Mississippi Confederate Flag

Mississippi Takes Major Step Forward In Abandoning Confederate Flag

Miracle of miracles, imagine that Mississippi, the most recalcitrant Southern state, has finally moved to come into the 21st century, and abandon their Confederate flag, adopted in 1894.

This was a move by the Republican House Speaker and the Democratic Minority Leader (who is African American), and seeing the overwhelming three fourths vote in the state legislature, and the two men standing together in cooperation, to talk to journalists about what had been done, is so heartwarming!

And the Republican Governor, Tate Reeves, has made it clear that he will sign the legislation, and that a new flag will be developed to replace this disgraceful reminder of white supremacy, racism, and the lost cause of the Confederate States of America in the Civil War, nearly 160 years ago!

This has been a rare moment to be thrilled by, especially when we have a Confederate loving white supremacist and racist in the White House, but not for long will Donald Trump be there!