North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Donald Trump “A Clear And Present Danger” To American National Security And World Stability!

Donald Trump has gone off the deep end more than ever, now stating that if a NATO nation has not paid its portion of defense, that he would welcome Russian invasion and war against such nation.

When first hearing this, one has to say, let me hear that again, as it is beyond belief!

And yet, most Republicans in Congress are either supporting what Trump said, or are remaining silent. To see that Senators Roger Marshall of Kansas and Marco Rubio of Florida have no issue with Trump’s statement is shocking!

This is the revival of the ugly isolationist movement in the 1930s that made us not ready when Pearl Harbor occurred in 1941, and a long World War II to overcome the threat of not just Imperial Japan, but Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy!

If America goes into isolationism, it will have no allies or friends, and the national security of the nation would be at stake!

There is no way that this nation can allow this maniac Donald Trump, a truly evil man, to regain power, as he is clearly an unadulterated evil force we have never seen in the nearly 250 years of the American Republic!

Being supportive of Russia is being a traitor, a seditionist, a evil force that must be held accountable, and the Republican Party must be reorganized, as it is now a cancer on the body politic!

Donald Trump More Unstable Every Day!

As Donald Trump speaks before crowds in his campaign speeches, his rhetoric becomes more unstable every day.

Bragging, for instance, that he has prevented any regulation of the gun industry; that if NATO nations do not increse payments, he would not insure their protection by the US and encourage aggression by Russia; and ridiculing Nikki Haley’s husband who is serving in the military, while Trump avoided any military service decades ago on false pretenses, are just three of the multitude of horrendous utterances by Trump, not in just the past couple of days, but for eight years now since he first announced his Presidential candidacy in 2015!

Never has America had a President and now a contender to come back to the office, who has utilizied such reckless, aberrant behavior as Trump!

This reality, along with his clearly demented and deteriorating sense of reality, when compared to the occasional flubs and momentary slip ups of a President, Joe Biden, who has done a wonderful job in both domestic and foreign policy overall, cries out for an aggressive campaign by Biden and his supporters to alarm citizens of the choice they have!

While many might wish for younger candidates, it is absolutely the case that the experience and wisdom and decency of Joe Biden are the alternative to an opponent who is a mortal danger to America and the world, and must be defeated at all costs!

Age Issue Is Neutralized: Competence And Decency Will Decide Election In November!

For the next nine months, we will hear constantly that Joe Biden is too old and feeble to be President for another four years.

This is really a non-issue as his opponent, Donald Trump would be in his 80s during the next four years, so the age issue is really neutralized.

If Biden was facing a much younger Republican opponent, then age would be an issue, but if that was happening, even Biden has said he would not be running, and is doing so only to stop the threat of Donald Trump returning to the White House.

Joe Biden was driven to run in 2020 due to the horrible reality of Donald Trump, thinking he was the only potential opponent who could defeat Trump, which he did handily by more than 7.1 million votes, a massive victory.

Biden’s competence, decency, and record in office have been so noticeable, that despite horrible attacks from MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump, and despite polls that are so often inaccurate so far out from an election, the odds of his reelection are very likely.

Biden has presided over an economy that is outstanding; has the respect and support of NATO leaders who fear Donald Trump; and has the vision that would move America and its relationship with the world forward.

Fear that he might not finish a second term is also the issue of Donald Trump, since arguably, Trump is in far worse physical and cognitive shape than is Joe Biden.

So the Vice Presidency is crucial, and while many would be not happy at the thought of Kamala Harris, when considers the likely alternative list being bandied about of possible Trump Vice Presidential running mates, there is no comparison!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, Kari Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kristi Noem, Vivik Ramaswamy, Tim Scott or other sycophants be better than Kamala Harris?

Only in the delustional minds of MAGA Republicans, who care not a whit about American democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution!

The Danger Of Donald Trump In Future American Foreign Policy

The thought of former President Donald Trump returning to the White House in 2025 is horrifying when it comes to the issue of foreign policy.

Trump’s embrace of foreign dictators; his intention to withdraw the US from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; and his nationalistic isolationist world view are a threat to promote worldwide chaos and disarray.

Trump would abandon Ukraine in its war with Russia; create Middle East chaos over the Israel-Hamas War; endanger Taiwan in its stand down with China; and undermine the forces of democracy worldwide.

In a world faced with two major wars and other unstable situations, the experience and statesmanship of Joe Biden, the most experienced President in foreign policy since George H. W. Bush, is desperately needed to promote a sense of stability and steadiness.

Difficult, Challenging Year Ahead In 2024!

America is facing the likelihood that 2024 will be the most tumultuous year imaginable, as the nation faces the following:

A Presidential Election in November where the likelihood is that we will have the first time since 1888 (Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison), that a former President (Donald Trump) is challenging the sitting President (Joe Biden).

A Supreme Court that seems hellbent on moving further to the Far Right on many constitutional matters, despite its tremendously low public opinion rating, making it the most right wing in a century.

