Nuclear Security Summit

Barack Obama To Dmitry Medveded: More “Flexible” After Election! What A Blunder!

This author often defends Barack Obama, but the news today that Obama has told Dmitry Medveded, the outgoing President of Russia, that he will be more flexible after the American Presidential election, is alarming!

It is certainly true that Barack Obama or any leader has more flexibility after an election, than before. That is just common sense.

But to say such a thing, overheard by an open microphone at the Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul, South Korea, is unwise, and potentially dangerous, for relations between Russia and the United States, as the issue at hand is the proposed NATO Missile Defense system, which Russia opposes, and Europe wants, as a protection against Iran.

This comment could have a dramatic effect on the election, and could, potentially, be a game changer, as it is clear that the Republican opposition will mine it for all it is worth.

This blunder will promote the crazies, who will argue that it further disqualifies Barack Obama to be President, as he is a foreigner and anti American!

There is only one answer for both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, his likely opponent.

Both must come out and clearly delineate their plans, both foreign and domestic, instead of broad generalizations, since one of them will be elected President.

Romney was harmed by the “etch a sketch” comment of his aide last week, and this has also caused his legitimacy to be questioned, as to whether he will change course in the campaign, and promote ideas dramatically different than his campaign has so far advocated.

It would be wonderful if we could, for just once, get a real accounting by both sides, as to their intentions and motivations. Of course, any plan is subject to change by events of the moment in the future, but we should demand as much forthrightness as is possible!

It is clear, however, that since both have made major blunders in the campaign, along with Rick Santorum, that the outcome of the election, and what will be seen as the turning point, may be impossible to realize at this moment.

But what Obama did today is, definitely, a setback to his campaign, and to the ability of the American people to feel full trust in his leadership!

Obama And The Nuclear Security Summit

President Obama accomplished a great agreement at a Nuclear Security Summit held in Washington, DC last week.

47 nations agreed to track down all nuclear material over the next four years, and the goal of the meeting, a gathering of more nations than at any time since World War II, was to work together to promote the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons.

This comes on top of the Russian-US agreement to cut nuclear arsenals by one third, with verification means to insure that both sides keep the agreement.

What Obama did this past week is the fulfillment of what, ironically, President Ronald Reagan promoted as a goal, when he made arms agreements with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

This is something, therefore, that all should embrace, but instead, predictably, conservatives and Republicans are forgetting what Reagan enunciated in his second term in office, and already promise a battle over the strategic arms reduction treaty (START) when it comes to the Senate.

This will happen, despite the fact that Republicans from earlier administrations have spoken up in favor of the treaty and the move toward nuclear security. But rather than unite around the danger of nuclear proliferation and attempt to promote progress on this, the opposition would rather use it as a political issue, so the treaty will incite a new struggle! 🙁