NYC Mayoralty

New Third Party Movement, “Forward”, Formed By Andrew Yang, Christine Todd Whitman, David Jolly!

A new third party movement, known as “Forward”, has been formed by former Democratic Presidential and New York City Mayoral contender Andrew Yang; former Republican New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman, who headed the Environmental Protection Agency under George W. Bush; and former Republican one term Congressman David Jolly of Florida, now a political commentator on MSNBC.

Already, there is strong criticism that such a movement will hurt the Democrats more than the Republicans, at a time when Donald Trump and the extreme right wing that controls the Republican Party is a clear and present danger to American democracy.

One has to wonder if any substantial political leaders will join the “Forward” party, as right now, it comes across that its leadership is not very impressive nor “heavy weight” in any sense!

The Top Political Comedians Of 2013

Most political observers are well aware of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert and the Comedy Channel, and find their political humor engaging.

But really, both Stewart and Colbert, and other comedians who do politics, including on Saturday Night Live, have so much material due to the fact that there are people in politics who make total fools of themselves, and seem to have no shame.
Below are listed the author’s top choices for “Political Comedians of the Year 2013”, but in no special order.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R) of Minnesota
Congressman Steve King (R) of Iowa
Congressman Louie Gohmert (R) of Texas
Congressman Steve Stockman (R) of Texas
Congressman Paul Broun (R) of Georgia
Congressman Tom Price (R) of Georgia
Senator Ted Cruz (R) of Texas
Senator Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky
Mayoral contender and former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D) of New York
Mayor and former Congressman Bob Filner (D) of San Diego
Former Governor Sarah Palin (R) of Alaska

New York City May Be Going Through Renaissance For Next Four Years With Bill De Blasio As Mayor!

New York City looks ready to elect a progressive Mayor who really cares about the poor and the middle class, unlike Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and former Mayors Rudy Guiliani, Edward Koch, and Abraham Beame!

Bill De Blasio has, apparently, won slightly more than 40 percent of the Democratic Primary vote, and should be able, therefore, to avoid a runoff with the second place finisher, 2009 Mayoral nominee Bill Thompson, who lost the election to Bloomberg.

De Blasio has talked about the “Tale of Two Cities”, with 46 percent of the city being very poor, and the wealthy being so super wealthy that it is actually obscene, a result, partially, of the Great Recession of 2008, but also the result of billionaire Michael Bloomberg, who basically “bought” his three terms of office, being the wealthiest politician in America, but has shown no interest in the plight of the poor in the biggest city in America!

And the fact that De Blasio, who is white, has an African American wife, and two dark skinned, mixed race children, who are inspiring on their own, gives hope that something really significant will be done about education, health care, crime, and quality of life, taking into consideration the need to change the Bloomberg era policies!

This is a great moment, having now gone from a black President, whose mother was white, to a potential Mayor married to a black woman, and having mixed race son and daughter, who all form a loving family, just like the family of Barack Obama!

This is the future of America, as the nation moves from majority white to a majority minority population by 2040 or so, as it is already in New York City!

De Blasio has the potential to be the most inspiring Mayor of New York City since the great Fiorello La Guardia, who served three terms from 1934-1945!

Why Chris Christie Will NEVER Be President Of The United States!

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has indicated he will run for reelection in 2013, an off year when only the New York City Mayoralty and Virginia Governorship compete for attention.

But with a new NYC Mayor and a new Virginia Governor to be selected, identity unknown, Chris Christie will be focused on more than usual, because he is a potential Presidential candidate for the Republican Party in 2016. He already leads Marco Rubio, Condoleezza Rice, Jeb Bush, and Paul Ryan, respectively, in a public opinion poll on 2016.

There are those who think Chris Christie might be the next President of the United States, but this author and blogger will explain now why Christie is NOT going to be the next President, for many reasons, in no special order. So here goes!

Chris Christie could very well be defeated for reelection by the charismatic Newark, New Jersey Mayor Cory Booker. It should be a competitive race.

Even if Christie wins a second term, he will not become President because:

1, He is much too outspoken, controversial, opinionated, to become our President. He rubs many people wrong, comes across as a bully to many, is crude and rude, and would wear thin in a Presidential campaign, with plenty of documentary evidence already available as to his unpleasant, annoying personality!

2. If he were nominated, he would not even be guaranteed to win his home state of New Jersey, which tends Democratic in Presidential elections.

3. He would be unlikely to win any Northeastern or New England state, except maybe New Hampshire.

4. He would not be able to compete in the Pacific Coast states or Hawaii.

5. He would have a rough time carrying Virginia or Florida, which Barack Obama won twice.

6. He would have a difficult time winning the upper Midwest or Illinois, but with some chance of winning Ohio and Iowa.

7. He would be unlikely to win Hispanics and Latinos in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada, and would likely lose those states.

8. Christie might win New Hampshire and Ohio, and Iowa, potentially, but that would give him only 28 more electoral votes than Mitt Romney, a total of only 234.

9. Christie’s handling of the Hurricane Sandy situation helped him at that point, but will be forgotten by 2016, and will hurt him among mainstream conservatives, angry that he cooperated with President Obama, and took attention off Mitt Romney.

10.Christie is unacceptable on “social issues’ for his party base, issues such as abortion rights, gun control and acceptance of gay rights, although opposing instituting gay marriage in in New Jersey.

11. Christie has no background or experience in foreign policy, and imagine his personality on the international scene, where with his big mouth, he could cause grief in diplomacy big time! A gruff bully, which Christie is, is not fit to be President of the United States, although it may please the anti foreign tendencies of his party, who think the world is inferior to American “exceptionalism”!

12. This final point is not said in jest or ridicule, or designed as an insult, but to believe that we are going to elect a President as large as William Howard Taft in modern times is to believe in miracles, as Christie is a terrible model for health and physical fitness, and that will be to his detriment, right or wrong, in a Presidential campaign!

So forget about Christie’s own delusions of grandeur, as he is NOT going to be President of the United States in 2017!