Mike Pence

Donald Trump Has Committed Negligent Homocide And Needs To Pay The Price For This Crime Against The American People!

As bad and evil as Donald Trump has been, no one in their right mind would imagine that the 45th President would commit negligent homocide.

Bob Woodward’s new book with taped statements of his interviews with Trump show that the President knew how serious the CoronaVirus Pandemic was early on, but went ahead and kept it from the American people, supposedly to avoid a “panic”, which is preposterous on its face!

Trump has been promoting chaos, anarchy, and mayhem for the entire time since he announced for President in June 2015. He is not unwilling to stir anxiety.

But to keep the truth from the American people, and attack mask wearing, and refuse to allow scientists to lead policy, Donald Trump has not only committed an impeachable case on its own, but also a human rights crime against 200,000 Americans who have died, and the many tens of thousands who will still die. This is not even counting those who get very ill, suffer, but fortunately recover.

Donald Trump has no ethics, morals, decency, empathy, or compassion for human suffering!

And the Woodward book shows he has no sense of white entitlement, and unwillingness to understand how African Americans feel about their plight of degradation which has gone on without pause for 400 years, and now is making them, along with Latino Americans, the largest number of victims of the pandemic.

It is impossible to imagine, under any circumstance, that after this revelation, along with many others in the last month, including the book of Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, that the President could possibly win a second term honestly.

That would require a total mental illness takeover of a majority of the American people, and that cannot be conceived to occur!

But by all justification, the Republican Party in Congress should be going to the White House and demanding and pressuring Trump to resign, just as courageous Republican leaders, including Barry Goldwater, Hugh Scott, and John Rhodes did in August 1974 regarding Richard Nixon.

But so far, not a peep has come from Republicans, and what it means is that by all moral standing, the Republican Party needs to be destroyed as an entity, as it has besmirched the history of the party that gave us some outstanding Presidents, and members of Congress, and state government leaders.

There is a dire need for total reconstruction and reorganization of those decent Republicans and conservatives not in office, but having a conscience.

Donald Trump needs to be held accountable in a court of law, for the mass deaths on his watch without any rationale, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, and no pardon by Mike Pence should be considered if he succeeded by resignation of Trump to a short term Presidency!

Mike Pence is also guilty of the crimes that Trump perpetrated, as he had to know the truth about the CoronaVirus Pandemic, and was totally a sycophant!

There is no excuse for either Donald Trump or Mike Pence, the worst combination President and Vice President in all of American history!

Why No Criticism By Republicans In Congress Toward Donald Trump And Revelations About His Comments On Military?

The Republican Party has always prided itself on its support and promotion of the military, and their “waving of the American flag” patriotism.

66 members of the party in Congress, as compared to 30 Democrats, have served in the military

So why is it there is not a peep from Republicans in Congress to the revelations about Donald Trump’s comments about his true feelings on the military, that they are a bunch of “losers” and “suckers”?

And even more so, why is it that those Republicans in Congress who have served in the military themselves are staying silent?

And most particularly, what about those Republicans in the House who are required to run for office every two years, and those Senators who are facing election in the six year cycle?

So regarding the better known, more newsworthy Senators who face election, 8 in total:

Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Lindsey Graham of South Carolina

Tom Cotton of Arkansas

James Inhofe of Oklahoma

Joni Ernst of Iowa

Martha McSally of Arizona

Dan Sullivan of Alaska

Roger Marshall, Congressman and Senate candidate from Kansas

And also the following 3 Republican Senators who do not face election this fall:

Rick Scott of Florida

Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Todd Young of Indiana

And also, among the many Republican House members, why is Greg Pence of Indiana, brother of Vice President Mike Pence, staying silent?

And why is Vice President Mike Pence, whose son is in the military, not speaking up?

Last Night Of Republican National Convention: Reckless And Illegal Gathering On White House Lawn, And Lies And Lack Of Responsibility Displayed By Donald Trump

The last night of the Republican National Convention demonstrated how disgraceful a shape the Republican Party is in during the Age of Trump.

The key moment of the evening was the acceptance speech of President Donald Trump, lasting mercilessly for 70 minutes, only surpassed in length by the acceptance speech of Trump at the RNC in 2016.

The Hatch Act was violated, as no political event is allowed to take place on government property, including the White House lawn, but Donald Trump has no concern about laws and legality.

