News Media

Donald Trump Rants A Sign Of Dangerous Mental Instability!

The mental state of Donald Trump is alarming, as he rants on Truth Social and at his campaign rallies with all kinds of weird, strange comments that have no relevance to reality.

While much attention has been given to Joe Biden’s verbal flubs now and then, most news media have tended to ignore the strange, odd behavior of Donald Trump.

More attention is starting to be paid to the crazy comments and threats that Trump has been displaying, growing ever more since his 34 felony convictions 12 days ago. His cognitive behavior is alarming to the extreme.

There are a whole slew of dangerous, authoritarian people surrounding Trump, who are only too willing to establish an authoritarian Fascist government if Trump somehow is elected.

The potential for violence and bloodshed is growing each day, giving sane, decent Americans a sense of great fear as to the future of the American Republic as we near the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence just two years away.

Top Five Political Heroes Of The Year 2023

In a year with so many politically difficult moments, certain situations stand out as bright moments.

Liz Cheney, the former Republican Congresswoman from Wyoming, stayed strong and continued to fight against the cancer represented by Donald Trump, holding to the traditions and beliefs of a Republican Party that once believed in principle, but no longer exists, ready to sell its soul to a charlatan who is destroying its history and traditions.

Adam Kinzinger, the former Republican Congressman from Illinois, has also, like Cheney, been a Profile in Courage, who has refused to bend to the intolerance and authoritarian nature of a party which has left him, and Cheney, rather than the other way around.

Democratic House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York has proved to be an exceptional potential Speaker of the House in 2025, as he has kept the Democratic minority united and strong against the degradation of the small majority Republicans in the House of Representatives. His leadership contrasts with the disgraceful, extremist oriented leadership of Kevin McCarthy, but even more so, Mike Johnson, a true religious extremist and moral hypocrite, who is sadly only two heartbeats away from the Presidency in his role as Speaker of the House.

President Joe Biden has shown great principle, courage, and decisiveness in a multitude of domestic and foreign crises, too often underrated and unappreciated for his strong stand for basic principles, including promotion of democracy, common decency, empathy, compassion, and the rule of law. He is presiding over the greatest crisis to our Constitution since the Civil War, but something that will only be fully understood in the future.

And finally, above all else, the survival of American Democracy itself, with the support of Democrats, courageous Republicans, the courts, the responsible news media, and decent citizens who value our heritage of nearly 250 years of constitutional government, is the ultimate “HERO” in this nation!

Resistance to authoritarian Fascism in all its forms is a constant, long term battle, and the final defeat, conviction, and imprisonment of the evil Donald Trump is the battle ahead, and with the understanding, that MAGA Trumpism will continue to be a threat, that all decent people will need to continue to resist beyond the time of Donald Trump!

Donald Trump Rhetoric Increases: Danger To Public Safety!

Donald Trump’s rhetoric has ratched up dramatically, increasingly a danger to public safety.

He has promised revenge if he is restored to the Oval Office, and he has called for the execution of former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley, and has said he wants to go after NBC and MSNBC and destroy their ability to report the truth and the facts.

His call for death and destruction of a free news media, on top of threats and denunciation of the judges, prosecutors, potential witnesses, and potential jurors in the four upcoming trials he faces, has created a great danger of bloodshed and violence.

The answer is to incarcerate him before and during trial, and prevent him from being on the ballot for President in any state, by use of the 14th Amendment Section 3, the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, and or the intervention of state Secretaries of State who control who is eligible to be on the ballot in state and local elections!

In Age Of News Media Decline, Two Reputable Newspapers Remain The Saviors Of American Democracy!

In an age of decline of News Media sources, on the local level, and on the national level, in a competitive market for news sources that are reliable and steady, two long established and reliable “national” newspapers remain the rock of the business of journalism!

I am referring to the New York Times (published since 1851) and the Washington Post (published since 1877), which have been over the long run the most reliable and reputable news sources, despite the harsh attacks and criticisms of authoritarian critics.

The more these two great newspapers are attacked, the stronger they become.

Of course, there are other news sources of shorter history of duration that are wonderful and contribute to the promotion of facts and truth. But without the New York Times and Washington Post for the past century and a half, and particularly in the modern era since the abuses of Richard Nixon in the 1970s until the present, American democracy, under great stress and duress more than ever in the age of Donald Trump since 2015, would be in ever greater crisis than it is!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Is Appealing To Right Wing Authoritarians!

