Oklahoma City

The Boston Marathon Terrorist Attack: Another Assault On Our Freedom!

The shocking terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon yesterday will transform American life in ways we cannot yet imagine, another assault on our freedom as Americans.

Until now, America has lived in a bubble, figuring that we would never face what Israel, Great Britain, India, Iraq and Afghanistan have faced, as we have been fortunate in stopping terrorist attacks on our homeland in the years since September 11.

It now means that at every sporting event and major public gathering, there will be a need for more security, some of it infuriating in nature, because of the evil forces among us who wish us harm.

We should not, however, rush to conclusions as to the source, as it could be Islamic terrorism, but could also be militia group related, reminding ourselves of the Oklahoma City terrorist attack of 1995, on nearly the same date as this one!

So in order to fight terrorism, sadly, we are forced to give up a lot of our freedom, an alarming development with no easy solution or alternative!

The Greatest Danger Of All: Right Wing “Patriot” Groups Which Are Encouraged By Republican And Conservative Anti Obama Propaganda

The Southern Poverty Law Center does an annual report on the status of hate groups on the right, which represent a dire threat to American freedom and liberty.

In 2008, there were 149 groups, increasing in 2009 to 512, increasing again in 2010 to 824, and jumping to 1,274 in 2011. That is 755 percent growth in three years!

These “Patriot” groups emerged during the 1990s with the rise of domestic terrorism, including the attack in Oklahoma City in 1995. But the economic collapse of 2008, along with the growing minority groups in America, and the election of Barack Obama, further accelerated this right wing surge.

While we must be concerned about terrorism from abroad, in many respects our domestic terrorist threat is far greater, and these are not Arabs or Middle Easterners, but rather traditional white Americans who promote conspiracy theories about government taking away private guns, and planning concentration camps formed by FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency!

Militia groups also believe that Mexico is going to take back the American Southwest, and that the government will be unable to stop them on this matter, as crazy as that sounds!

With many Republicans and conservatives still spreading rumors and gossip about Barack Obama being from Kenya, and being a secret Muslim, they are actually abetting the instability of our nation in political, economic and social terms. Their recklessness is mind boggling!

The Most Anti Obama State: Oklahoma!

If one looks at the fifty states, and wonders which state is the MOST anti Barack Obama, based on voting support and polls, that distinction goes to the Great Plains state of Oklahoma.

In the Democratic primary for President, with a group of unknown candidates, Obama only won 57 percent of the vote and lost 15 counties, according to an article in the Washington Post.

Obama received his lowest percentage of the Presidential vote in Oklahoma in 2008, gaining only 34 percent of the votes against John McCain.

Obama lost all 77 counties in the state in 2008, and only received a maximum of 42 percent in Oklahoma City, the most urban but not much, part of a state overwhelmingly rural.

With no concentrated minority population, with the black population only eight percent in the state, the heavily white and culturally conservative state is no breeding ground for Obama support.

And yet, the state has had some Democratic officeholders recently, including the Governorship, and is not regarded by statistics to be one of the most conservative states.

It is just a fact that he is not liked for who he is and what he believes in, a perfect example of how no politician can be well liked and supported everywhere, and Oklahoma is simply Obama’s Achilles Heel!

April 19: Inspirational Date In History, But Also A Time To Remember Tragedy!

April 19 is a date in history that has mixed messages of inspiration, but also tragedy!

In 1775, the American Revolution began with the Battle of Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts, inspiring people in this nation and worldwide!

In 1943, the Jews of Warsaw, Poland, forced into a ghetto by the Nazi occupiers, began their revolt against the Nazis, a heroic event, but ultimately a great tragedy as they became part of the Final Solution that the Nazis had planned for the Jews of Europe!

In 1995, we had the greatest terrorist attack by domestic enemies when Timothy McVeigh blew up the Oklahoma City Federal Building, killing 168 Americans and injuring nearly a thousand people, and this by a white Christian fanatic who was allied with domestic militia groups, not with foreigners or Muslims, as people wanted to believe!

And tomorrow, April 20, ushers in reminders of the birthday of Adolf Hitler, who caused more loss of life in twelve years in power than anyone in world history, and also the anniversary in 1999 of the horrific Columbine Massacre in Colorado, where two high school students caused mass murder by their sick plot against high school classmates and teachers!

It is tragic that so much tragedy centers around these two days in a row, but yet the inspiration of the American Revolution and the struggle of the Jews of the Warsaw Ghetto also inspire us to plan for a future world with the hope of more good than evil triumphing over time!

Are Muslim Citizens Threats To Homeland Security? The Peter King Committee Hearings And The Real Threat To The Nation!

New York Republican Congressman Peter King, a member of the House since 1993, is the new Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, and is about to conduct hearings on what he calls the Islamic threat to America presented by disloyal Muslims in American society.

King can certainly give several examples of Muslims in America who have been proved to be engaged in terrorist activities, fortunately stopped by excellent intelligence activities by cooperation between federal and state government officials. With the tragic exception of the Fort Hood massacre by a Muslim soldier, all of the attempts have been prevented.