So he held the rally there, and had about 1,500 guests, with no social distancing, no masks, no sanitizer, a reckless and disgraceful example to the nation, as Trump has never taken the CoronaVirus Pandemic seriously.

So do not be surprised if a good number of the attendees, including all of the major personalities in the Trump Republican Party, end up being exposed and possibly infected by the CoronaVirus Pandemic.

It could even affect the Trump and Pence Families, which would be an example of divine justice, as Donald Trump is a major sinner in so many ways, and runs the most corrupt administration in American history!

Since Trump cannot have compassion or empathy for anyone, and has displayed unwillingness to deal with the pandemic, and has said he thinks the pandemic will go away by a “miracle”, maybe karma will visit him and his corrupt colleagues.

One looks at many of the speakers on the last night of the convention, and sees evil eyes and faces, including such people as Rudy Giuliani and Tom Cotton, joining other such evil eyes and faces from the other nights of the convention.

What is it about the eyes and faces of so many Trumpites, both the famous ones, but also those of many ordinary citizens who support Trump, that they come across as evil, and in league with the devil?

How can a political party in the hands of such evil people possibly survive and keep power, as one has to believe that virtue wins out over evil, but certainly faith in the power of good and virtue is being tested in this Presidential Election of 2020.

As Trump said in his speech, with no new ideas or platform proposed by him or his party, this election IS the most important election in American history, as the fate of American democracy and freedom is hanging in the balance!

Third Night Of Republican Convention: Mike Pence Strikes Out As Potential President!

The third night of the Republican National Convention continued the massive dip in TV audience, as compared to the Democratic National Convention last week.

There were more speakers who were absolutely horrible in their messages, and lots of lies and distortions by so many speakers.

But the most important speech was by Vice President Mike Pence, officially accepting the nomination for a second term in office.

Hopefully, that will not happen, as Mike Pence has been a disgrace in office, not in the same way as his boss, Donald Trump, such as not using Twitter as an attack dog.

But he demonstrated no guts, courage, or ability to challenge Trump on his horrific policies and decisions, keeping his mouth shut because the thought of succeeding Trump as President is all encompassing, and to hell with what harm and damage has been done to the American people!

Last night, Mike Pence lied, lied, lied, and distorted the reality of events, and acted as if the CoronaVIrus Pandemic is over.

For a person who claims to be a “good Christian” to lie and sin as much as Mike Pence, only adds to the hypocrisy of anyone who claims to be “religious”, while having no concern about the effect of the damage Donald Trump has perpetrated on America!

It Is Official: The Republican Party Has Become A Cult Around A Strong Arm Authoritarian Out To Destroy American Democracy!

The Republican National Convention began today during the daytime hours, and Donald Trump and Mike Pence were renominated for President and Vice President of the United States.

Donald Trump avoided tradition and spoke for an hour, ranting and raving against his “enemies”, reminding those who know history of Adolf Hitler at his Nuremberg rallies.

We are witnessing the Republican Party officeholders swearing their loyalty to a man who has lied 20,000 times in office; has promoted racism, nativism, misogyny, white supremacy; has become a friend of authoritarians and alienated democratic nations; has undermined the judiciary, intelligence agencies, the foreign policy apparatus, and attacked the news media as “the enemy of the people”; has bullied and attacked all of his critics incessantly; has undermined our environment and civil liberties; has refused to take strong action against the CoronaVirus Pandemic; has shown no sense of compassion, empathy, decency or dignity in any form; and a legion of others sins and shortcomings that has never been matched by any previous President in more than two centuries of American history!

The party of such Presidential luminaries as Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush has been shamed by Donald Trump!

The party of such Congressional luminaries as Charles Sumner, Robert LaFollette, Sr., George Norris, Arthur Vandenberg, and Everett Dirksen has been embarrassed by the weak kneed refusal of today’s Republican members of Congress to show some backbone to Donald Trump!

Face the facts: the Republican Party has become a cult, and is unlikely to come back into respectability, even after Donald Trump leaves the scene, as he has done so much damage and harm, that the Republican Party name may very well go into oblivion!

Republican National Convention Speakers List Pitiful When Compared To Democratic National Convention List

The Democratic National Convention had an amazing list of speakers, besides Joe Biden and his wife The list includes Kamala Harris, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter, many of Biden’s Democratic rivals for the nomination, several Republicans (John Kasich, Colin Powell, Christie Todd Whitman among others), and a number of public figures from the world of sports and entertainment.

