Paul Ryan

Speaker Paul Ryan Totally Out Of Line In Demanding That Hillary Clinton Be Denied Access To Intelligence Information As Nominee!

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan is totally out of line in demanding that Hillary Clinton be denied access to intelligence information as the Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party, due to the controversy over Emails, and the FBI director’s criticism of her handling of the matter, while not recommending prosecution.

If that is to occur, then Republican nominee Donald Trump, a dangerous, reckless, “loose cannon” must also be denied access, as he is unable to control his mouth, and might reveal highly sensitive information during the campaign.

It is not Paul Ryan’s place as second in line to the Presidency to intervene and get involved in this controversy, and it makes one wonder how Ryan, if he remains Speaker, and Hillary Clinton, would be able to work together and cooperate next year, if Clinton wins the White House.

Some have thought that Ryan would love to cause a coup and become President himself, as he has done a horrible job as Speaker, and this blogger was highly critical of him when he was Mitt Romney’s Vice Presidential running mate in the 2012 Presidential election.

Ryan is totally untrustworthy, and is a good reason to wish that the old Presidential Succession Act of 1886, replaced by the present one in 1947, could be revived. The cabinet members should follow the Vice President in the order of succession, not the three out of four years opposition party Speaker and President Pro Tempore of the Senate being ahead of the cabinet officers in the line of succession, in case of an emergency.

Imagine Donald Trump And Newt Gingrich As A Team: Two Combative, Egotistical Narcissists And Misogynists With Scandals!

The indications now are that Donald Trump is vetting former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich of Georgia to be his Vice Presidential running mate.

This presents the possibility of the most unbelievable combination of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates in all of American history!

Trump and Gingrich share many traits:

Total Ruthlessness
Three marriages, two divorces, and massive amounts of infidelity and adultery
Ethical Violations on a massive scale
Both major Clinton bashers
Unapologetic about their actions and behavior
Both highly intelligent but lacking in humility
Both authors of many books

Gingrich has been out of office for 18 years, longer than any candidate for Presidential or Vice Presidential nominee in history, with exception of Trump, who has NO government or military experience at all!

Two previous Speakers of the House have gone on to be elected Vice President:

Schuyler Colfax, first Vice President under Ulysses S. Grant, 1869-1873
John Nance Garner, first Vice President under Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933-1941

Also, present Speaker of the House Paul Ryan ran for Vice President in 2012 with Mitt Romney.

We shall soon see if Gingrich is chosen, and if he is, it means major fireworks, and great debates coming in the Presidential Election of 2016!

Particularly, imagine if Hillary Clinton ends up selecting Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren as her running mate for Vice President!

Then it means two misogynists against two powerful, intelligent women–the battle of the sexes, and the best debates in all of American political history!

Revolutionary Moment In History Of House Of Representatives, Unmatched Since 1910 “Revolt” Against Speaker Joseph Cannon!

A century ago, in October 1910, Democrats and progressive Republicans united to state a “coup” in the House of Representatives, stripping Speaker of the House Joseph Cannon of his absolute power to decide committee appointments and control the legislative agenda all by himself.

Now in June 2016, the Democrats have staged a one day sit down, demanding a vote on a gun control measure. They proceeded to prevent normal routine in the House of Representatives, and to shout down any attempt at taking action on other legislative business.

While Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was befuddled, and waited until 10pm to attempt normal legislative business, which failed, and led to the end of the official session until after the 4th of July recess, the Democrats have drawn attention to the issue of gun regulation, and it is clear they will defy Ryan again when the House of Representatives comes back into session next month.

The effect will be to put the Republicans on notice, that it is time that they stopped being captives of the National Rifle Association and Wayne La Pierre. The issue will be a major one in November, and hopefully, might cause a massive switch of seats, putting the Democrats into the majority again, although that is still highly difficult to do, as 30 or more seats would need to be gained.

But taking action, led by the icon civil rights leader Congressman John Lewis of Georgia is better than just doing nothing! Hope springs eternal!

Paul Ryan’s Surrender To Donald Trump Means The End Of The Republican Party!

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan’s abject surrender to Donald Trump as the Republican Presidential nominee marks the end of the Republican Party completely.

Ryan, as the top ranking Republican in Congress, and two heartbeats away from the Presidency, has lost all credibility, by supporting a man who is a racist, nativist, misogynist, massive liar, and a xenophobe, and who has continued to attack viciously members of his own party who dare to challenge him.

Trump is a Fascist who has the backing of a declining white population who is crazy enough to think a billionaire who has been a bully, a narcissist, an egotist, all of his life, and has abused people verbally, and cheated workers and consumers on a regular basis his entire life, will suddenly show concern for the average American.

We have a lot of delusional people in this nation who clearly have no understanding of what American democracy is all about, that we need to unite, rather than divide, to move to the future .

As long as we have one percent of the population, a true oligarchy, dictating life to the rest of us, we have lost the dream of Theodore Roosevelt more than a century ago who, if he was here on earth now, would be leading the charge against a man who is the most dangerous person ever to compete for the Presidency.