But are we to say, for instance, that all community college students should be considered dangerous and worthy of investigation by the Homeland Security Committee, because of Jared Lee Loughner shooting Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona, which led to six deaths and thirteen wounded?

Are we to say that all white Christians who had been in the military should be investigated because of Timothy McVeigh blowing up the Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995, killing 168 people and wounding nearly a thousand people?

We cannot allow the Islamic haters in this country, many of them Christian fundamentalists, to anger and provoke good, law abiding Muslims, several million among us and growing, into hating the nation they willingly migrated to or have grown up in as citizens, to feel they are being persecuted or scapegoated, particularly when Muslim soldiers are fighting for us, and in many cases, have helped report and crack plots by the miniscule number of Muslims who have conspired against us!

What Peter King is doing is really the new McCarthyism, loose labeling people as Communists, and now substituting Muslims for Communists!

It is also important to point out that Peter King has a “skeleton” in his closet, his strong advocacy for the terrorist Irish Republican Army in its long war against British control of Northern Ireland. Can a person who supported terrorism actions against America’s strongest ally, Great Britain, be taken seriously when he claims to be fighting terrorism by promoting insecurity among law abiding Muslims, who are certainly over 99 percent of all Muslims?

And it should be pointed out that IF King really wishes to investigate terrorism threats, look to the hundreds of such groups listed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, including neo-Nazis, white nationalists, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, and Ku Klux Klansmen!

The number of such groups are at an all time high of 1,002, with many of them so called “Patriot” groups that have grown dramatically since Barack Obama became President, and believing that the federal government is the “enemy”!

And if one counts groups that go beyond just hate groups and Patriot groups to include nativist extremist groups which are a threat to ethnic, racial, religious and sexual orientation minorities, then the total is 2,145, a 40 percent increase from 2008-2009 and a 22 percent rise in 2009-2010!

Also realize that many Republican politicians and talk show hosts on radio and television use loose rhetoric, and are encouraging the paranoia and hate by their loose use of language!

So only when Peter King is willing to investigate and publicize the far greater threat from right wing hate groups would his committee be seen as doing something worthy of our support!

Bill Clinton Compares Oklahoma City Bombing Atmosphere To Today

Former President Bill Clinton has warned that the country is in a dangerous political environment similar to 1995, when we saw anti government militias spewing forth anti government rhetoric, which influenced Timothy McVeigh to make the decision to bomb the Oklahoma City Federal Building on April 19, 1995, killing 168 and injuring a thousand people.

This was the greatest domestic terrorist attack in US history, and many are concerned that as the 15 year anniversary of that event comes on Monday, that a similar event might happen.

Clinton pointed out that he was not criticizing those who wish to be critical of government, but the hot political rhetoric fuels the fires of extremists who go too far. He referred to Michele Bachmann at a Tax Day Tea Party rally calling the government a bunch of “gangsters”, which he said is not acceptable language, as the people running the government were elected by a majority of the American people.

Clinton pointed out that with the growth of the internet, the danger of extremist and violent groups to organize and conspire has grown, so he expressed his hope that we could keep our political opposition within legal bounds.

Monday, April 19, will be a day that all law abiding Americans will watch to see that we can keep our disagreements and anger within legal means!

Growing Concern About April 19! The Danger Of Domestic Terrorism And Anarchy!

Monday, April 19, is a day looked to as one of growing concern about the possibility of violence.

The day marks the anniversary of two events, one inspiring, and one depressing!

April 19, 1775, marks the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first battle of the American Revolution.

April 19, 1995, marks the horror of the terrorist and anarchistic attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building by Timothy McVeigh, who was inspired by anti government militia groups. The worst domestic terrorist attack in US History killed 168 and wounded a thousand other citizens!

Now there is a call by militia groups and the Tea Party Movement for their followers to mass in Arlington, Virginia, right outside the city of Washington, DC, fully equipped with their guns and other weapons to reassert their rights to the Second Amendment!

There is also a planned demonstration in the government area of the US Capitol, unarmed, but making a strong assertion of the rights of the people to bear arms, and to oppose federal government action on health care and other issues that these elements claim is unconstitutional interference with personal civil liberties and states rights.

The hope is that there will be no violent confrontations, but the whole atmosphere of defiance being encouraged by many members of the Republican party and conservative talks shows could very well create an incendiary situation that might lead to the danger of some event similar to Oklahoma City!

When some irresponsible elements talk about “revolution”, it presents a terrifying scenario of possible anarchy and lawlessness. The federal government must not bend to this blackmail and threats, as these extremists represent a far greater threat to all of us than anything the US government does!

We were created as one nation, and we cannot allow any secessionists or right wing militia groups to destroy this nation that has, over time, improved and promoted equal opportunity, freedom and equality! These extremist groups do not have the welfare of the American people in mind, but rather their own aggrandizement! 🙁