Mike Pence

Mike Pence A Sycophant With No Presidential Future

Former Vice President Mike Pence is a sycophant, unwilling to challenge Donald Trump in his four years in the Oval Office, and unwilling to condemn Donald Trump for failure to protect him at the time of the Capitol Insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Trump did not give a damn about Pence, who could have been killed by the Insurrectionists that stormed the US Capitol, and did not contact him for five days after the horrid events of January 6.

Trump has continued to criticize Pence for refusal to stop the Electoral College vote that showed Joe Biden having won the Presidential Election of 2020.

Pence was doing his constitutional duty, and for that, he should be commended, but beyond that, there is no way that Mike Pence has a Presidential future.

Knowing that his wife was disgusted by the behavior of Trump during the Presidential Election campaign of 2016, and was unhappy that her husband was going to be his Vice President, one wonders how Pence has not openly criticized and condemned the treason and sedition encouraged by Trump.

The man has no ethics, morals, scruples, or common decency, not only regarding the situation that he faced working under Trump, but also willing to sell his soul to try to become President in 2024.

But with his hypocritical views regarding his “good Christian” image, where he promotes hate and division, Pence has zero chance of becoming the Republican Presidential nominee in 2024 and beyond.

Pence will go down as one of the worst Vice Presidents in modern history, with narrow minded and bigoted views on so many issues, and could never unite the nation.

So Mike Pence will not stand out in American history as other recent Vice Presidents have, and will be a footnote in American history!

Donald Trump’s Continuing War On Truth, And Continued Mission To Divide America!

Three months since the January Capitol Insurrection, and former President Donald Trump is still continuing the war on truth, and continues his mission to divide America.

Trump still contends he won the Presidential Election of 2020, despite all of the 61 lawsuits that were dismissed, and he still condemns Mike Pence for doing his constitutional duty, and has lashed out at many Republican officeholders, including Mitch McConnell.

Trump has expressed no sorrow over the loss of life and injuries caused by his minions attacking the US Capitol, and is showing total lack of morality, ethics, compassion, and empathy, all attributes he has NEVER had.

Trump is a nightmare for the Republican Party and the nation, and yet he still gets a majority of Republicans in public opinion polls to swear loyalty to him, as he continues to promote the BIG LIE technique used in the 20th century by Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany!

The threat to the US Capitol remains, but the prosecution and imprisonment of all of the Capitol rioters must move forward, and Donald Trump and those who aided him in his criminal actions surrounding the events of January 6, must be held responsible, and Donald Trump must serve prison time as a disgraced President, before the nation can move on from the nightmare four years of this despicable excuse for a human being!

Donald Trump (Alternative Reality) Defends Rioters in January 6 Capitol Insurrection As No Threat, And “Hugging And Kissing”!

Donald Trump, the former “Insurrectionist in Chief” and would be “Dictator in Chief” is trying to change history, when he said this week that the rioters in the January 6 Capitol Insurrection, which caused the death of Brian Sicknick, two other Capitol officers committing suicide, and more than one hundred injuries to other Capitol Officers, was a “zero threat”, and that his supporters were “hugging and kissing”!

The desecration at the US Capitol is also overlooked by a man who clearly is the most dangerous person to American democracy, and now faces legal actions on many fronts. Trump also had nothing to say about the threat to former Vice President Mike Pence, who the rioters were chanting that he should be hanged, and a noose was present outside the US Capitol!

Trump is poisoning the Republican Party, and his loyal followers still represent a threat in the coming years, and one can sadly expect other violence and destruction being perpetrated by his Fascist supporters, who are white supremacists, racists, nativists, antisemites, and a threat to civil order as domestic terrorists!

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable in a court of law for his massive crimes against women; his promotion of violence and bloodshed among his crazy followers; and his economic crimes!

Republicans Are Outrageous In What They Do NOT Care About!

The Republican Party of 2021 is not offended by the destruction of the environment that has been going on in the past four years under Donald Trump.

