North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Russia’s Economy Only Number 11 In World And Its Rapid Decline Now Accelerated By Ukraine War!

The Russian Federation and its war criminal, Vladimir Putin, is rapidly declining, embarrassing itself in the war in Ukraine, unable to overcome its neighbor, but committing genocide while losing.

And now Ukraine has sunk the leading naval battleship of Russia in the Black Sea off Odessa, infuriating Putin beyond all limits.

Russia is suffering from massive economic sanctions, and on the list of nations’ Gross National Products, it ranks Number 11, lower than Brazil, Italy and Canada (Numbers 8, 9, 10), and just above South Korea, Australia, Spain and Mexico (Numbers 12, 13, 14, 15)!

NATO must get ready for what seems likely an extension of the war, and the United States and President Joe Biden will need to be in the lead of a military intervention on the side of Ukraine!

America’s Relation With World Conflict Began On This Day In 1917, And Now Facing New World Conflict!

On this day, April 6, 1917, 105 years ago, America left its isolationist heritage, and began its relation with world conflict, as Congress voted American entrance into World War I.

Woodrow Wilson had wished to keep America at peace, but war was forced upon him by the actions of Imperial Germany under Kaiser Wilhelm II.

After World War I, America went back into isolationism, but the rise of Nazism and Fascism forced America and its President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, into World War II in 1941, against Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan.

Isolationism would never fully revive again, as America entered the challenges of the Cold War against the Soviet Union from 1945-1991.

Once the Soviet Union collapsed, it was thought America was free of foreign conflict, but international terrorism woke us up in 2001.

And now, the Russian Federation and Vladimir Putin has begun waging war against Ukraine, including war crimes, massacre, and genocide.

It places the United Nations organization, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the United States as a world leader to have to consider going into what might become World War III, a horrifying thought.

But it seems clearly, to this blogger and author, that ultimately, Vladimir Putin will not stop at Ukraine, but will very likely attack NATO nations, including the Baltic States (Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania) and Poland at some point, and the US and NATO will need to respond to attacks on their allies.

Nuclear war is a possibility, horrendous thought, but in the end, a bully must be stopped, or he becomes a worst, more dangerous bully!

So it seems highly likely that Joe Biden will have to do what Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt did, take America into a world war!

April 4 Commemorations: NATO Formation And Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination

Today is an historic day more than just normal.

It is the 73rd anniversary (1949) of the formation of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), an alliance that began as 12 nations and is now 30 nations, formed in opposition to the Soviet Union, to defend democracy in western Europe, but now also including the former Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe as well.

In this itme of the horrors of the Russia-Ukraine War, NATO is even more important, and may soon be engaged in World War III, if any of the NATO nations are being attacked.

It is also the 54th anniversary of the tragic death by assassination of the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968, a loss that has had a dramatic effect on the issue of race and civil rights in America, and more of a crisis yet again in the time of Republican and conservative attacks, including the Supreme Court, on women, immigrants, racial minorities, and the gay, lesbian, and transgender communities.

Joe Biden Speech In Poland One Of Great Presidential Speeches

President Joe Biden gave one of the great Presidential speeches of modern times yesterday in Warsaw, Poland, as he met with refugees from the Russia-Ukraine War.

He was passionate in defense of democracy, freedom, and in support of NATO as it deals with the Ukraine invasion.

His speech will be remembered much like John F. Kennedy’s Cuban Missile speech in October 1962, and Ronald Reagan’s Berlin Wall speech in June 1987, both challenging the Soviet Union, as now, Biden challenged its successor, the Russian Federation.

Joe Biden has demonstrated on this European trip a high level of energy and focus which belies his right wing critics who say he has dementia, a total fabrication.

Everyone should be proud of Joe Biden, who is proving just how Presidential he is, a stark contrast to his predecessor in the Oval Office!

Joe Biden Supporting NATO Totally As All Presidents Since Truman, Except For Donald Trump

President Joe Biden is proving he is a genuine statesman, making perfectly clear that the United States backs its NATO partners completely.

He is supporting NATO totally as all Presidents have done since Harry Truman presided over the creation of NATO in 1949, with the glaring exception of Donald Trump.

Trump was rude, nasty, and abusive toward the NATO alliance, and was moving toward breaking America’s bond with its European allies, precisly what Vladimir Putin and the Russian Federation wanted him to do.

It is clear that if Trump had still been President, he would not have condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and would have refused to support NATO in opposition to Russian expansion.

So Joe Biden saved the nation and the world by winning the Presidency by the massive margin of 7 million popular votes, and winning five states won by Trump in 2016!

As Russia-Ukraine War Nears A Month, NATO Meets In Brussels With Joe Biden: What Next?

This is a crucial week in the nearly month long Russia-Ukraine War.

President Joe Biden is traveling to Brussels, Belgium, for a joint meeting with the 30 nations in NATO.

He will also be visiting Poland, where two million Ukrainian refugees have fled, about two thirds of all refugees going there.

The long term refugee problem must be dealt with, and some of the Ukranian refugees must be able to come to the United States, as well as all of the NATO nations.

The same situation existed in 1956, after the Hungarian invasion by the Soviet Union, with many Hungarian refugees coming to the United States 65 years ago.