All decent people must go past their biases, their prejudices, their hatreds, and even their finances, to do what is right for America, and that is to deal Donald Trump, the Fascist, a resounding defeat in November, to avoid a constitutional crisis and the danger of world wide war, brought about by this maniac–our Mussolini, our Franco, and maybe even, our Hitler!

Imagine A President Trump Confronting Speaker Paul Ryan, The Intelligence Agencies, And The Military Hierarchy!

Imagine just for a minute a President Donald Trump and a Speaker Paul Ryan, and the constant clash they would be engaging in for ultimate control of domestic and economic policy!

Trump has no clue as to how Congress works, and he fails to understand that the Speaker of the House wields great power over anything that goes through the House of Representatives.

So be assured that Paul Ryan would not allow any kind of mass deportation of Muslims, or the building of a Mexico wall, along with many other ideas that Donald Trump has!

And be assured that the intelligence agencies and the military would never follow through on what a President Trump wanted to do in foreign and military policy, and this has already been made clear by people in the intelligence agencies and the military hierarchy! This includes David Petraeus, Michael Hayden, Leon Panetta and John Brennan, and many others!

President Dwight D. Eisenhower discovered that he could not “bark orders” and get things done, as had been true in the military!

Donald Trump would discover that he would be put in a “strait jacket” in both domestic and foreign policy, and the likelihood of an impeachment is likely, since he is a very dangerous man, with his ignorance and shortcomings in both domestic and foreign policy are massive.

The greatest danger would come from the “mob psychology” of the crowds who come to cheer him on, thinking they are at a football game or some such event.

But even scarier is the image of the Nuremberg rallies where Adolf Hitler spewed for this antisemitism and his belligerent war threats, as Trump’s “minions” are totally terrifying.

Trump represents an evil that must be overcome, and this idea of disillusioned voters staying home creates perfect conditions for a Trump victory, and an attempt at a Trump dictatorship, which would turn the American nation upside down and inside out, far worse than the threat of Richard Nixon!

Open Campaigning To Be Trump’s Running Mate Should Disqualify These People As Unqualified To Be A Heartbeat Away From Oval Office!

First, we have Donald Trump and his disgusting, insulting campaign for President, out to destroy his opponents in the Republican Party, including now, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Now we have open campaigning by some of the worst possible people to be his Vice Presidential running mate, which should, in this blogger’s opinion, automatically disqualify them as unqualified to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office!

We shall begin with Sarah Palin, the most obnoxious and moronic possible person to be a heartbeat away. but Palin, ready to work to dump Paul Ryan from the Speakership and his own Congresssional seat, has offered herself to Donald Trump as his running mate, as if she did not do enough damage to John McCain eight years ago. All she has done since 2008 is quit the Alaska Governorship, become a reality star, made millions of dollars on books that only stupid people would read, and had several embarrassing family controversies involving her son and her daughter! She might appeal to the lowest common denominator, the mob that cheers Donald on, but the thought of her being a possible President a second time around, is absolutely horrifying!

Then we have Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, who has been a total disgrace, promoting fracking in her state, which has caused thousands of earthquakes in the past few years; and who allowed the botched execution of a prisoner with drugs that did not work, causing writhing and tremendous pain, going against the concept of avoiding “cruel and unusual punishment”. Now this woman is openly lobbying to be Vice President.

Then we have Tennessee Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn, who causes one’s eyes to roll every time she opens up her mouth, and made clear she is ready to be Vice President if called upon.

And we have former Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, one of the worst Republican Governors in modern times, who also made her pitch for the Vice Presidency.

And finally, we have former Texas Governor Rick Perry, who clearly has come across as lacking brain matter in a serious way, who had bitterly denounced Donald Trump in a manner that drew respect back in the fall of 2015, but now praises Trump, and made clear he would love to be Vice President, god forbid!

The four women mentioned above may be women, but they have NO qualifications to be President or anywhere near it, and pale in comparison to the outstanding qualifications of Democrat Hillary Clinton.

And Perry, well. . . ., haha you know this is Saturday Night Live material!

Republican Party Split Begins Around Presumptive Nominee Donald Trump!

The Republican Party is deteriorating before our eyes, as they face the threat of Donald Trump.

George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham all reject him.

So does Erick Erickson, Bill Kristol, most of the Weekly Standard and National Review conservatives, and most US Senators and Congressmen of the party.

Others such as John McCain and Susan Collins and Kelly Ayotte are steering clear of him, while not repudiating him.

Many Republican Senators running for reelection are in a no win situation, including McCain, Ayotte, Rob Portman, Ron Johnson, Pat Toomey, and Mark Kirk.

Many Wall Street Republicans, and much of the Wall Street Journal group, and even elements of the Fox News Channel crowd, reject Trump’s candidacy.

Neoconservatives in the party are infuriated with Trump’s foreign policy views.

Social conservatives cannot accept Trump’s support of limited abortion rights and LGBT rights, including transgender bathroom issues.

And Speaker of the House Paul Ryan stating his inability to support Trump at this point is totally stunning!

There is a sense of desperation, and the belief we are in the midst of a revolution in the party system!

