Obama Foreign Policy Accomplishments

A Short List Of Obama’s Accomplishments As President In His First Term

A complete list of accomplishments of President Barack Obama in his first term is much too lengthy to list here, but here is a shortened list of what he has meant for America.

Anyone who has not yet voted, and is still undecided, will, hopefully, see this entry tonight or early tomorrow, and use it as a justification to back the 44th President for another term.

This will be my last post or entry before voting starts at midnight today in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.

Obama kept us out of a second Great Depression.
Obama passed health care reform, the most important reform since Medicare and Social Security.
Obama promoted an economic stimulus program which saved many jobs of public service workers and started economic revival.
Obama saved America’s auto industry.
Obama ended Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell against gays in the military.
Obama promoted sweeping financial industry reform.
Obama greatly improved benefits for veterans in our military.
Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act for women.
Obama presided over the creation of over 5 million private sector jobs in his first term.
Obama brought about tax cuts for 3.5 million small businesses.
Obama promoted tax cuts for the middle class, in their weekly paychecks.
Obama appointed two women to the Supreme Court.
Obama signed the legislation creating the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Obama reformed the student loan program, and improved Pell Grants for higher education.
Obama extended unemployment benefits to those out of work for longer periods of time.
Obama promoted embryonic stem research on disease prevention and cures.
Obama invested funding in clean energy and scientific research.
Obama signed a bill to provide health care to 11 million children.
Obama provided health care coverage to age 26, and arranged for coverage of pre-existing medical conditions for people of any age.
Obama cut prescription drug costs for senior citizens by 50 percent.
Obama promoted legislation and executive orders to improve the environment.
Obama supported gay marriage rights, and the passage of hate crimes laws on basis of sexual orientation.
Obama repaired our international image with our allies, and respect from our rivals in the world.
Obama signed nuclear arms reduction agreement with Russia.
Obama ended the war in Iraq.
Obama has set a 2014 deadline for withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Obama helped to liberate Libya from Moammar Gaddafi’s dictatorship.
Obama gave IRON DOME missile system to Israel to protect against attacks.
Obama has been willing to defend us against terrorist attacks in America and overseas.
Obama was able to eliminate Osama Bin Laden and other Al Qaeda and Taliban terrorists.
Obama was able to save a ship crew from Somali pirates.

No one is saying that everything is perfectly fine in America, but great progress has been made, and we are not about to repeal the many wonderful reforms and policies that Barack Obama has accomplished, more than any President in domestic affairs since Lyndon B. Johnson, and the greater respect and popularity in foreign affairs that we had accomplished under Bill Clinton, but was lost under George W. Bush!

It is still a fact that Obama has had to deal with the greatest set of crises since Abraham Lincoln and Franklin D. Roosevelt, but with a much large nation, population wise, than these top two Presidents had to consider in making policy!

Commentary on the election results will follow, once we know what the results are for Congress and the Presidency! Make sure you vote tomorrow, if you have not yet done so!