A likelihood of new climate crises continuing, and unlikely that much will be done to deal with it, as many people around the nation and the world become victims.

A growing crisis on issues that divide the nation, including voting rights, abortion rights, gay and transgender rights, gun control, antisemitism, civil rights and ethnic and racial minorities, immigration reform, political chaos in Congress, and growing religious extremism, among others.

A world crisis of war in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, with the potential for greater US involvement, and the constantly growing threat of China, North Korea, Iran, and other autocracies, along with the Russian threat to the stability of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, with the continuing war in Ukraine.

Donald Trump Escalates Hate And Racism, And Republicans Remain Silent!

Former President Donald Trump, the leading Republican nominee for President, continues to escalate hate and racism in his campaign rallies, and Republicans remain silent!

Trump spews forth Hitler propaganda, and expresses great admiration of Vladimir Putin, making clear his threat to upend American foreign policy of support of NATO, and Ukraine’s war with Russia!

Trump talks of massive deportations and hostility toward immigration; building a Mexico wall to prevent migration from Latin America; and resisting any struggle against Climate Change.

Trump is a one man wrecking crew in so many ways, and Republicans, including those trying to overcome him for the Presidential nomination, refuse to condemn him openly.

Trump has become a constitutional crisis leading a Fascist oriented party, who is declaring war on American democracy and the rule of law!

Republican Party Is Clearly Becoming Pro Russian Without Apology!

Ever since Donald Trump became a Presidential candidate in 2015, the Republican Party has steadily moved toward a pro Russian viewpoint without apology.

Now they are openly showing that their formerly hardline view toward Russia that existed from World War II and peaked under Barry Goldwater in the 1960s and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and included Senator Joseph McCarthy and Richard Nixon in the 1950s, has gone into the dustbin of history.

We now have one of the two major political parties openly pro Vladimir Putin, and willing to see Russia take over Ukraine, the largest nation in Europe in land area!

This is a threat to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and many Republicans, including Donald Trump, seem ready to abandon NATO, as Trump threatened to do in his time in the Oval Office!

This should be alarming, as if Putin can take over Ukraine, then why would he stop from wishing to seize former Soviet held areas in Eastern Europe, including Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, and then Poland and other former Eastern European “satellites” in the Cold War Years of 1945-1991!

This is a major national security crisis, bringing America back to the isolationist era of the 1930s, when many Republicans were only too willing to ignore the threat of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany, leading to World War II!

American Foreign Policy At Stake In Presidential Election Of 2024

Much of the Republican Party in Congress is against aid to Ukraine, and Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Donald Trump are all threats to the continuation of support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which has been in effect for 75 years next spring.

Isolationism was a problem in the Republican Party in the decades before World War II, and it is rearing its ugly head once again 90 years later.

For the stability of the world in the future, Republicans must be prevented from being able to transform American foreign policy to a Pro Russian influence, which is now clear among many Congressional Republicans!

82nd Anniversary Of Pearl Harbor Attack: Never To Forget!

Today, December 7, is the 82nd Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, which brought America into World War II.

There are still alive some veterans of that dastardly attack on a Sunday morning, which woke up America to the threats and the dangers from overseas, and proved that having two “great oceans” did not mean we were protected without a strong defense!

The attack woke up America, which again needs to be woken up, due to the opposition that exists to the US aiding Ukraine in its war against its Russian invader.

Just as the isolationists of the 1930s were wrong, so are the isolationists of the present, who live with their heads in the sand, thinking a Russian seizure of all of Ukraine is no threat to the rest of Europe, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

The battle over Ukraine aid now raging on Capitol Hill is a reminder how many Americans do not learn from history!

To Kevin McCarthy And MAGA Republicans: NO Cut In Aid To Ukraine! :(

As I write this, it seems as if we are on the road to a costly and unnecessary government shutdown on Sunday, provoked by extremist right wing MAGA Republicans, and Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy unwilling to resist them, and instead to make a deal with Democrats and mainstream Republicans in the House of Representatives.

McCarthy and the MAGA Republicans now want a cut in aid to Ukraine, but some House Republicans and many Senate Republicans agree with Joe Biden and the Democrats that it is essential to continue to provide aid to that nation in its struggle against Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation.

The MAGA Republicans, Kevin McCarthy, and former President Donald Trump are promoting a dangerous isolationist attitude on world affairs, much like occurred in the 1920s and 1930s.

Practing appeasement to a dictator, as with Hitler in the 1930s, and Putin now, does not lead to peace, as it emboldens such evil people, and just as World War II was the result eight decades ago, so would be the result if Ukraine is conquered, as Putin will move on to NATO nations, including Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, if the US and NATO stop assisting the valiant battle of Ukraine.

So the answer to MAGA Republicans, Kevin McCarthy, and Donald Trump is NO CUT in aid to Ukraine, and the Republicans will suffer at the ballot box in November 2024!

It is tragic that there will be so much harm visited on vulnerable Americans, but in the end, Joe Biden, his party, and reasonable Senate and House Republicans must stand strong and refuse to give in!