New York City

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Needs To Be Removed Due To Corruption And Collaboration With Trump On Immigration Raids!

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on corruption charges centered around favors and bribes paid by the government of Turkey.

As soon as this corruption was revealed, Adams was suspect in his behavior and reactions to this scandal that he has engaged in, and if he had any decency, which he does not possess, he would have resigned.

Two earlier NYC Mayors–Jimmy Walker in 1932 and William O’Dwyer in 1950–resigned in similar scandals.

But instead, Adams has consorted with President Donald Trump and his “Border Czar” Thomas Homan to assist in pursuit of immigrants to deport, not just those who have committed crimes, but instead, giving widespread latitude to pursue many migrants who have committed no crime other than entering the country as an escape from bloodshed, persecution, and desire for a new life start!

NY Governor Kathy Hochul should move ahead, under her authority, to remove Adams from office, as he is not serving the public interest, and his corruption and collaboration with Trump undermines New York City and its 8.3 million people, with its many problems that are being ignored just to protect Adams from accountability.

Donald Trump Finally Gets His Comeuppance, No Longer In Control Of His Destiny!

Donald Trump is finally getting his comeuppance, learning he is no longer in control of his destiny!

His attorneys tried to dictate to federal judge Tanya Chutkan that his federal trial be delayed to April 2026.

His attorney acted like a bully, raising his voice, but was told to tone down.

Chutkan asked for an alternative between the original plan for January 2024 and April 2026, but with no willingness to negotiate, the Trump attorney was shown the power of the courts, and the date was just pushed back two months, and will start on March 4, 2024!

Ironically, if that date holds, it will be the 235th anniversary of the official Inauguration date of Presidents from 1789 through 1933. The federal government under the Constitution was declared in effect on that day in 1789.

However, in reality, George Washington actually was inagurated 57 days late, on April 30, 1789, due to delays in being able to leave his Mount Vernon estate’s tobacco planting season to travel by horseback to New York City, the first capital of the nation.

This would be the only time that the President was not inaugurated on time, an interesting piece of trivia!

The War In Ukraine Becomes More Painful And Real With Attack On Odesa!

The Russian war on Ukraine has been going on for more than 17 months now, and that nation, the homeland of many Americans through their descendants, is suffering mightily!

This author and blogger always thought he was a descendant of Russian immigrants, not realizing that actually they were Ukranian immigrants fleeing a country that had been occupied and dominated by the Russian Czars.

Odesa, the Black Sea port, through which most grain is exported around the world, and home in the past of hundreds of thousands of Jewish families, has sustained horrendous attacks that have destroyed UNESCO World Heritage sites.

It is the ancestral home city of my ancestors, and at one point, I thought of traveling to Odesa with my older son to trace our roots, but of course, that is no longer conceivable!

Odesa has been compared to New York City in its Jewish population totals in its past before World War II, and it has warm weather similar to Miami, Florida in the summer months, making it a tourist mecca in the past.

The news of the tragedy of Odesa, along with the continuing attack and forced migration of millions of Ukranians to other nations in Eastern Europe, is heartbreaking in a very personal manner!

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the courageous Ukranian President, who has been compared to Winston Churchill and Great Britain in World War II, has proved to be a world statesman, and appreciates what the United States and the NATO alliance is providing to his nation to resist the Russian aggression.

The Biden Administration and principled Republicans in both houses of Congress have backed sustained aid to Ukraine, seeing it as a test to stop Russian aggression against its former neighbors which used to be part of the forced Soviet Union from 1945-1989.

But at the same time, Donald Trump and his minions have no concern about Ukraine’s fate, and wouuld have no issue over Russia seizing that nation, a shocking situation of support of Vladimir Putin and his murderous regime.

The future of Ukraine is a warning sign of Putin’s intentions to retake military control of former forced allies, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland and other nations in eastern Europe.

The fear is that World War III is in the offing, but this author and blogger is strong in his conviction that the Western world cannot abandon Ukraine, so even more aid and support is needed!

Facts: States With Weak Gun Laws And High Gun Ownership Lead In Gun Deaths!