They are not offended by the growth of childhood poverty due to the COVID 19 Pandemic and the economic collapse of the past year.

They are not offended by white supremacists carrying the Confederate flag into the US Capitol on the day of the Insurrection, January 6, 2021.

They are not offended by the loss of life to gun violence.

They are not offended by the reality of African Americans being killed by the police so often, and without consequences.

They are not offended by the dangers that members of Congress faced, along with the sitting Vice President Mike Pence, as a result of the traitors and seditionists who saw to bring harm to the Capitol Building on January 6, 2021.

They are not offended by the racism, nativism, misogyny, and homophobia of so many Republican members of Congress, as well as former President Donald Trump.

They are not offended by the inability of tens of millions of Americans to have a living wage, an increase in the minimum wage, while the top few percent of the nation keeps on gaining obscene levels of wealth.

These Republicans, who dominate the party, have no ethics, morals, scruples, conscience, common decency, compassion, empathy, or a sense of justice!

Mike Pence Is A Disgrace To The Vice Presidency, And Assuredly, Has No Future!

Mike Pence will go down in Vice Presidential history as a total disgrace to the office!

Pence demonstrated no guts, no courage, ever to oppose the abuse of Presidential power by Donald Trump!

Pence was a lackey, servile, a sycophant, totally obsequious, even though he claims to be a devout Christian, or better said, “a good Christian”!

But if one was truly, he would show his ethics and morality on the way Donald Trump handled his office, but instead he kowtowed to the point of behavior that would embarrass any man who has a conscience!

Even when he was directly threatened by Donald Trump supporters on January 6, 2021, he just fled, kept quiet for two months, and now defends Donald Trump’s false claims of a fixed election, all for his naked ambition to be President!

But Mike Pence will never gain the backing of Donald Trump, who refused even to call Pence for five days after his close shave with possible harm and death!

Mike Pence is pitiful, a coward, a man who cannot control his own behavior around women and calls his wife “Mother”, indicating deep seated psychological issues!

We have had horrific Vice Presidents come to us from the Republican Party, including Dan Quayle under George H. W. Bush; Spiro Agnew under Richard Nixon; and Dick Cheney under George W. Bush, but with all of their faults, none of them would be perceived as lacking in manhood as Mike Pence displayed in office, and now as a former Vice President who desperately wants to be President, but will, thankfully, never reach that office!

Joe Biden Is “Presidential” In First Town Hall, While Donald Trump Is Petty And Infantile In Attack On Party Critics

President Joe Biden had his first Town Hall last evening on CNN, with Anderson Cooper as the interviewer.

It was so refreshing to see a President who acts “Presidential”, and his warm, engaging personality came through, as well as his sincerity, honesty, and genuine nature.

After the horrors of mentally ill, unstable Donald Trump plaguing the nation for four years with his hatred, racism, nativism, misogyny, and pure ignorance of domestic and foreign affairs issues, it was great to see a President who has real goals and plans, and is backed up by Vice President Kamala Harris, who is truly decent, and not a religious hypocrite as Mike Pence was.

No wonder that Joe Biden has a 62 percent rating, after one month in office, while Donald Trump NEVER reached 50 percent!

It is time to stop news coverage of the felon who was our 45th President, and who is spending his time wreaking havoc on the party that elected him to a disastrous term in the White House. Trump is showing how lacking in appreciation he is at the sacrifices of Mitch McConnell and other Republicans who went out of their way to support him in his two impeachment trials!

It Is Time For Mike Pence To Condemn Donald Trump, And Call For His Conviction!

As the prosecution finished its case for the conviction of Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial in one year, there is one thought that crosses this author and blogger’s mind, and it seems hard to believe that no one is talking about this thought.

It is time for former Vice President Mike Pence, who was slavishly loyal to Donald Trump for four years, to do what he should do—condemn Donald Trump, for having no concern about the danger Pence faced on January 6, 2021, and call on Republican Senators for his conviction, and inability to run for public office again!

