave himself as a joke at several public appearances!
The real disease of America is not “Obama Derangement Syndrome”, but instead “Republican Derangement Syndrome”, as they are themselves dividing and fighting in an internal civil war between right wing and far right wing within their party!
Witness the refusal of the losers in Nevada, Arizona, Florida, and Alaska to endorse their opponents, and the loony people such as Michele Bachmann who raved after the Washington Mall rally of Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin that there had been one million people there, while CBS News estimated the crowd at about 87,000! ๐
The Republican party is bitterly divided on the far right, and delusional about who should take responsibility for mistakes or failures, and even on basic facts such as size of crowds! ๐
Is this the group that the American people want to take us into the future? Certainly, we can hope that they have more common sense than that, but we shall see in two months! ๐