North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

June 27 Presidential Debate Most Important Ever Held!

We are six days away from the most important Presidential debate in American history.

Presidential debates took place in 1960, and then every four years since 1976.

But none have mattered as much as the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

This is the first time two Presidents, with one being a former President trying to return to office, have competed for the Oval Office since 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison was challenged by former President Grover Cleveland, who went on to defeat him decisively, but with no debates in that era.

Why is this the most important Presidential debate ever in our history?

Because Donald Trump represents a dire threat to the American Constitution, the rule of law, American Democracy, and to world peace and stability.

Donald Trump is a threat to women, African Americans, all immigrant groups, Civil Liberties and Civil Rights, Health care, gun regulations, the environment, labor rights, federal government agencies, the federal judiciary, military stability, Intelligence Agencies, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, all other international organizations, the potential of nuclear war, and every other imaginable group or issue.

Trump had the most corrupt Presidency by far in American history, and the danger is that the people he brings in would wield tremendous power, and have evil intentions, much of which could occur even without his personal knowledge and support, even more so as his mind deteriorates, and he is manipulated by them.

Mind Boggling That Convicted Felon Is Allowed To Run For President!

Only a few days since the felony conviction of Donald Trump, it is mind boggling that a convicted felon is allowed to run for President, and is gaining the support of over 90 percent of Republican officeholders, who are attacking the judicial system and the rule of law.

It is also mind boggling that members of the Supreme Court are willing to undermine American democracy and their own reputations in service of a man who has made clear that he wants to destroy the US Constitution, American democracy, and to seek retribution on his enemies, and declare a dictatorship on Day One and beyond.

It is also beyond understanding why the judge, prosecutor, jury and witnesses in the Donald Trump trial are facing constant threats to their personal security and that of their family members, and yet no condemnation by Republicans to this threat to public order.

The American nation also has allies in NATO and other friendly nations around the world who are truly alarmed at the prospect of a second Donald Trump Presidency, and have told Joe Biden that he must insure that Trump, a menace to the world, is not permitted to retake power.

The concept that Donald Trump still keeps millions of supporters makes one wonder what is wrong with the mental health of the American people.

How could any decent person who is Jewish, African American, Latino American, Asian American, and any person who professes to true Christian faith be able to overlook the record of destruction and hatred of Donald Trump, and vote for authoritarian Fascism just before the 250th anniversary of the American Republic?

House Republican Majority Support Putin Over Ukraine!

It is now official: More than half of the House of Representatives Republicans support Vladimir Putin and Russia, as 112 of the party members voted against aid to Ukraine!

So the Republican Party is dominated now in the House of Representatives by MAGA Republicans, and are loyal to Donald Trump, who has no interest in preserving democracy, and is a threat to the survival of European democracies and NATO!

This trend has been obvious since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President nine years ago, and cozied up to Russia at that time and since!

This needs to be emphasized by Democrats for the Presidential and Congressional Elections coming up in just over six months!

The Republican Party is a “clear and present danger” to American democracy, the US Constitution, and the rule of law, and must be fully exposed as what they are–traitors to America!

The Likelihood Of Further US Engagement In Overseas Conflicts

This author and blogger has the sense of foreboding, that the United States will soon become more involved in overseas conflicts in a more direct manner.

The Russia-Ukraine War and the Israel-Gaza Conflict are escalating dangerously, and both represent major problems for American foreign policy.

Attempting to promote more military aid to Ukraine has been a struggle, and the sense is that Russia is emboldened by the inability of the US being able to promote more aid to Ukraine, ironically likely insuring a wider conflict.

Russia is likely to attempt to expand the war against former Soviet Union held areas before 1989—Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania. This would bring the US and NATO into a wider conflict.

The Israel-Gaza conflict is likely to escalate with Iranian involvement, and will put America into the cross hairs of supporting a right wing Israeli government, which has shown no concern about human rights in its war on Hamas, sadly making the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to suffer massive loss of civilians.

All that these two conflicts are doing is complicating Joe Biden’s Presidential campaign.

One would expect that there could be wider war soon, against all desires, and if that happens, as sad as that is, it would help insure Joe Biden’s victory, despite vehement anger of many, as no President has ever lost an election for another term in a time of war!

Two Republican House Chairs Assert Many In Party Are Russian Apologists!

Michael McCaul, Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee; and Mike Turner, Chair of the House Intelligence Committee in the 118th Congress, have both asserted that many members of their Republican Party in the lower chamber are spouting Russian propaganda.

These MAGA Republicans are showing no concern about the struggle of Ukraine against the two year plus invasion of their nation by the Russian Federation.

It is also very clear that Donald Trump is a Russian stooge, only too willing to bend to Vladimir Putin.

The fact that Republican leaders with principle are telling us how many Republicans in Congress are collaborators with the authoritarian government of Russia against American national security and our NATO allies, needs to be emphasized to insure that the Republicans suffer massive defeats in November.