How could Pence avoid doing this is impossible to fathom, as even if Pence sees himself as a future President, Donald Trump abandoned him and would not support him for a future nomination, and ethics, morals, and principles should be enough to convince Pence that he must end the public career of a man who was ready to see him murdered, and did not intervene to protect him!

If Pence called for the conviction, there is a chance that 17 Republican Senators, at a minimum, would back the former Vice President, as eliminating Trump as a potential opponent in the future would benefit all Republicans, who wish to seek the Presidency.

So it is time NOW for Mike Pence to show some guts and courage, and work to end the public career of Donald Trump!

Points To Ponder As Second Impeachment Trial Of Donald Trump Begins

As the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump begins today, some points to ponder are worth considering.

Donald Trump lied incessantly over a fixed election when 60 court cases unanimously agreed the election in the various states being contested was totally fair, and lacking any corruption, as compared to 2016 and other earlier electionss.

Donald Trump was gleeful, enjoying the Capitol Insurrection, and unconcerned about the harm being done to the building, and the occupants, including many members of both houses of Congress, and Capitol Hill Police and staff members.

Donald Trump was inciting violence against his own Vice President, Mike Pence, and the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the two people in line of succession after himself, and had no concern about their welfare.

Donald Trump did not call in National Guard reinforcements promptly, forcing Mike Pence to assert himself finally after four years of being obsequious.

Donald Trump has never expressed any sense of sorrow over the loss of life of a Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, and the other four victims of the Capitol Insurrection.

Donald Trump incited the mob by his language, and cannot claim that what he said was not promoting violence and destruction.

Donald Trump is like any citizen, not above the law, accountable for his behavior and actions, and does not have the constitutional right to promote insurrection and sedition, which is not part of freedom of speech under the First Amendment.

Donald Trump should be convicted as a warning to future Presidents that such abuse of power and promotion of violence and destruction will not be tolerated, and that politics is not the issue, but the survival of American democracy, and the regulation of executive power in the Presidency!

February 6–One Month, One Year, And One Queen Elizabeth II For 69 Years!

Today, February 6, is day to remember.

February 6, 2020 saw the first death from the COVID 19 Pandemic. Donald Trump refused to take this pandemic seriously, and we have seen in one year a total of 460,000 deaths, more in one years than the four years of Americans fighting in World War II.

February 6, 2021 is one month since the Capitol Hill Insurrection promoted by Donald Trump. that led to five deaths and over 100 injuries to Capitol Hill police, and threatened the lives of all Congressmen and Senators, and most importantly, Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, the two constitutional officers in the line of succession!

Donald Trump now faces his second impeachment trial in one year, having been found not guilty on February 5, 2020, the day before the first COVID 19 death.

One has to wonder if Trump had been removed from office on February 5,2020, would Vice President Mike Pence, becoming President, have pursued a policy that would have prevented the massive loss of life America has suffered in the year since the end of that trial?

And February 6, 1952, 69 years ago, Queen Elizabeth II ascended the throne of the United Kingdom, upon the death of her father, King George VI, the longest reign by any monarch in British or English history.

February 6 has one happy event, but sadly, two very depressing events that have transformed our history!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Brilliant, And Very Perceptive About Truth Of Capitol Insurrection

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is a brilliant young woman, highly perceptive about the truth of the Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021, an event she lived through in fear and terror of being assassinated.

It is clear that the right wing Fascist mob that attacked the Capitol had the goal of hanging Vice President Mike Pence; putting a bullet in the head of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi; and pursuing minority Democratic Congressmen and women as part of a racist, white supremacist conspiracy.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez sensed that new freshmen Republican Fascists, including Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, and Lauren Boebert of Colorado, along with veterans including Jim Jordan of Ohio, as well as Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Missouri Senator Josh Hawley were ready and willing to provoke right wing extremists to fix the Electoral College results, and kill or maim whoever stood in their way!

It is Ocasio-Cortez and others like her with courage and brains who are working to expose the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about the willingness of these traitors and seditionists to kill as many Democrats as they could, as well as the top two office holders under the President!