Poor People

Global Warming/Climate Change Ignored By Republican Party And Donald Trump!

A series of recent events, most notably Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, but also many other warnings of the escalating Global Warming/Climate Change crisis, is making the environment a growing political controversy!

The Republican Party en masse has long ignored the issue, favoring the oil and gas industries, and working against any efforts to combat the problem.

Donald Trump ridicules the concept of Global Warming/Climate Change, and if he is elected, the nation will be in ever greater crisis.

But even Republican members of Congress, and Republican governors, most notably Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, have chosen to ignore the problem, and in Florida, DeSantis has followed former Governor and now Senator Rick Scott, in removing any mention or actions in state law to deal with Global Warming/Climate Change.

A long term disaster seems certain, and clearly there is no concern about the effect it will have against poor people, who always end up affected more by actions taken to benefit the powerful and wealthy corporate interests.

The War On Knowledge Is Horrifying And Extremely Dangerous!

The war on knowledge is in full swing in much of America, particularly “Red” America, including the megastates of Texas and Florida, but also many other states.

War has been declared on teachers and what they teach in their classrooms!

War has been declared on librarians and book shelves in public and school libraries!

There is a constant barrage of attacks on so called “woke” ideas, which means to have compassion, empathy, and concern about those less privileged in a society where wealthy white people prevail in control, and want to limit diversity, inclusion, and equity, for poor people, immigrants, women, people of color, and gays, lesbians, and transexuals!

The hate being promoted by Ron DeSantis in Florida is escalating elsewhere, and threatening the very existence of marginal groups, and encouraging breakdown of mental health, victimizing young people in particular, but really promoting, ultimately, a return to white supremacy and advocating Christian dominance in a society that is supposed to be one of separation of church and state!

If DeSantis, Donald Trump, or their ilk win back control of both houses of Congress and the White House in 2024, then the fear that many Americans had during the early days of World War II, that we would have American Fascism taking over, maybe in the name of aviator Charles Lindbergh back then, could very well come to pass!

American freedom and democracy could end, and who could say that there would not be those politicians who would not come up with a variation of the “Final Solution” of Adolf Hitler?

This is not light banter, but rather makes clear the very serious and growing threat to basic civil liberties, including freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly!

We could see another “Holocaust” as people of color experienced in America with widespread discrimination and brutality visited against native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and non Christians in varying degrees, history that people like DeSantis do not want to be taught!

It is time for patriotic Americans to make clear that we are not going to allow those promoting hate and division to triumph in the future, so the upcoming elections in 2024 and beyond are not a time to sit on the sidelines and just hope for a miracle!

Actions are necessary to insure the future of American democracy and freedom, and the empathy, sincerity, decency, and compassion that Joe Biden and others like him promote, MUST triumph for survival of the nation we love!

As Trump Asks For Help From Putin To Slander Biden, Republicans Remain Silent!

The Republican Party has become a true party of treason and sedition, and not only because of their lack of concern about the January 6 Insurrection.

Donald Trump has appealed to Vladimir Putin to help him slander Joe Biden through unwarranted attacks on Hunter Biden, and Republicans enmasse, with a very few exceptions, remain silent.

And there are Republicans who support Putin, rather than Ukraine, and this includes Fox News Channel and other right wing channels, a true example of treason and sedition.

The Republican Party, the party of anti Soviet views throughout the years of the Cold War, has become complicit in support of the Russian Federation and its autocratic leader.

The Republican Party is backing autocracy against democracy, and denying basic human rights to people of color; women: gays, lesbians and transgenders; labor; immigrants; and the poor.

They have become a party of obscene, hateful, despicable behavior with no shame!

Florida Republican Senator Rick Scott Declares War On The Poor, Women, Education, Immigrants And More!

Florida Senator Rick Scott, former governor involved in Medicare fraud, but winning two terms as Florida Governor and his one term in the Senate by very small one percent margins each time, is clearly thinking ahead about running for President.

