Nazi Germany

Stephen Miller, Tom Homan And Tattoos: Venezulean Refugees Sent To El Salvador Without Any Due Process: Authoritarianism Run Rampant! :(

Donald Trump has just done one of the most abusive, anti constitutional actions imaginable!

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) under the monstrous, dictatorial Tom Homan, and assisted by equally horrendous Stephen Miller, has sent a few hundred Venezuelan immigrants to horrid prisons in El Salvador, one of the most oppressive regimes on the planet, but often ignored, because of its small population and limited news coverage worldwide.

These Venezuelan refugees are said to be members of a violent Venezuelan gang that committed massive crimes in locations in New York and Colorado, and have been declared “terrorists” by Donald Trump, with him using the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 for the first time since Japanese internment in detention camps during World War II!

There are many problems with this action, including the fact that the Alien Enemies Act is to be used only in wartime, and we are not at war, except maybe in the mind of Trump, Homan, Miller, and their ilk.

Also, none of these Venezuelan immigrants had their day in court; have not been charged with any crimes specifically; have not had legal representation and ability to defend against any charges; and fundamentally, have not been given due process!

This is authoritarianism at its worst, as this kind of lawlessness could, in theory, be used against any critic in any area of American life, not just supposedly Venezuelan gang members, who all, supposedly have identifying tattoos!

Already, there are cases of individuals whose family members in America have said they are NOT members of a gang, and even if they have tattos, they are not gang related tattoos.

If we are going to assert that anyone with a tattoo of any kind is to be deported to a foreign government that is authoritarian and accepts money from the US to house and mistreat people who have been in the United States, based on lack of evidence of having committed a crime, then ALL of America is in danger, just for being opposed to our President who wants absolute power without limits!

When one realizes that it has been stated that 58 percent of the American people have some kind of tattoo, and even if the number is lower than that, that means we are faced with the greatest threat imaginable in American history!

It means we have a lawless government which can arrest and deport anyone on any grounds without due process to a horrendous foreign dictatorship that will deny them basic human rights without any accountability!

This situation cannot be allowed to stand, and the federal judge in Washington, DC, Chief Judge James Boasberg, who is demanding facts and information and accountability, is now being threatened with impeachment, and condemnation for standing up for the rule of law under the US Constitution.

This is a cause that goes beyond these Venezuelan refugees, as it is a stepping stone to anyone becoming a potential victim.

There is the old saying that was used about Nazi Germany, that when the government came for the Socialists, no one cared, and when they came for the gypsies, no one cared, and when they came for the labor union workers, no one cared, and when they came for the Jews, no one cared. But then, they would come for YOU, and there was no one left to care about YOU!

This is a fight that must be taken in earnest by large crowds marching and demonstrating, and by courageous judges, including Chief Justice John Roberts, who has condemned Donald Trump’s attack on the DC Chief Judge James Boasberg, and also by courageous journalists, and just decent people, who will not sit by and remain silent!

This IS a moment of reckoning for the future of American democracy, and no one can remain on the sidelines!

The Republican Party And Russia From Joseph McCarthy To Donald Trump!

The Republican Party has completely reversed its long held stand against Russian aggression, from the time of the Soviet Union’s founding in 1917; through its decline and collapse and the end of the Cold War in 1991; and through the rise of Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation in the year 2000 to the present.

Whether Democratic or Republican administrations, the US Government has stood against the imperialism and expansionist urges of the Russian government for more than a century.

No longer though, now, as Donald Trump has embraced Vladimir Putin’s three year war on Ukraine, and called Ukraine’s President Zelenskyy a “dictator”, totally upending all reasonable assessments of the worst destruction and bloodshed in Europe since World War II and Nazi Germany.

Trump has hijacked the Republican Party, silencing most members of the party in the Congress and in the states, who have instead of doing the right thing, condemning Russia’s imperialism and threat to all of Europe and the NATO alliance, rather become the cheering squad for Trump’s destructive relationship with the western democracies, and his embrace of authoritarianism.

Despite the overall negative view of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy, who led the Second Red Scare from 1950-1954, he was certainly right on the menace of the Soviet Union, while tragically destroying the reputations of many Americans in his quest for power and influence.

Richard Nixon was also a promoter of the Second Red Scare, along with a multitude of others, but the one consistency in the midst of horrendous abuse of their attack on Democrats, liberals, and decent Americans, there was recognition of the dangers of Communism and the Russian control of Eastern Europe and the desire to expand further.

But now, we see people in the Republican Party who know better, going along with Donald Trump’s destruction of the basic traditions of American foreign policy, in order to advance their own personal agenda and ambitions.

Now, we have Marco Rubio, as Secretary of State, keeping silent on what Trump is doing regarding Russia, and the same for other Cabinet Officers and House and Senate Republicans.

