Mob Psychology

What Is It About Donald Trump That No Matter What He Says Or Does, It Seems Not To Affect His Supporters?

Donald Trump seems able to say or do anything, and somehow, it does not affect his supporters and undermine his candidacy!

He insults John McCain for being a Prisoner of War, an insult to the Arizona Senator and to veterans, and yet he survives criticism.

He ridicules a disabled journalist, an insult to disabled citizens, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks women on their looks or intelligence, including Megyn Kelly, Carly Fiorina and others, and yet his misogyny does not seem to hurt him.

He attacks Mexicans in a derogatory manner, and talks of building a wall that will never happen, and yet he survives criticism.

He promotes the banning of anyone of Islamic faith from entering America, against our constitutional principles, and yet he survives criticism.

He does not reject David Duke and other white supremacists, and claims not to know about them, and yet he survives criticism.

He has followers who promote antisemitism, including David Duke but also others, and even has an Orthodox Jewish son in law, and he does not condemn such hatred, and yet he survives criticism.

He insults all of his political opponents, gives them all kinds of names, and makes up stories about them and their families, and yet he survives criticism.

He encourages harsh criticism of the news media, and promotes violence at his rallies, and yet he survives criticism.

He attacks Bill Clinton’s sexual exploits and blames Hillary Clinton for it, and he has scandalous sex scandals in his own background, and yet he survives criticism.

Donald Trump is, seemingly, not held accountable for his lack of specifics on any issue, and his reckless statements about domestic and foreign policy make him dangerous, and yet he survives criticism.

This is a man who is clearly a nativist, a racist, a misogynist, courts antisemites, is scaring our allies around the world, and has created a mob psychology similar to Mussolini and Hitler.

One has to wonder whether we are on the way to choosing an authoritarian figure who will destroy the Constitution and the traditions of this country, and maybe, just maybe, most of the American people will not give a damn!

Imagine A President Trump Confronting Speaker Paul Ryan, The Intelligence Agencies, And The Military Hierarchy!

Imagine just for a minute a President Donald Trump and a Speaker Paul Ryan, and the constant clash they would be engaging in for ultimate control of domestic and economic policy!

Trump has no clue as to how Congress works, and he fails to understand that the Speaker of the House wields great power over anything that goes through the House of Representatives.

So be assured that Paul Ryan would not allow any kind of mass deportation of Muslims, or the building of a Mexico wall, along with many other ideas that Donald Trump has!

And be assured that the intelligence agencies and the military would never follow through on what a President Trump wanted to do in foreign and military policy, and this has already been made clear by people in the intelligence agencies and the military hierarchy! This includes David Petraeus, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and John Brennan, and many others!

President Dwight D. Eisenhower discovered that he could not “bark orders” and get things done, as had been true in the military!

Donald Trump would discover that he would be put in a “strait jacket” in both domestic and foreign policy, and the likelihood of an impeachment is likely, since he is a very dangerous man, with his ignorance and shortcomings in both domestic and foreign policy are massive.

The greatest danger would come from the “mob psychology” of the crowds who come to cheer him on, thinking they are at a football game or some such event.

But even scarier is the image of the Nuremberg rallies where Adolf Hitler spewed for this antisemitism and his belligerent war threats, as Trump’s “minions” are totally terrifying.

Trump represents an evil that must be overcome, and this idea of disillusioned voters staying home creates perfect conditions for a Trump victory, and an attempt at a Trump dictatorship, which would turn the American nation upside down and inside out, far worse than the threat of Richard Nixon!