In the midst of the endless number of gun massacres occurring daily in America, and with children being the primary victims, statistics demonstrate the reality that Second Amendment advocates do not want to acknowledge.

States with weak gun laws and high gun ownership lead in Gun Deaths.

The six highest states in gun deaths are Mississippi, Wyoming, Louisiana, Alaska, Missouri, and Alabama, all with lax gun laws!

The five states with lowest gun death rates, all of which have strong gun control regulations, are Hawaii, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and New York!

Notice that it is Southern states which primarily have high death rates from guns, while Northeastern, highly urban states have low death rates from guns!

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, leading a Congressional hearing in New York City yesterday to go after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg due to prosecution and indictment of Donald Trump, comes from the Columbus, Ohio area, which has THREE times the crime rate of New York City!

Fox News Channel pedals lies and deceit, but it is clear that having stronger gun laws helps to lead to lower death rates, particularly among children!

It is clear that one major reason why Republicans, conservatives, Fox News Channel, and the National Rifle Association has no concern about death rates from guns, particularly among children, is the reality that many more African American children are victims than are white, Latino, or Asian children.

This is part of the continued racism and lack of concern, including police abuse against African American youths, so quick to shoot and kill, as compared to white youths!

Ron DeSantis Does Cruel,Despicable Political Stunt, Shipping Venezuelan Migrants To Massachusetts!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has done a despicable political stunt, victimizing Venezuelan migrant men, women, and children, by shipping them without notice or support to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts!

These are victims of an autocratic leftist government in their homeland, fleeing for their lives, and being victimized as refugees by a cruel, uncaring governor of the third largest state in population, and reminds us of similar treatment of Jews wishing to escape Nazi Germany in the late 1930s!

Similar stunts have been done by Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, sending migrants to Washington DC, New York City, and Chicago. This is all part of the right wing campaign against immigration reform, at a time when we have a major crisis of migrants at the US-Mexico border!

These three Republican Governors, with DeSantis and Abbott planning Republican Presidential campaigns in 2024, are competing for attention against so called “Sanctuary Cities”, part of their attack on immigration, spewing hatred and racism!

This is similar to Southern Democrats shipping African Americans to the North sixty years ago in opposition to civil rights actions by President John F. Kennedy!

DeSantis is getting most of the attention, and is reveling in his demagoguery, arrogance, and bullyish nature, and seeing adoring men and women smiling around him is enough to make one want to vomit, at the level of hatred, nativism, and racism being displayed without shame!

Ron DeSantis is reminding us of Alabama Governor George Wallace, who was a threat in the 1960s and early 1970s, but with DeSantis a much more clear and present danger, as he is riding a wave of authoritarianism that could make him a danger as a serious candidate for the Presidency!

This was something never really possible in regards to Wallace, although he did win five states, 46 electoral votes, and 13.5 percent of the popular vote in the Presidential Election of 1968!

Investigation And Accountability Of Donald Trump Moves Ahead In Multiple Locations!

The investigation and accountability of Donald Trump is moving ahead in multiple locations.

In Georgia, the move is on to form a special grand jury to pursue Trump on his interference with the Georgia Secretary of State, trying to have 11,780 votes found that would win that state for Trump, rather than Joe Biden, who won by 11,779 votes. The phone call between Brad Raffensperger and Donald Trump is clearcut evidence of illegal tampering.

In New York State, and New York City,Trump and his family are being investigated for tax fraud about his properties, and NY Attorney General Letitia James is on the case full time.

With evidence of attempts to send alternative slates of electors for Trump in states Biden won, we are having legal action in Michigan, Arizona, and five other states moving forward.

With the Supreme Court allowing Trump documents from January 6, 2021 to go to the House January 6 Committee (Trump V Thompson), we are learning about all kinds of illegal actions and conspiracies by Trump, his family, and close associates. The House Committee is getting ready to take action against Trump conspirators and the President and his family members as well, holding them accountable for the attack on the US Capitol on January 6.

Andrew Cuomo A Model Of A Crisis Leader, Compared To Our Out Of Touch Leader, Donald Trump

In the midst of this CoronaVirus Crisis, as we have President Donald Trump displaying total lack of compassion, empathy, or concern with his pitiful leadership in handling the pandemic, we are seeing Profiles in Courage by state and local leaders who are proving how decent and impressive they are in stepping up to fill the void, at least partially.