Only a few are willing to speak up and condemn the switch in attitude toward Russia, including Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina, and Congressman Don Bacon from the Second District of Nebraska.

But Tillis and Bacon are in danger of being opposed for reelection by Elon Musk recruiting opponents, and most Republicans are unwilling to speak up, in fear of losing their seats, which is, sadly, more important than having any principles!

So the Republican Party is a disaster, with the old traditions thrown out, and instead, embracing a war criminal, Vladimir Putin, who was a KGB Spy in the latter years of the former Soviet Union!

It can be assured that Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and other hardline critics of Russia, are tossing in their graves!

Donald Trump Is “Neville Chamberlain” Appeasement Of Nazi Germany In 1938, Repeated In 2025 Involving Ukraine And Russia!

In 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, wishing to preserve peace, made a deal with Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler, agreeing that half of Czechoslovakia should be handed over to the Germans to preserve peace in Europe.

Chamberlain horribly misjudged Hitler’s intentions, and within a year, World War II began, and Chamberlain’s reputation was besmirched for all time, as a naive leader who was tricked by Hitler, and Chamberlain’s name has been synonymous with the term “appeasement” ever since!

The lesson learned the hard way was that one does not make deals with authoritarians to give up territory for so called peace, as such dictators are manipulating and fooling their opponents into believing peace is assured by making such deals.

But then, we have now Donald Trump, the new “appeaser”, the new Neville Chamberlain, who is willing to make a deal with the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin, who has waged the worse war and destruction in Europe since World War II, in his three year invasion and destruction waged on Ukraine.

The United States under Joe Biden and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has been valiant in their support of Ukraine, but now Donald Trump and his treasonous administration is ready to abandon Ukraine and trust Putin, who is, one must remember, formerly a KGB agent in the former Soviet Union, with a clear aim to restore the old Russia which collapsed with the end of the Cold War in 1991.

Putin is vicious, bloodthirsty, deceitful, and manipulative, and has found the “perfect fool” in Trump, and one has to say that Trump clearly has some kind of hidden reason to have embraced Putin from the beginning of his pursuit of the Presidency ten years ago.

No matter what one might deny, it is clear that Putin manipulated and helped elect Trump in 2016, even though Trump lost the popular vote by 2.85 million votes. There is clearcut evidence of collaboration, and one has to wonder why Trump is so intent on embracing authoritarians, although it is now clear, if not earlier, that Trump wants to be like a Putin, an authoritarian dictator!

International affairs is being upended after 75 years of NATO and support against totalitarianism, and lies about the Russia-Ukraine War are being spread to manipulate public opinion.

It is not just Ukraine which is in danger, but all nations and their citizens who care about democracy and freedom. It is clear that Putin, if allowed to succeed in taking over Ukraine, will next move to attack the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) and Poland in his desire to dominate Europe.

Clearly, Trump is a traitor to American values and national security, and we are in a massive crisis of whether our nation and the world will be secure and stable moving forward! For Trump to “blame” Ukraine for the invasion by Russia and call Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a dictator, is an outrage!

80th Anniversary Of D-Day Reminds Us Of The Constant Struggle To Maintain Democracy

Today is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day, arguably the most important day in modern world history for the survival and prosperity of democracy.

America and Europe were fighting the evil of German Nazism and Adolf Hitler, just as now America and Europe face the evil of the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin in the third year of war in Ukraine.

And domestically, America is facing its greatest crisis in maintaining democracy at home, by the threat of Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

The Presidential Election Of 2024 is the most significant since the Presidential Election Of 1940, when Franklin D. Roosevelt faced a primarily isolationist Republican Party and its nominee, Wendell Willkie, who like Donald Trump, had zero government experience. However, Willkie was not as reckless and dangerous as Trump is, although most of the Republican Party was strongly unconcerned about the war in Europe and Asia.

D Day reminds us of the reality that democracy is never a given in any society, and that people need to be willing to sacrifice to insure its survival and sustaining nature.

Donald Trump Deteriorating Before Our Eyes, Major Danger To Nation And World!

Donald Trump, in the midst of the stress caused by the criminal trial taking place in New York City, is making speeches at campaign rallies and in comments on Truth Social that clearly show rapid mental deterioration!

He was speaking in New Jersey over the weekend about fictional Hannibal Lecter, who ate his victims.

He has described migrants as animals, and has spewed forth open hatred and putrid language without any filter.

What is most disturbing is that his MAGA followers seem to rejoice in his rhetoric on racism and nativism, and his promotion of hate, and that is very disconcerting, as it indicates major psychological issues for millions of his loyalists.

This is the kind of mentality that allowed the democracy of Weimar Germany a century ago to lead to the mass murder, Holocaust and World War II incited by lunatic Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany!

This cannot be allowed to happen in the United States, as once democracy is lost, it would be extremely difficult to restore it!