The danger of a potential World War III is still present, if Russia invades any NATO nation, and they have come as close as about 11 miles to Poland, when bombing the Ukranian border near Poland!

Republican Party Divides Over Ukraine: Bad News For Donald Trump

The Ukraine Crisis, with the horrific invasion ordered by Vladimir Putin, has put the issue of Donald Trump’s “love affair” with Russia on the forefront of American politics, and is causing a Republican Party division of massive significance.

Trump, Mike Pompeo, and other Trump lackeys have good things to say about the “genius” of Putin, which is a total joke, as Russian military is suffering massive losses, and NATO and world reaction has done great damage to the Russian economy through harsh reaction in every economic way to the Ukraine invasion.

It has led many Republicans, particularly in the US Senate, to come to support of all actions being taken by Joe Biden and the international community to the tragic events.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell; Senator Lindsey Graham; Senator Mitt Romney; Senator Ben Sasse; and many others are united against Russia.

In the House of Representatives, we have Putin apologists, including Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina; Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia; Andy Biggs of Arizona; Lauren Boebert of Colorado; Matt Gaetz of Florida; Chip Roy of Texas; and others showing they are traitors to American interests and the concept of democracy, as for instance, Cawthorn condemned Volodymyr Zelensky as a “thug”.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has criticized Cawthorn, but refuses generally to condemn such seditionists, and there is a clearcut split in the Republican Party between Senate and House membership.

So the appeal of Donald Trump to run for President is declining rapidly, as there is no way that Trump could possibly unite the party or its remnants in a campaign for the Presidency.

So Civil War is evident in the Republican Party, and Senate apologists such as Josh Hawley of Missouri, Ted Cruz of Texas, and Rand Paul of Kentucky face repudiation by sane Republicans as they plan to run for President in 2024.

And Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis have tremendous state controversies facing them, without even getting into the fray on the Ukraine Crisis, and how to handle Donald Trump and their own selfish personal ambitions!

Volodymyr Zelensky Of Ukraine Is New Winston Churchill, Inspiring Fight For Democracy In Same Manner!

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has become an international hero, a man of deep convictions in democracy, a man of courage and decisiveness.

A former comedian, who engaged in politics only in 2019, when he was elected President, he has refused in the midst of the Russian invasion of Ukraine to escape the capital of Kiev, putting himself and his family in great danger.

But he realizes the only hope to rally the Ukranians against the Russian aggressor is to stay in his nation, and resist to the end, even if it might lead to his demise.

Zelensky is Jewish, and his family heritage was of relatives killed in the Nazi Holocaust in World War II, and he does his family heritage proud with his strong leadership.

He has made addresses to the US Congress, the British Parliament, the German Bundestag, and the European Parliament, and his speeches invoke important moments in the history of these international institutions.

Zelensky has also visited hospitals to award medals to the wounded patriots, and has inspired a fierce resistance by Ukranians that Vladimir Putin never imagined would occur.

Zelensky reminds many of Winston Churchill in 1940, as Nazi Germany assaulted Great Britain by air, utilizing much the same language as the esteemed British leader in World War II.

The hope is that Ukraine will survive the Russian onslaught, and that NATO will come to the rescue soon, at a much greater involvement than presently.

Likelihood Of Russian Attack On NATO Ally Poland Increased By Mass Of Ukranian Refugees Going There!

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is likely to lead to a Russian attack on NATO ally Poland, increased by the mass of Ukranian refugees going there, more than any other NATO nation.

Additionally, Poland has proposed sending its fighter jets to Ukraine, with the US replacing those jets for Poland, although, at this point, the US has spoken out against such an action, or creating a “No Fly” zone.

To this author and blogger, it seems inevitable that what President Biden and the leaders of the NATO nations fear and hope to avoid, a general continental war in Europe, what is being called World War III, is likely to occur.

Russia has committed war crimes and atrocities, which shake the emotions of all decent people, and at the same time, Russian military forces have been bogged down on the way to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, and other locations as well.

The Ukranians have shown their commitment to democracy, and have displayed their courage, and Vladimir Putin is in trouble, as his own population is slowly learning, despite censorship, of the military disaster that is occurring, with Russia losing more troops in two weeks than the US lost in the many years of the Iraq War.

It seems to this author and blogger that the “die is cast”, and soon America will be engaged in World War III, not by choice, but by necessity, as in World War I in 1917 and World War II in 1941!

The Crossroads Of The Republican Party Are At Hand!

With the strong likelihood that America will be engaging in combat in the near future as allies of NATO against the Russian Federation, politics is totally in disarray.

But for Republicans, who have mostly been slavish to Donald Trump and his “love affair” with authoritarian leadership, including Vladimir Putin most notably, this is the crossroads moment.

The indication is clear to those who have a brain in their head that being still supportive of Donald Trump, as more Republican voters are backing away from their obsequiousness, will cause massive losses in November.

And demonstrating support for a former President who complimented Putin on his invasion of Ukraine, and anyone else who praised Putin openly, is not a winning strategy for 2024 and beyond.

If America goes to war, are we going to have open treason and sedition working to undermine American military engagement, backing authoritarianism rather than democratic values?

What would Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and the masses of Republican officeholders from the end of World War II through the Cold War year have to say if they were here in America in 2022?