Special plaudits are given to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who one could wish could step into the role of President, a position he chose not to compete for in the present Presidential Election of 2020 competition.

This author and blogger has to admit that he had never been very impressed with Andrew Cuomo, who he thought was not impressive at all in his role as NY Governor, and certainly nothing like his wonderful father, the late former NY Governor Mario Cuomo.

But now, Andrew Cuomo has proved me wrong, and I salute him for his gutsy and courageous leadership in a time when New York State and New York City have become one of the epicenters of the spreading of the virus, along with California and Washington State.

The Surge Of Michael Bloomberg For The Democratic Presidential Nomination

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has spent more than $300 million in his quest to be the Democratic Presidential nominee, without participating in any debates, shaking hands and speaking to citizens, or being interviewed by news media.

Can a billionaire, worth $55-$60 billion buy the Presidency is the issue. Bloomberg has surged in recent polls, to be considered as a serious possibility for the Presidential nomination of the Democratic Party.

There is no debate that Bloomberg, while he has shortcomings, actually proved to be quite a good Mayor of New York City for 12 years, from 2002-2014. It is, arguably, the second most difficult government job in America after the Presidency.

He has apologized for his “stop and frisk” policies toward minorities in New York City, and suddenly, there are hints that minorities, particularly African Americans, may be moving toward him, as the sense grows that former Vice President Joe Biden is faltering.

It seems likely that Bloomberg will be participating in the next Democratic Presidential debate in Las Vegas. Nevada, on Wednesday February 19, sponsored by NBC News, since the Democratic National Committee has changed its qualification rules.

There are mixed feelings about Bloomberg, but the fact that he has pledged to spend his money on defeating Donald Trump, even if Bloomberg is NOT the Democratic nominee, makes it a quandary for many Democrats, including this author and blogger.

No Thanks, Michael Bloomberg! We Do Not Need Another Aging Billionaire Muddying Up The Democratic Presidential Competition!

The rumors have been around for months, but no thanks, Michael Bloomberg!

We do not need another aging billionaire muddying up the Democratic Presidential competition.

Bloomberg would have great trouble winning the White House, with his controversial record as New York City Mayor, and antisemitism would rear its ugly head, and the nation is not about to elect a New York City former Mayor, as most of the nation hates New York City, for no good reasons, but reality that hatred does exist.

The possibility of a brokered and divided Democratic National Convention is alarming, and would only help Donald Trump and the Republican Party.

It is time for narrowing of candidates, not broadening of the candidate pool.

If a moderate in place of Joe Biden is desired, it should not be Bloomberg, but more likely Mayor Pete Buttigieg, or Senator Amy Klobuchar.

Right now, a moderate ticket of Pete and Amy seems more likely, with their Midwest background, to have the opportunity to win the White House, certainly better than aging candidates reaching their 80s in a first term.

There will be plenty of time to evaluate Bloomberg over time, but first thoughts are, as stated above, no thanks!

Donald Trump: The Mob Boss And Massive Liar Who Wishes He Could Be President For Life!

Evidence is rapidly emerging of Donald Trump being much like a “Mob Boss”, who has had connections in the past with the Italian Mafia in New York City, and also with the Russian Mafia that has emerged under the leadership of Vladimir Putin.

This should be seen by any sane person as alarming, as the last thing we need is Organized Crime gaining an inner sanctum in the Oval Office.

Trump is also a massive liar, with more than 4,000 lies, an average of between 6-7 times a day, and rapidly accelerating.

The situation is very clear, that America is threatened by a man who has stated that he wishes to be President for life, a tyrant such as we see in totalitarian dictatorships.

That is why working to elect a Democratic Congress and more Democratic Governors is urgent for the sustaining of our democracy.

If the Republicans in Congress, who have been unwilling to hold Trump’s feet to the fire, somehow keep control of both chambers, and the majority of Governorships, then America is indeed in great danger in 2019.

Americans have not fought and sacrificed their lives to see all of their traditions and accomplishments destroyed by a would be dictator, who is mentally unhinged!