Presidential Age Issue

Age Issue Is Neutralized: Competence And Decency Will Decide Election In November!

For the next nine months, we will hear constantly that Joe Biden is too old and feeble to be President for another four years.

This is really a non-issue as his opponent, Donald Trump would be in his 80s during the next four years, so the age issue is really neutralized.

If Biden was facing a much younger Republican opponent, then age would be an issue, but if that was happening, even Biden has said he would not be running, and is doing so only to stop the threat of Donald Trump returning to the White House.

Joe Biden was driven to run in 2020 due to the horrible reality of Donald Trump, thinking he was the only potential opponent who could defeat Trump, which he did handily by more than 7.1 million votes, a massive victory.

Biden’s competence, decency, and record in office have been so noticeable, that despite horrible attacks from MAGA Republicans and Donald Trump, and despite polls that are so often inaccurate so far out from an election, the odds of his reelection are very likely.

Biden has presided over an economy that is outstanding; has the respect and support of NATO leaders who fear Donald Trump; and has the vision that would move America and its relationship with the world forward.

Fear that he might not finish a second term is also the issue of Donald Trump, since arguably, Trump is in far worse physical and cognitive shape than is Joe Biden.

So the Vice Presidency is crucial, and while many would be not happy at the thought of Kamala Harris, when considers the likely alternative list being bandied about of possible Trump Vice Presidential running mates, there is no comparison!

Would Marjorie Taylor Greene, Elise Stefanik, Kari Lake, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Kristi Noem, Vivik Ramaswamy, Tim Scott or other sycophants be better than Kamala Harris?

Only in the delustional minds of MAGA Republicans, who care not a whit about American democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution!

Joe Biden Public Opinion Ratings Are Bad News, But Still Wins Polls Against Donald Trump For 2024!

President Biden is down to 33 percent support in public opinion polls, as his age and the economic difficulties facing the nation undermine him.

But yet, indications are that Biden would be favored over Donald Trump if both Presidents were to be the alternatives in the Presidential Election of 2024.

So while there is discontent about Biden’s fortunes, particularly among progressives in the Democratic Party, at this point no challengers are seen as likely short term against Joe Biden.

However, the issue of age is not going to go away, as Biden would be 82-86 in age during a second term, and Trump would be 78-82!

It seems clear that it is time for a new generation of leadership to come into power in the Democratic Party, as well as the Republican Party!

Birthday Of Joe Biden And Robert F. Kennedy November 20, And The Issue Of Age!

Yesterday, November 20, was the 79th Birthday of President Joe Biden, our oldest President in office.

It was also the birthday of Robert F. Kennedy, who Biden perceives as a hero, with Biden having a bust of RFK always in every photo on his left side when Biden is at his desk in the Oval Office.

Biden is working so hard to accomplish the greatest social change legislation in the past 55 years since Lyndon B. Johnson accomplished the massive reforms of the Great Society in the mid 1960s, something RFK wished to build on if he had lived and become President in the Presidential Election of 1968.

The issue of age constantly is brought up as Joe Biden will be 82 years old weeks after the Presidential Election of 2024.

Biden certainly has aged since he was Vice President under Barack Obama, but he is still capable and alert, although his annual physical shows his gait has slowed a bit.

But when one compares Biden to Donald Trump or Ronald Reagan at the end of their terms, and even Trump now a year later, Biden is far more mentally capable than either of them.

And the idea that Donald Trump at age 78 and a half at the time of inauguration three years hence would magically be much more mentally and physically capable than Joe Biden, when already it is clear that Trump is a danger with his reckless rhetoric, and promotion of hate, sedition and treason, makes one have to wonder about the mental stability of Donald Trump followers, who see him as a God like figure!

Joe Biden might decide one term is enough, considering his age, and that would be perfectly understandable, as only one third of our Presidents have served two terms.

Joe Biden is a transformative figure in the Presidency, who is having an historical impact, and this is just his first year in office!

A new generation can follow him and continue the good works, and common decency, that would make Robert F. Kennedy proud, if he was alive, on his 96th birthday!

The Mitt Romney Presidential Boomlet Neutralizes Age Issue For Hillary Clinton!

The sudden Mitt Romney Presidential boomlet that has emerged has one good result for Hillary Clinton!

It neutralizes the age issue, that Hillary at age 69 is too old to run for a first term as President, as Mitt Romney would also be 69, and actually is seven and a half months older than Hillary, and would reach 70 in less than two months after inauguration, while it would take Hillary another nearly seven and a half months to reach that age.

It could also help Joe Biden, who would be 74 on Inauguration Day, as there really is not that much difference between 69 and 74, if the opponent is either age listed.

More significantly, the issue arises whether Mitt Romney can really repeat what Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, Grover Cleveland, and Richard Nixon managed to do, to lose election to the White House, and then win it (although Cleveland is a special case, having won, then lost, and then returned to the White House).

Putting betting money on that occurring again is to gamble one’s fortune!