Mitt Romney Of Utah

Republican National Committee Threatening To Refuse To Participate In Presidential Debates In 2024!

The Republican National Committee is threatening to refuse to participate in Presidential debates in 2024, as they complain that the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates is one sided and favors Democrats, and that the moderators selected are biased.

Ronna McDaniel, who happens to be a niece of Senator Mitt Romney, is making these threats, which even her uncle thinks is outrageous!

It is clear the Republican party does not want to expose itself to any criticism of Donald Trump, or whatever lackey of Trump ends up as the GOP Presidential nominee.

This is another step in the Republican Party moving toward Fascist authoritarianism, as they seem to feel why should people be able to vote, therefore promoting voter suppression laws in Republican controlled states, and now the refusal to face the challenge of their opponents.

There should be a way to prevent such a threat, as it undermines American democracy, the Constitution, and the rule of law!

On Eve Of Voting Rights Vote In Senate, Why Cannot At Least Ten GOP Senators Vote Support?

In 2006, the US Senate voted 98-0 for extension of the Voting Rights Act.

In 2022, it seems highly unlikely that even one Republican Senator will do so, therefore undermining American democracy.

The concept that there are not at least 10 Republican Senators who have the courage and the principle that voting rights matter, and are willing to go on record to that effect, is mind blowing.

Why cannot Susan Collins of Maine and Ben Sasse of Nebraska, both of whom voted to convict Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial, and are safely in office through 2026, vote to support voting rights?

Why cannot Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who has been elected to the Senate as an Independent in a three way race in 2010, and is often an outlier in the party, including voting to convict Donald Trump, support voting rights, even though she faces election in 2022?

Why cannot Mitt Romney of Utah, who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and is seen as more centrist than anyone in the party in the Senate, other than Collins and Murkowski, have the ability to vote to support voting rights?

Why cannot Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and who has his seat until 2026, as Collins and Sasse also do, have the courage to support voting rights?

Why cannot Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Richard Burr of North Carolina, both who also voted to convict Donald Trump, and are leaving the Senate at the end of 2022, do the right thing and support voting rights?

Why cannot Roy Blunt of Missouri, Rob Portman of Ohio, and Richard Shelby of Alabama, all retiring, do the right thing and support voting rights?

If all of the above did the right thing, we would have 10 Republican Senators joining with the 50 Democrats, and voting rights would be restored!

Essential To Pass Voting Rights Legislation, Which Republicans In Senate Supported Unanimously In 2006!

Voting Rights legislation is essential if America is to remain a democracy.

The 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24, and 26th Amendments guarantee voting rights, as did the Voting Rights Act of 1965, passed as part of the Great Society of Lyndon B. Johnson.

The Supreme Court in 2013 weakened the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County V Holder, and have caused the deterioration of voting rights, now accelerated by many states in the South and Midwest and Mountain West creating all kinds of restrictions, designed to prevent minority groups, the elderly, college students, and the disabled from ability to vote.

This MUST be reversed by dropping the filibuster and allowing “reconciliation” to be used to insure voting rights are restored to what they were.

The shocking thing about this whole matter is that the Republican party unanimously supported renewal of the Voting Rights Act in 2006 under the Presidency of Republican George W. Bush! The vote was 98-0, so therefore, there is no excuse for Republican opposition other than they have allowed their party to be hijacked by Donald Trump and his supporters.

But it is still hard to believe that at least some Republican senators–such as Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Susan Collins of Maine, Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, and others who voted to convict Donald Trump, and also those Republican Senators retiring in 2022, should by their consience, if they have one, support the voting rights legislation promoted now–the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the Freedom To Vote Act.

Nineteen states have passed 34 restrictive laws, which would be negated by passage of the above two proposed laws. Meanwhile, 25 states have passed 62 expansive laws, and the right to vote should be the same in every state, so action to overcome restrictions is essential!

TIME Magazine “Person Of The Year” Should NOT Be Elon Musk, Rather Capitol Hill Police Officer Eugene Goodman!

It is a total disgrace that TIME Magazine chose to name Billionaire Elon Musk, the wealthiest person on earth, as “Person of the Year”, even considering his business activities at Tesla Motors, SpaceX, and other activities as being significant!

The man is totally greedy, an arrogant plutocrat, who has not paid a fair share of his wealth in taxes, and loves to brag!

Musk has also spread misinformation about the COVID 19 Pandemic, totally reprehensible!

Instead, the “Person of the Year” should be Capitol Hill African American Police Officer Eugene Goodman, who steered the mob that attacked the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 away from the US Senate chamber, and specifically saved Utah Senator Mitt Romney from being imminently attacked!

This is a true hero, who is a model for good and committed public service!

Republican “Crazies” Women, And Republican Fauci “Wacko” Male Critics= Downfall Of Republican Party!

The Republican Party in Congress is going crazier and wackier by the day, and it will lead to the downfall of the Republican Party!

Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert makes an anti Islamic hate message toward Minnesota Democratic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, is then attacked by a more sensible, although conservative, Republican Congresswoman, Nancy Mace of South Carolina, who then is attacked by the looniest of all, Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene!

Boebert and Greene are true trailer type trash, and will destroy the Republican Party with their antics!

Meanwhile Republican Senators Ted Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul of Kentucky, and Tom Cotton of Arkansasa, all past or would be future Presidential contenders, are on the war path against Dr. Anthony Fauci, accusing him of incompetence, when he has been the hero for science and medicine on the COVID 19 Pandemic! Utah Senator Mitt Romney has defended Fauci, while saying no one is perfect, and of course, Romney, having voted to convict Donald Trump in the second impeachment trial, is seen as a RINO (Republican in Name Only), similar to the two courageous House Members in the party, Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois, who are working on the January 6 House Committee investigating the US Capitol Insurrection.

Growing Opposition To Donald Trump Potential Presidential Candidacy In 2024

A year after Donald Trump lost the Presidential Election of 2020 decisively by 7 million popular votes, and the precise Electoral College vote for Joe Biden that Trump won by in 2016, despite losing the popular vote by 2.85 million votes to Hillary Clinton, the beginning of the challenge to Trump’s potential Presidential candidacy in 2024 is beginning in earnest.

The following are challengers to Donald Trump’s potential campaign for 2024. They all have by word and deed made clear their condemnation of Donald Trump:

Former Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey
Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland
Congresswoman Liz Cheney of Wyoming
Congressman Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Senator Mitt Romney of Utah
Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan of Wisconsin
Former Governor John Kasich of Ohio

Conservative Anti Trumpers Need To Enter The Republican Presidential Race In 2024!

For the survival and continuation of the Republican Party, it is essential that conservative anti Trumpers enter the Republican Presidential race in 2024.

And if Donald Trump or one of his lackeys ends up as the GOP Presidential nominee, an anti Trumper, who has competed, needs to form a third party or independent movement to insure that Trump or his supporter is denied the Presidency in 2024!

Some candidates who might run include:

Larry Hogan Maryland Governor
Liz Cheney Wyoming Congresswoman
Adam Kinzinger Illinois Congressman
Ben Sasse Nebraska Senator
Mitt Romney Utah Senator and Presidential nominee in 2012
Lisa Murkowski Alaska Senator
John Kasich former Governor Ohio
Evan McMillan Independent Candidate for President 2020

Six Republican Senators Supported Creation Of Bipartisan January 6 Commission

Six Republican Senators ended up supporting creation of the bipartisan January 6 Commission, to do a thorough investigation of the US Capitol Insurrection, with the proposal failing 54-35 in the Senate last Friday.

Five of the six Republican Senators also supported conviction of Donald Trump on impeachment charges, including

Mitt Romney of Utah
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Susan Collins of Maine
Ben Sasse of Nebraska
Bill Cassidy of Louisiana

Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania was absent for the vote, but said he would have joined the others in support, as he did on the conviction of Trump.

Also, Rob Portman of Ohio, who did not support conviction of Trump on impeachment charges, joined the five above Senators in voting for the commission, and should be commended.

Richard Burr of North Carolina, who supported conviction of Trump, failed to vote on the legislation, but indicated he would not have supported such a commission.

Absolutely Brilliant Presentation By House Prosecutors In Donald Trump Second Impeachment Trial

America can be proud of the nine member House Prosecution in the Second Donald Trump Impeachment Trial.

Watching their presentation evokes great emotions, at the tragedy of what happened on January 6, 2021.

January 6, the day of the Capitol Insurrection, will always be remembered in the same vein as September 11, 2001; December 7, 1941; and November 22, 1963, as days of mourning.

Jamie Raskin, the leader of the nine prosecutors, made every decent American proud, but the other eight prosecutors also demonstrated how decent and patriotic they are, and they will be well remembered in the long run of history.

The fact that one extra Republican, Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, joined five other Republicans in legitimizing the trial, was a good development, but eleven more Republicans need to join the six (including Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania) to convict Donald Trump, and prevent him ever running again for public office.

If the Republicans were a decent group, which they are not, that would happen, but is highly unlikely to occur!

Only Three Republican House Members Are Consistent On Donald Trump And Marjorie Taylor Greene!

An amazing reality, that only THREE House Republicans are consistent in their principles.

They voted for the impeachment of Donald Trump, and for the stripping of committee membership for QAnon follower and advocate of violence and lies, Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia.

The three “heroes” were;

Adam Kinzinger of Illinois
Fred Upton of Michigan
John Katko of New York

All three will likely have major challenges for nomination to their seats in 2022, sadly, and it shows how corrupt and unprincipled the Republican Party has become.

It will be interesting to see how many Republican Senators vote to convict Donald Trump in his second upcoming impeachment trial, with only five voting to impeach him–Mitt Romney of Utah, Ben Sasse of Nebraska, Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.