The best that Donald Trump can do is have his four older children, his wife, those connected to his children (son in law Jared Kushner and wife and girlfriend of sons), and Vice President Mike Pence.

Trump has to be in the center of each night’s presentation, which insures he will say stupid comments will hurt him.

And who outside of family connections will speak for Donald Trump? Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, and House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

This is not exactly an inspiring list, and means such individuals as the following are not speaking or participating in the Republican National Convention:

George W. Bush, Laura Bush, Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, John Boehner, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Cindy McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and apparently most Republicans in the House and Senate presently, although a few might make an appearance.

One can assume most members of the present Trump Cabinet might appear, but they have already lost all credibility as the most corrupt group of cabinet officers in American history.

And one can probably expect the criminal Stephen Miller, responsible for the despicable separation of children, including babies and toddlers, from their parents at the Mexico border, for the simple act of applying for asylum, which is perfectly legal.

This is a human rights crime, and should lead to Miller and the Trump cabinet which voted for it in 2018, facing indictment and prison for this violation of human rights of innocent victims!

It will be an infuriating four days of lies upon lies upon lies, and hard to focus on, as the sight of Trump and his despicable followers in government are enough to make one ill!

Republican Party And Its Convention Will Reflect Truth: Republicans Are Totally Lacking In Diversity

The Republican National Convention this coming week will glorify the horrific record of Donald Trump and Mike Pence, and imagine how many lies they will utter!

They will display the most obnoxious and disgusting examples of horrible human behavior, and will tout their mistreatment of immigrants and their children at the Mexico Border.

They will overlook or deny the reality of Russian influence on Donald Trump, including assistance to make him President by corruption.

It will be one glorious glamorizing of a President who is a nativist, racist, misogynist, and is supported by antisemites and Islamophobes, although he has cordial relations with Israel and many Arab nations.

And what will stick out glaringly is that the party and its “front faces” will have very little diversity, as there are a very small number of women in Congress (9 in the Senate and 13 in the House of Representatives) who are Republicans.

There are only two Jews in the House of Representatives (Lee Zeldin of New York and David Kustoff of Tennessee) and none in the US Senate who are Republicans. And those two Jews are the only non Christian members in the GOP, with no representation by other religions or ethnicities, other than Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, who is African American.

So a white Christian party in a nation in which that group is in rapid decline is a party failing in so many ways, and if it does not diversify soon, it will be a party that is irrelevant in the future!

National Face Mask Mandate Urgently Needed As Covid-19 Spreads, And With Flu Season On The Horizon!

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have come out swinging on the need for a national face mask mandate, desperately needed as the CoronaVirus Pandemi spreads wildly, and with the flu season on the horizon.

If only Donald Trump and Mike Pence had promoted this, the number of deaths, nearing 170,000, would have been far less, possibly half or two thirds lower.

Instead, Trump and Pence have encouraged aggression and violence by their nutty supporters, and have endangered our nation, which has, by far, the highest number of deaths and cases, due to their negligence.

If we are the greatest nation in the world, this should not be happening, but sadly, Donald Trump has no concern for the loss of life, and neither does the hypocritical, supposedly Pro Life, Mike Pence!

It is estimated that at least 40,000 future deaths between now and Election Day could be saved, if only what Biden and Harris call for, was done by Donald Trump.

But he has no regard for the losses of so many Americans, so when Biden comes into office, we will impose a national policy with penalties for those who refuse to obey.

And some people who say this is Marxism, are demonstrating how clueless, ignorant, and purely dumb they are, and need to study up on political philosophies and history, as they need to be educated on true authoritarianism, the constant threat of Donald Trump in office!

Government can impose requirements for public safety, and face masks are now such a requirement that needs to be mandated !

46 Years Since Richard Nixon Resigned, And Nation Would Benefit If Donald Trump Did The Same, But He Is No Richard Nixon!

In 1974, on this day, August 9, the 37th President of the United States resigned from office, succeeded by Gerald Ford.

That was a great day, as a lawless, corrupt President, Richard Nixon, pressured by Republican leaders in both houses of Congress, willingly left, still a believer that he had been wronged, but ending a constitutional crisis, and giving us a President, Gerald Ford, who was certainly not without faults. But Ford was far better than the horror if Vice President Spiro Agnew had not been discovered for his corruption and forced to resign in October 1973, as Agnew would have been even worse than Nixon, so America was saved.