It has been said that he resembles the villain Voldemort in the Harry Potter film series in appearance, except that his nose is not punched in as in the films, lol! 🙂

Scott is a miserable human being, who has no concern or empathy for anyone, and is one of the worst of the worst in the Republican Party!

He is now promoting a Republican agenda if they win control of both houses of Congress in the Midterm Congressional Elections of 2022.

If this is not enough to motivate Independents and Democrats to organize and vote in November, then nothing will!

Scott promotes a war on the poor, on women’s rights, on the teaching of American history and government, on immigrants, and on trans and gay people!

Scott also wishes to promote gun culture and make Christianity a part of government as theocracy, as well as violate voting rights, and revive the idea of a border wall with Mexico, that would be named after Donald Trump! 🙁

The code words of “socialism”, “wokeness”, and “globalism” are used as weapons to promote an extremist right wing agenda!

Texas And Florida Governors Are Promoting Mass Death By Reckless Policy On Vaccine Mandates!

The second and third largest states in population, with about 50 million people, are Texas and Florida.

Their Republican governors, Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis, have demonstrated they are totally reckless in their attack on vaccine mandates, including dictating not only to school boards, but also all private businesses.

Both governors are promoting mass death, with 68,000 deaths and counting in Texas, and 56,000 deaths and counting in Florida.

So about one out of every six deaths is in those two states alone, as the COVID 19 Pandemic has killed about 700,000 Americans and counting.

And people of color are even more often the victims, and both governors have no concern, as they both work to be potential Republican Presidential candidates in 2024.

Both Abbott and DeSantis will go down in history as two of the absolutely worse governors in American history, and not just on vaccine mandates, but on so many other issues, including racism, women’s rights including abortion, and refusal to have serious attempts to promote gun regulations.

Additionally, both states are trying to deny people of color, poor people, young people, and the elderly the right to vote!

Automatic Mail Ballots Should Be Sent By All States To All Voters As A National Law To Insure Voting Rights!

Nine states and Washington, DC send automatic mail ballots to all eligible voters who reside in their states.

These states include:

New Jersey
Washington State
Washington, DC

There is no viable reason why voters have to show up in person to vote, as long as they are registered and live in the state they reside in.

Such a system of mail in voting boosts voting, particularly of poor people, racial minorities, the disabled, members of the military, and the elderly.

Voting rights were guaranteed over time, and then added to by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, along with Constitutional amendments 15, 19, 23, 24, and 26, and so therefore, there should be ZERO boundaries for voting!

If we are to remain a democracy, this needs to become a national law that goes into effect by the Presidential Election of 2024, if not earlier with the Midterm Congressional Elections of 2022!

Horrifying Reality: Tens Of Millions Of Americans Will Go Hungry And Be Homeless In Coming Months!

With Congress not moving toward additional assistance in the midst of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, due to the refusal of the Republican Senate to take action, and the resultant collapse of the American economy, the horrifying reality is that tens of millions of Americans will soon go hungry and be homeless!

It is obvious that we are moving into a Second Great Depression, with more than triple the population of America as compared to the 1930s, and it will have massive ramifications.

We will see the poor more harmed than the middle class and the wealthy, and racial minorities and single mothers with children will be the major victims.

Crime will rise, much of it in desperation by hungry, homeless citizens, and at least for the next six months, we will be living in a literal Hell, as we have a President and administration that has no compassion, no empathy, no decency, and is refusing to do anything to assist the needy among us.

Donald Trump is far worse than Herbert Hoover, and the hope has to exist that Joe Biden and his team will be able to come to the rescue, with a new New Deal, of the type that Franklin D. Roosevelt initiated in response to the Great Depression.

To listen to Republicans and conservatives would mean do nothing and have great harm continue, causing suicides, child abuse, health crises never ending, and deaths rising, not only from the CoronaVirus Pandemic, but also from starvation and deprivation.

We have been put into this living Hell by a man so criminal and obscene that he will go down in the annals of history as the most cruel, evil national leader in American history.

