Nortk Korea

The Growing Danger Of 2018 And 2020 Elections Being Hacked By Russians And Others With Technological Expertise

It is now clear as the New Year of 2018 begins that America is endangered by the strong likelihood that the midterm Congressional Elections of 2018 and the Presidential Election of 2020 could be subjected to the kind of illegal activities clearly engaged in by Russians, who helped to fix the election results in many states in 2016.

It seems, based on public opinion polls, that the Democrats are heavily favored to gain control of the House of Representatives in 2018, and have a good chance to gain the two seats needed to have control of the US Senate as well.

Also, in many states, the Democrats, at this point, are favored to gain control of Governorships and state legislatures in 2018, an important step toward having an edge in reapportionment of seats in the state legislatures, and in the House of Representatives, after the National Census is conducted in April 2020, affecting the political balance in the entire upcoming decade.

It is not even just Russians, but in theory, with technological expertise, hackers from many unfriendly nations, including China, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan and others, could manipulate and undermine our American democracy.

Our best technological experts have a massive job ahead of them, and it is clear that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are not actively involved in insuring fair elections for either 2018 or 2020, and that Trump will do anything to regain power for another four years, if somehow, he is able to overcome the charges mounting against him.

Trump has no ethics, morals, or scruples, and his party has been willing to go along with him, with only a few rare exceptions of members in both houses of Congress willing to defy him in his lust for absolute power, and the breakdown of the whole American democratic system.

Growing Erratic Behavior By Trump Alarming, A Sign of Mental Deterioration (Dementia Or Bi Polar Disease)

One does not have to be a mental health professional to see that Donald Trump has signs of alarming mental deterioration, either dementia or bi polar disease.

Such evidence is seen by many psychologists and psychiatrists as danger signs of the threat of Donald Trump in the Presidency, leading to possible foreign wars against North Korea and Iran, and breaking up of the long term alliances with Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Examples of the problems Trump represents include:

His loss of temper so often;

his irrational rants against his “enemies”;

his insults of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un;

his inappropriate comments in so many Presidential ceremonies and speeches;

his alienation of our allies;

his extreme anti Muslim rhetoric on a constant basis;

his attacks on his own party membership;

his obsession with fake facts and conspiracy theories;

his incessant lying, on the average five to six times a day throughout his Presidency;

his belief that his critics are out to “get” him;

his insistence on having sycophants surrounding him and worshiping his every utterance;

his lack of a sense of reality;

his obsession with hating Barack Obama and his desire to destroy all remnants of his predecessor;

his total ignorance of science, history, and knowledge of basic international affairs.

Donald Trump’s mental state is clearly the most dangerous of any President, and far more than Richard Nixon, the best case of a comparison.

So America, every day, is endangered by the Presidency of Donald Trump as we near the end of his first year in the Presidency.