Republican Isolationism Rears Its Ugly Head As It Did Before World War II!

The nation is back in the 1930s, when primarily Republican Party isolationism ignored the threat of Nazi Germany, and many embraced Adolf Hitler.

Back then, we had Charles Lindbergh, Roman Catholic Priest Charles Coughlin, auto magnate Henry Ford, Ohio Senator Robert Taft, and innumerable others resist the idea that Nazism and Fascism were a threat to American democracy and national security, even after Germany started World War II and conquered France and started the air assault on Great Britain.

Today, we have Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Fox News Channel commentators, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Ohio Senator J D Vance, Missouri Senator Josh Hawley, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson, and most other Republicans in Congress who resist the idea that Vladimir Putin and Russia’s war against Ukraine is a threat to American democracy and national security!

Just as Franklin D. Roosevelt had to battle against these isolationist forces back then, now Joe Biden must do so in 2024, as Donald Trump and his ilk represent a dire threat to the future of the nation!

Donald Trump “A Clear And Present Danger” To American National Security And World Stability!

Donald Trump has gone off the deep end more than ever, now stating that if a NATO nation has not paid its portion of defense, that he would welcome Russian invasion and war against such nation.

When first hearing this, one has to say, let me hear that again, as it is beyond belief!

And yet, most Republicans in Congress are either supporting what Trump said, or are remaining silent. To see that Senators Roger Marshall of Kansas and Marco Rubio of Florida have no issue with Trump’s statement is shocking!

This is the revival of the ugly isolationist movement in the 1930s that made us not ready when Pearl Harbor occurred in 1941, and a long World War II to overcome the threat of not just Imperial Japan, but Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy!

If America goes into isolationism, it will have no allies or friends, and the national security of the nation would be at stake!

There is no way that this nation can allow this maniac Donald Trump, a truly evil man, to regain power, as he is clearly an unadulterated evil force we have never seen in the nearly 250 years of the American Republic!

Being supportive of Russia is being a traitor, a seditionist, a evil force that must be held accountable, and the Republican Party must be reorganized, as it is now a cancer on the body politic!

Republican Party Is Clearly Becoming Pro Russian Without Apology!

Ever since Donald Trump became a Presidential candidate in 2015, the Republican Party has steadily moved toward a pro Russian viewpoint without apology.

Now they are openly showing that their formerly hardline view toward Russia that existed from World War II and peaked under Barry Goldwater in the 1960s and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and included Senator Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon in the 1950s, has gone into the dustbin of history.

We now have one of the two major political parties openly pro Vladimir Putin, and willing to see Russia take over Ukraine, the largest nation in Europe in land area!

This is a threat to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and many Republicans, including Donald Trump, seem ready to abandon NATO, as Trump threatened to do in his time in the Oval Office!

This should be alarming, as if Putin can take over Ukraine, then why would he stop from wishing to seize former Soviet held areas in Eastern Europe, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and then Poland and other former Eastern European “satellites” in the Cold War Years of 1945-1991!

This is a major national security crisis, bringing America back to the isolationist era of the 1930s, when many Republicans were only too willing to ignore the threat of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, leading to World War II!

November 9–Kristallnacht 1938 And Berlin Wall Collapses 1989

November 9 is a momentous day in world history, and specifically in German history.

In 1938, we had Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass), the beginning of widespread violence and arrest of Jews in Germany by the government of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.

This is often seen as the beginning of the Holocaust that led to six million Jews and seven million others being slaughtered in concentration camps during the ensuing World War II.

This event is even more significant after the tragic death of 1,400 Israelis on October 7 by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

November 9 in 1989 is a much more pleasant event, as the Berlin Wall was overcome by crowds beginning on that day, marking the end of the Cold War and the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, as well as the reunification of Germany in 1990, an event that is a great moment in history!

Foreign Policy Of America In Danger From Donald Trump!

American foreign policy is in great danger from the threat of Donald Trump possibly being reelected to the Presidency in 2024.

His well known admiration for authoritarians in Russia, North Korea, and China; and his hostility toward the North Atlantic Treaty Organization are alarm bells in the night!

His willingness to abandon Ukraine, and allow Vladimir Putin to seize more of that nation, is an encouragement that will trigger World War III, as what would stop Putin from trying to restore the old Soviet Union, by attacking Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and more territory?

America’s relationship with Asian nations, which now are 60 percent of the world’s population are also in danger!

And our relationship with Canada and Latin America would be in disarray as well!

To imagine that Trump would be President again is like imagining that Charles Lindbergh or Henry Ford had been President in the 1930s and 1940s, cozying up to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy during World War II!

President Joe Biden, meanwhile, has worked very hard to promote and strengthen our alliances with nations around the world, and one must remember his vast experience in foreign policy, as a US Senator, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and eight years as Vice President under Barack Obama!