It will take years, not months, to overcome the damage that has been done, and will continue to occur until the cancer of Donald Trump is removed, and he is held accountable for his crimes, and transgressions!

The Most Lasting And Destructive Impact Of Donald Trump: 157 Federal Judicial Confirmations For Life Term!

After nearly three years of President Donald Trump, the realization is that the most lasting and destructive impact he has had is the reality that he has seen 157 Federal Judicial confirmations to life terms on the federal courts, including two Supreme Court Justices.

This is due to the efforts of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has made it his mission to make the federal courts as right wing extremist as possible for the next two generations.

That is about a little less than twenty percent of the total number of federal judges, now standing at 870.

Many of these confirmed judges are incompetent, inexperienced, and unqualified for lifetime appointments, but the nation is stuck with them.

These judges will promote the right wing agenda, including favoring corporations, the wealthy, and religious extremists, and working against women, racial and ethnic minorities, the disabled, the poor, and gays and lesbians.

They will also promote more Presidential powers, and undermine the environment, labor interests, and consumers.

This will become more and more a never ending constitutional crisis as the nation becomes a majority non white in 25 years, and as Democrats gain the edge in future elections with reapportionment of seats, likely winning the Presidency once Texas goes Democratic, but having a Supreme Court and other federal courts more conservative than ever since the Gilded Age and the 1920s, and holding back progress and reform.

This reality may lead to a move to add members to the Supreme Court once the Democrats gain control of the US Senate. It does not bode well for the future of constitutional government in the next 20-40 years.

Brennan Center For Justice: 19 States With New Voting Restrictions Since 2016

The William Brennan Center For Justice, named after the great former Supreme Court Justice, tracks violations of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, and has exposed the reality that 19 states, since the Supreme Court backtracked on the Voting Rights Act of 1965 in a decision in 2013, have made the right to vote much more difficult, and affecting election results.

In 2016, 14 states had new voting restrictions in place for the first time in a presidential election, with these states including Alabama, Arizona, Indiana, Kansas, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin.

In 2017, Arkansas, North Dakota, Missouri, Georgia, and Iowa added new laws.

So 8 Southern states of the old Confederacy (Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia) are back where they were before the Voting Rights Act of 1965, making it harder for blacks and other people of color, and poor people in general, to be able to have the chance to vote.

But also, the 8 Midwestern states of Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Nebraska and Kansas have gown down the same road.

And Arizona in the West and New Hampshire and Rhode Island on the Atlantic Coast also have made it more difficult to vote.

Look at this list of states, and notice almost all of them, except Virginia, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island voted for Donald Trump.

So we have the possibility that despite public opinion polls that indicate a “Blue Wave”, the restrictions on voting rights could impact election result in November.

Gerrymandering, Creating Barriers In Many States To Vote, And Changing Census By Adding Citizenship Question, All Designed To Help Republicans Overcome Future Diversity Of American Population!

The Republican Party has dedicated itself to using every possible method, no matter how unethical it is, to keep themselves in power, by curbing voting by racial minorities the poor, and college students, knowing they would be unlikely to gain the support of such groups in the voting booths.

So they have utilized gerrymandering to create districts that will always favor the white majority in as many congressional districts and state legislative districts as possible, although some such gerrymandering schemes have started to be repudiated by state and federal courts recently.

They have created as many barriers as possible to different groups being able to vote, as a result of the backtracking of the Supreme Court in 2013, on the enforcement of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 under President Lyndon B. Johnson.

And now, they are trying to mandate a 2020 Census question on citizenship, designed to insure that undocumented immigrants will not fill out the census forms, out of fear of deportation.

All this, being challenged, will lead to the downfall of a party that has lost all morality and ethics, and many decent Republicans and conservatives outside of government positions have already done so.

The future diversity of the American population toward a non white majority within about 25 years is certain, and the Republican Party is fighting a losing battle in that regard!