Once that has occurred, it is time for prosecution of Republican traitors who care not a whit about American democracy!

107th Anniversary Of World War I Declaration!

On this date, April 6, 1917, America entered World War I, after four days of debate of President Woodrow Wilson’s War Message.

America emerged from an isolationist stance, and finally rejected George Washington’s admonition in his Farewell Address in 1796, warning against “entangling alliances”.

Sadly in the 1920s, and more so in the 1930s, America returned to isolationism, until forced out of that stance by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

Despite isolationist elements in the Republican Party after World War II, the US dealt with the Cold War with the Soviet Union by helping to form NATO, now 75 years of success in protecting America and its European allies.

But the battle against isolationism continues, as Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans threaten to end NATO engagement, and embrace authoritarian dictators, just as many of the isolationists in the 1930s embraced Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, and worked to keep America neutral as Fascism advanced.

The Presidential Election of 2024 is another battle between internationalists and isolationists, and it is a battle that must be fought for the national security of America and the promotion of democracy against authoritarian threats.

NATO Has 75th Anniversary, Crucial Alliance Threatened By Donald Trump!

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, was created 75 years ago on April 4, 1949.

It protected 13 European nations, Canada, and the United States in the emerging Cold War with the Soviet Union, which had occupied Eastern European countries by that date.

Today, NATO has 32 nations in its alliance, and they are the bulwark against aggression by the Russian Federation under Vladimir Putin.

They are working together to support Ukraine in its war against the invading Russians, now a war in its third year and nearing 800 days in duration and counting.

Donald Trump represents a dire threat to NATO, as he has been hostile toward the organization, and is threatening to abandon NATO if he is returned to the White House in 2025!

The need for the US to support NATO, and promote more aid to Ukraine, is urgent and essential!

Donald Trump And American Foreign Policy: Goodbye To Ukraine, NATO, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan!

It has become very clear that IF Donald Trump is returned to the White House for a second term this November, that American foreign policy will be totally obliterated from what it has been since 1945!

Trump will not support Ukraine, and is willing to let Russia and Vladimir Putin take it over!

Trump will not continue to support NATO, as he is an isolationist of the worst kind, more interested in gaining the support of authoritarian leaders, including Putin, but also the dictators of China, North Korea, Hungary and elsewhere!

So America will have no allies in Europe, endangering American national security!

It is also unlikely that Taiwan and South Korea and Japan would have confidence in a President, who would be more interested in collaborating with the tyrants of Asia!

Passing Of Russian Critic Alexei Navalny Should Lead To Widespread Condemnation Of Trump And Maga Republican Support Of Putin, And Expanded Aid To Ukraine!

The tragic death of Russian critic Alexei Navalny in a Russian penal colony, another indication of the brutality of the Russian government under Vladimir Putin, is a clarion call for Putin supporters in the Republican Party (Donald Trump and most Republicans in Congress, and hangers on who are MAGA supporters) to be held accountable in speeches and debates over the next nine months!

The idea that Donald Trump and his crazy minions, who bow to him, can back and support such a monster as Putin, needs to be a top issue constantly over the coming months!

ANY decent person should be outraged, and ready to hold Trump and his seditionists and traitors accountable in every way and means possible!

Notice that neither Donald Trump nor any of his seditionist, treasonous Republicans have condemned the death of Navalny, and in particular, Tommy Tuberville of Alabama is a disgrace to his state! This moron football coach defeated the best Alabama Senator in Doug Jones in 2020, a crime against common decency!

But where is Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and all of those who in the past believed in a hard line against Putin and Russia, including the now two year old war against Ukraine?

Now than ever before, more military aid to Ukraine is urgent, as they are the first line of defense for NATO!

Republican House Majority In 118th Congress A Total Disaster, On Its Way To Defeat In November!

The Republican House majority in the 118th Congress is a total disaster, and has managed to produce the fewest legislative actions of any Congress going back a century and more!

Their move to impeach Alejandro Mayorkas, the Secretary of Homeland Security, the first sitting cabinet officer to be so impeached, is a purely political disaster, as it comes after they have agreed not to consider a border security bill, due to the intervention of Donald Trump, who wants to use immigration as a campaign issue for the upcoming Presidential and Congressional Elections of 2024, nine months from now!

It is stunning that every one of the 17 Biden District Republicans went along with the impeachment, which will go nowhere in the Senate, and that even the so called “moderate” Republicans, led by Don Bacon of Nebraska and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania, went along, causing a total loss of respect and common decency.

It is clear that there has to be total attack on all House Republicans, as well as all but a small handful of Republican Senators, and the goal must be to end the control of Congress by a party that has no principles, other than to obey and follow a Fascist, authoritarian, Donald Trump, who supports a Russian invasion of our NATO allies!