It has become clear that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is perceived as the likely alternative to Donald Trump, among other Republicans who might seek to run for President in 2024.

What is clear is that Ron DeSantis is smarter, more intelligent than Donald Trump, which makes DeSantis very dangerous.

DeSantis is appealing to right wing authoritarians, based on his utterances and actions in office.

He has promoted the “Don’t Say Gay” legislation in Florida, persecuting gays, lesbians, and transgenders in the public schools, and dictating what can be said by educators in classrooms regarding sexuality and students.

Along with other Republicans, he is aiming to avoid the subject of race in the teaching of history, distorting the truth of the American past. He has attacked CRT (Critical Race Theory), which is not taught in schools, but he also does not want the unfortunate reality of racism and discrimination in the American past to be taught at all in schools and universities.

DeSantis is promoting book banning, affecting libraries and schools, and encouraging parents and school boards to promote censorship, interfering with students right to read books that should continue to be available.

He has promoted the anti abortion movement, and weakened gun safety laws, making the state much more dangerous to its citizens.

Anyone who is critical of him is attacked, including Walt Disney World, and Democratic prosecutors elected to office, who he dismisses from their positions on political grounds.

DeSantis has suppressed the vote, aiming to make it more difficult for the basic right of citizens to vote.

He has promoted gerrymandering that took away two House of Representatives seats from African Americans.

DeSantis resisted the COVID 19 Pandemic, working against vaccination requirements, face mask mandates, and stay at home orders, and this has led to Florida having the third most deaths, but not far behind California and Texas, although they have much larger populations.

He sent 50 Venezuelan refugee migrants who had applied for political asylum legally to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, as part of his political strategy to challenge the Biden Administration, but showing no concern about the cost to the state of Florida, and the lack of concern or respect for people escaping a left wing authoritarian dictatorship in Venezuela.

DeSantis is very hostile and antagonistic toward the news media, and bans them from many press conferences, only allowing right wing news media, including Fox News Channel to be present.

He is seen as appealing to right wing authoritarian promoters, and therefore, is seen as a threat to American democracy and the rule of law, were he to be nominated for and elected to the Presidency!

Ron DeSantis Has Started His Presidential Campaign: Need To Cut It Short!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has started his Presidential campaign, even before his reelection contest coming up this November.

Why does this author and blogger say this?

Because DeSantis has gone to Nevada, one of the earliest states in the Presidential Primary and Caucus season two years from now, campaigning for Adam Laxalt in his quest for the US Senate seat of Catherine Cortez Masto!

DeSantis is making it very clear that he is going to run for President, come hell or high water, even if Donald Trump decides to run!

DeSantis is showing his overriding ambition to promote his autocratic policies in Florida on a national level!

Whatever can be done to stop DeSantis in his reelection campaign, and Adam Laxalt in his Senate campaign must be done, to prevent this dangerous man from seeking the White House!

He lacks any respect for President Joe Biden; Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; and for the News Media, having journalists who have the gall to ask him challenging questions to be thrown out of his public meetings. He was reckless in his reaction to the COVID 19 Pandemic, having no concern for the large loss of human life in Florida!

Ron DeSantis is a threat to American democracy!

Florida Under Authoritarian Oriented Governor Ron DeSantis!

The state of Florida s governed by an authoritarian oriented Governor, Ron DeSantis!

DeSantis is promoting limits on women’s rights to an abortion as Mississippi has done, and which now is a case before the US Supreme Court!

DeSantis is working to limit voting rights, even though there were no issues with voting in the 2020 state elections!

DeSantis is working to limit educators in teaching about the truth of American history, including the realities of racism, slavery, and segregation!

DeSantis is working to prevent any discussion of sexuality, and victimizing children who may have sexual feelings other than being straight, including reporting any such evidence to parents, thereby threatening the emotional, mental, and physical health of adolescents!

DeSantis is working to penalize school boards which want to protect children from COVID 19, by stripping funding from counties that defy him, undermining public education from needed financial support!

DeSantis is working to silence free speech and any criticism, by being arrogant and authoritarian toward any criticism from university scholars and the news media!

DeSantis is trying to interfere with redistricting and reapportionment of the state legislative districts and Congressional districts to undermine minority representation after the Census Bureau count of population!

DeSantis has called for the right of citizens to use deadly force with their automobiles at demonstrations that block traffic, an extension of the state “Stand Your Ground” law, and is against any gun control regulations!

