Patriotic Republicans

Massive Fundraising Event For Democrats With Biden, Obama, Clinton!

For all those who believe the Democratic Party offers the best hope for the future, last night’s massive fundraising event at Radio City Music Hall in NYC with Presidents Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton in attendance, was a magnificent event!

A total of $26 million was raised for the fight ahead for American democracy, the US Constitution, and the rule of law!

All three Presidents are united in their fight against the autocratic, Fascist threat of Donald Trump, and many reasonable and patriotic conservatives and Republicans are also committed to the struggle for the future against this evil man!

When one looks back at the Presidencies of Obama and Clinton, and the accomplishments of Joe Biden, and compares them to the dismal record of Republicans in the White House, one knows that we are engaged in a righteous cause, the most challenging time since World War II!