Now we have a President, even more lawless and corrupt than Richard Nixon, a willing accomplice of Russian leader Vladimir Putin, a scenario that never would have crossed the mind of Richard Nixon. Donald Trump is working to destroy our whole constitutional system of government, and manipulates and distorts and lies, willing to do anything to gain absolute power by being reelected this November.

Richard Nixon had real accomplishments, despite his evil nature, and some of his greatest accomplishments are being destroyed by Donald Trump, who wishes to undo all good done under both Democratic and Republican Presidents in the ninety years since Franklin D. Roosevelt came to the Presidency during the First Great Depression.

Now, Donald Trump is presiding over a Second Great Depression, even more heartless and lacking in empathy or concern than Herbert Hoover.

And his Vice President, Mike Pence, is a religious extremist, with no principles, and hoping to impose his and his wife’s evil, narrow minded views about women’s rights and gay rights upon the nation in the future. He wishes to promote the extreme right wing views of disgraceful hypocrites, such as Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell, Jr, Ralph Reed, Tony Perkins, and others who want a theocracy in America.

So on the 46th anniversary of Richard Nixon’s resignation, the nation is faced with a crisis that may become worse, with the US Postal Service being politically manipulated to attempt to undermine mail voting. This is occurring in a time of a massive CoronaVirus Pandemic that the government on the national level and in many Republican states, including my resident state of Florida, are failing to deal with. This is creating an even greater health crisis that makes America the embarrassment of the entire world community!

The Battle For The Republican Future After Trump

The Republican Party seems likely to collapse in the Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2020, suffering their worst defeat since 1964.

Just as the party collapsed in 1912, and again in 1964, now in 2020, four years late–that is, 56 years, not 52 years—a major regeneration of the party in Congress and the competition for the Presidency seems likely.

It looks right now as if the Democrats will win a lot more than the three to four seats needed to win the majority in the Senate, and that the Republicans will lose another minimum ten seats in the House of Representatives, after losing 42 seats in the 2018 midterm Congressional elections.

And the issue arises, who in the party has a likelihood of competing for President in 2024, with of course, always the possibility someone not yet elected or noticed will enter the fray if successful in this upcoming election.

Youth seems likely to triumph, and there are people in the Senate who can be seen as rivals for the future nomination for President, as well as some not in the Senate.

In the Senate, we have some “old timers”, meaning those who have already run for President, including Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Marco Rubio of Florida. All of them are quite horrific as thoughts as future Presidents, particularly the first two, but really, all three.

Then, we have three others, who clearly, plan to run for President—Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Josh Hawley of Missouri, and Ben Sasse of Nebraska—and all but Sasse are seen as equally totally horrific.

We also have Nikki Haley, former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor, and for awhile, thought to be “somewhat appealing”, but no more, after her recent total loyalty to Donald Trump, and the halo she once had is gone.

We also have the horror of the possibility of Donald Trump Jr. or Ivanka Trump considering a run!

And we have the disgrace of Florida Senator Rick Scott, who should have been in federal prison for Medicare-Medicaid fraud from years ago, and instead went on to two terms as Florida Governor, and now Florida Senator, winning all three races by about one percent, and all three races very suspect as to vote total manipulation. Just looking at him is enough to make one vomit!

And if one looks to have regular vomiting, think of the disgrace of Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson, a true Know Nothing moron, with no ethical or moral compass at all!

Then, there is also Maryland Governor Larry Hogan and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker, who both have handled the CoronaVirus Pandemic responsibly, and are perceived as moderates.

And another Governor, who has handled the crisis horribly, Ron DeSantis of Florida, will probably be angling as well for the Presidency, and makes a Floridian like myself disgusted as to the three state wide office holders in the third largest state, being as obnoxious as Rubio, Scott, and DeSantis!

Of course, if Trump is reelected, Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo might also enter the race, but it is assumed for this article that Trump will lose!

As an “outsider”, a progressive such as myself, if asked, who could one imagine “accepting” as a future President, and with this progressive hiding his eyes behind a total mask, it would have to be Ben Sasse, Larry Hogan, or Charlie Baker, as the rest of the group totally sickens me.

Likely, one of these sixteen will be the Republican nominee for President in 2024, and the odds will be against Sasse, Hogan or Baker, realistically!