DeSantis is against any support of refugees coming to Florida from foreign nations, seeing any such actions as undermining public order and safety!

DeSantis has worked to undermine any initiative by President Joe Biden, and has been extremely confrontional and arrogant, refusing to cooperate with the federal government on every imaginable issue!

DeSantis has supported Donald Trump in every way imaginable since the January 6, 2021 Insurrection, and clearly sees himself as the inheritor of the Trump tradition!

Finally, The Physical Infrastructure Legislation Is Passed In The House Of Representatives With Bipartisan Vote!

Finally, overnight, the House of Representatives passed the Physical Infrastructure bill that had passed the US Senate with a bipartisan vote of 69-30 in August.

And happily, there were 13 Republicans who supported the legislation in the House, making the legislation truly a bipartisan accomplishment, with a final vote of 228-206.

This is a major victory for Joe Biden and the Democrats, despite the tortuous delay of more than two months, and the $1.2 trillion of spending on roads, airports, bridges, rail systems, broadband, environmental cleanup, and electric vehicles will advance the American economy dramatically!

The nation desperately needed this legislation, and it will help the Democratic argument to keep them in the majority in the 2022 Midterm Congressional Elections a year from now!

However, with all of the excitement that this legislation engenders, it IS a fact that without the 13 Republicans, including a number who voted to impeach Donald Trump the second time, the legislation would NOT have passed, as 6 “Progressives” voted against it, including

Jamaal Bowman of New York
Cori Bush of Missouri
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York
Ilhan Omar of Minnesota
Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts
Rashida Tlaib of Michigan

The latter four have been called the “Squad”, and the first two have been considered to be additions to the group by the news media, and seemingly, have indicated they are glad to be part of the group.

Four of the 13 House Republicans who supported the legislation also supported impeachment of Donald Trump in January 2021:

Adam Kinzinger of Illinois (not running for reelection)
Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio (not running for reelection)
Fred Upton of Michigan
John Katko of New York

Even without the other nine Republicans, those four principled Republican House members who did the right thing on both impeachment and the infrastructure bill, basically saved the legislation, as with their votes alone, the legislation would have passed 219-215!

The present House of Representatives has 221 Democrats, and 213 Republicans, so there is a working majority of just three members, although the Democrats have eight more members than the Republicans.

200 Million Doses Of COVID 19 Vaccinations Administered In 86 Days, Double The Goal Of Joe Biden!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced on Friday that 200 million doses of the COVID 10 Vaccinations have been administered after 86 days of the Joe Biden Presidency.

This is double the total pledged by Biden, who made it his commitment to have 100 million doses in the first Hundred Days of his Presidency.

No wonder that Biden has high public opinion ratings, with the high 50s to low 60s, as Biden took the COVID 19 Pandemic seriously, unlike Donald Trump, who made the crisis worse by his antics.

The nation should be close to 250 million doses by the end of April, when assessments of the First Hundred Days of the Biden Presidency will be made by all news media.

Crazy Trumpites Call For Martial Law, And “Proud Boys” Terrorists/Hoodlums (Brown Shirt Storm Troopers), Promote Violence!

With 46 days until the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, we are witnessing, including this author personally with some people he knows, the rise of crazy Trumpites who are calling for Martial Law, suspension of the Constitution and Rule of Law, and refusing to accept Joe Biden’s clear cut victory!

These people are totally nuts, off the wall, and being manipulated by religious extremists of the Jewish and Christian faiths, and are endorsing lawlessness, and violation of civil liberties and civil rights!

And the “Proud Boys”, a terrorist/hoodlum group, brown shirt stormtroopers, is growing that is promoting violence and inciting crazy people on the sidelines to support Donald Trump, as they are acting like the bullies and terrorists of Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Soviet Russia in the past history of the 20th century!

It seems likely that Trump will try to stage an alternative event on Inauguration Day in Washington, DC, and not attend the inauguration of his successor, which is the norm.

This could lead to violence and bloodshed, endangering the Inauguration crowd, and making the safety of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris more difficult, and threatening their lives!

Donald Trump needs to be made to understand that any inciting of bloodshed and violence, once out of office, could lead to arrest, incarceration with no bail, and conviction on terrorism charges!

And any alternative inauguration event should not be televised live during the Presidential Inauguration, no split screen, or any attention given by news media to distract from the historic event!