Netroots Nation

Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Rousing Speech On “Eleven Commandments Of Progressivism”!

Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, on a book tour for her recent publication, but also rousing progressives with her inspiring ideas, gave a speech last week at Netroots Nation, the progressive gathering often seen as the alternative to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held annually.

Warren summarized the views of those who are progressives and liberals, including:

The need for regulation of Wall Street.

The belief in science, and its role in preserving our environment.

Neutrality on the internet, not favoring powerful corporations.

Raising the minimum wage, therefore allowing a full time worker to avoid living in poverty.

A livable wage for fast food workers, with public support for them being demonstrated.

The avoidance of crushing college loan debt for students, by arranging realistic debt payments.

Protection of Social Security, Medicare, and pensions, so that retired workers can live in dignity.

Equal pay for equal work for men and women.

Promotion of equality in marriage, including gay marriage.

The need for immigration reform, as immigration is part of the story of American history.

The belief that women should control their own bodies, and corporations should not control the private lives and medical care of any of their workforce.

Also, her conclusion about conservatives is so appropriate, that they will do whatever they need to do to protect their own interests, and would say to all of the rest of us that you are on your own!

Netroots Nation: Progressive Group Trying To Push Barack Obama Leftward!

Netroots Nation, the progressive activist organization, is meeting from yesterday through Sunday in Minneapolis, trying to promote an agenda to push Barack Obama away from corporate influence, and to end the wars in the Middle East and Asia.

Progressives are unhappy with the fact that, in their mind, Barack Obama is too willing to concede and compromise with the Republican opposition.

Former Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold criticized the idea of Obama taking campaign funds from Wall Street and corporations when they are working constantly to undermine him and his agenda.

The argument is to raise campaign money for 2012 only from small contributors and the labor movement. The Democratic Party, he asserted, is in danger of losing its soul and its identity.

Feingold, who had promoted campaign finance reform with Senator John McCain a decade ago, and then saw it declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, insisted that such reform was necessary.

Feingold now heads a group called Progressives United, which is working to promote progressive causes in Wisconsin and nationally.

Feingold represents the frustration and impatience many progressives have with Obama, and there is concern that the enthusiasm of 2008 for Obama may not be repeated, and that campaign funding and support by activists may not be at the same level as 2008. Particularly gay activists and those working on the topic of illegal immigration are furious with Obama at this point.

But if progressives decide to back away from Obama, then the conservatives of this nation will win power, so there is really no alternative to a decision to work with Obama, while trying to move him further to the left in his agenda!