Rapid Decline In Quality From Ronald Reagan-Richard Schweiker In 1976 To Ted Cruz-Carly Fiorina In 2016!

Forty years have passed since Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, in a desperate move to try to derail President Gerald Ford from winning the GOP Presidential nomination in 1976, chose a Vice Presidential running mate, Pennsylvania Senator Richard Schweiker.

It did not help Reagan to win the nomination, but at least Reagan had been two term Governor of California, and Schweiker was a two term liberal Republican Senator, who later was Secretary of Health and Human Services for two years under Reagan.

The rapid decline in quality from Reagan-Schweiker then to Ted Cruz-Carly Fiorina two generations later is alarming, demonstrating how candidates for President and Vice President, at least in the Republican Party, are truly disastrous!

Remember that the GOP is great at choosing terrible Vice Presidential candidates, including Spiro Agnew and Dan Quayle, who served as Vice President, and Sarah Palin!

And even the so called “better qualified” VP candidates such as Dick Cheney, who was Vice President, and Paul Ryan, who did not serve, are wanting in comparison to Democratic Vice Presidential candidates, including Walter Mondale, Al Gore, and Joe Biden, as well as candidates Edmund Muskie, Sargent Shriver, Lloyd Bentsen, and Joe Lieberman!

Can Losers Of Presidential Race Come Back To Win? Yes And No!

Now that Speaker of the House Paul Ryan has made clear that he will not accept a draft for the Presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, speculation is beginning that former 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney might make himself available.

There is no way that seems possible, as Romney has totally alienated Donald Trump supporters, who would refuse to back him at the convention or in November, but the question arises whether or not losers of Presidential elections actually have been able to come back and be elected President at a later time.

The answer is both Yes and No!

Five times, a Presidential loser has come back to win, as follows:

Thomas Jefferson, lost in 1796 and won in 1800.

Andrew Jackson, lost in 1824 and won in 1828

William Henry Harrison, lost in 1836 and won in 1840

Grover Cleveland, lost in 1888 and won in 1892, only President to win (1884), lose, and then win again.

Richard Nixon, lost in 1960 and won in 1968

However, six other Presidential candidates lost more than once as follows:

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney lost in 1804 and 1808.

Henry Clay lost in 1824, 1832, and 1844.

Martin Van Buren lost in 1840 as a Democrat, after having won in 1836, and then again lost in 1848 as the nominee of the Free Soil Party.

William Jennings Bryan lost in 1896, 1900, and 1908.

Thomas E. Dewey lost in 1944 and 1948.

Adlai Stevenson lost in 1952 and 1956.

Additionally, three third party candidates have lost more than once as follows:

Socialist nominee Eugene Debs lost in 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920, a total of five times.

Socialist nominee Norman Thomas lost in 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1944, and 1948, a total of six times.

Reform Party nominee Ross Perot lost in 1992 and 1996, the first time as an Independent.

Speakers Of The House Of Representatives Who Sought The Presidency, And Now Paul Ryan?

The Speaker of the House of Representatives is second in line for the Presidency after the Vice President under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, the third such law.

The first such law, from 1792-1886, put the Speaker third in line for the Presidency, with the Vice President and the President Pro Tempore of the US Senate ahead of him, later reversed in 1947.

The second law, from 1886-1947, did not include the Speaker in the line of succession, but rather the Cabinet officers after the Vice President.

In our history, only one Speaker of the House became President, James K. Polk of Tennessee, from 1845-1849, and he proved to be one of the more significant Presidents, adding more real estate to America than anyone other than Thomas Jefferson.  This was accomplished by treaty with Great Britain over the Pacific Northwest in 1846, and by war with Mexico from 1846-1848, which added the Southwestern United States to the Union.

But seven other Speakers sought the Presidency, including the following:

Henry Clay of Kentucky sought the Presidency in 1824, 1832, and 1844, and is regarded as the greatest single legislator in the history of both houses of Congress.  In 1844, we had the only Presidential election where the two opponents had both been Speaker of the House, Clay and Polk!  Clay lost his three elections to John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and Polk.

John Bell of Tennessee was the Constitutional Union Party nominee for President in 1860 on the eve of the Civil War, and lost to Abraham Lincoln.

James G. Blaine of Maine was the Republican nominee for President in 1884 and lost the election to Grover Cleveland, and was also Secretary of State under three Presidents–James A. Garfield, Chester Alan Arthur, and a full term under Benjamin Harrison.

Thomas Reed of Maine lost the nomination of the Republican Party in 1896 to future President William McKinley.

Champ Clark of Missouri lost the nomination of the Democratic Party in 1912 to future President Woodrow Wilson.

John Nance Garner of Texas, after being Vice President under Franklin D. Roosevelt for two terms from 1933-1941, lost the nomination of the Democratic Party to his boss, President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1940

Newt Gingrich of Georgia lost the Republican nomination for President to eventual nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.

So four Speakers were nominated for President, with only Polk winning; and four other Speakers lost the nomination when they sought the Presidency.

Now we may have a ninth such Speaker seeking the Presidency, Republican Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, whose name is being promoted, despite Ryan’s denial of any interest in running for President.