Presidential Election Of 2024

More Defections From Republican Party And Trump Than Ever Since 1964 And Barry Goldwater!

The nation is witnessing more Republican Party defections from Donald Trump than from any Republican Presidential nominee in the past 60 years, since Barry Goldwater in 1964.

Goldwater, the most right wing Republican nominee ever, by comparison, is now seen belatedly as a libertarian. While definitely a right wing conservative who alienated the eastern liberal wing of the Republican Party, led by Nelson Rockeller, William Scranton, George Romney, and others, in retrospect, he was not as threatening as Donald Trump is.

Golcwater attacked the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and spoke of defeating Communism and the Soviet Union, including escalating the Vietnam War, but he did not call for the end of the Constitution, or prosecuting critics, or deporting millions of people as Donald Trump is advocating.

And in later times, Goldwater supported Abortion Rights and Gay Rights, so clearly, dramatically different than the present MAGA Republicans who swear by tyrant Donald Trump.

Goldwater was not personally corrupt as Trump is; did not have multiple marriages and divorces; did not promote the idea of overthrowing the results of an election; and did not personally promote character assassination of his opponent, Lyndon B. Johnson.

And most importantly, in 1974, ten years after his massive Presidential defeat, as again a sitting US Senator, he went to the White House and told Richard Nixon he should resign, or would face conviction on impeachment charges.

So Barry Goldwater was a decent loyal American, unlike Donald Trump, who makes Richard Nixon look like a “choir boy” by comparison!

One can be certain that he would repudiate Donald Trump, and would not have backed him in 2016 or 2020, as well as 2024!

The Growing Threat Of Donald Trump Revealed, As Election Nears!

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize winning historian, who has written books on authoritarians and autocrats, says Donald Trump’s promotion of male supremacy in his rallies mirrors the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini.

Also, former General and Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says in a New York Times interview with Michael Schmidt that Trump expressed strong admiration for Hitler.

Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg reports that Trump has said he wants generals around him as Hitler had, who will be loyal to him alone.

Trump has said publicly that there are “enemies from within”, mentioning specifically Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, calling them more dangerous than foreign authoritan leaders. And he talks about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of America, sounding just like Hitler, and has said there will be mass deportations, and prison camps if he is elected.

And beyond these points, Trump himself has said openly that he admires people like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Ji Ping, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and regularly praises them.

It is worrisome that there seems to be a massive difference in voting attitudes between men and women in this upcoming election, as particularly, young males seem to be gravitating toward Trump, while the margin for Kamala Harris among women is massive, creating a gender gap, that if it follows through to Election Day, will mark the biggest chasm between men and women in election behavior in American history!

Will voters be convinced by all these revelations and evidence that Trump is too dangerous to be given the powers of the Presidency again? That is the stressful issue as we are down to less than two weeks to the election, that clearly is the most important in American history since 1860 and 1940!

Liz Cheney Joining Harris In Campaigning In “Blue Wall” States On Monday

Former Wyoming Congresswoman Liz Cheney has been courageous in deciding to endorse Kamala Harris for President against Donald Trump, having given up her Congressional seat in the process.

And now, after having held an endorsement rally in Ripon, Wisconsin more than two weeks ago, she is now joining Harris today, Monday, October 21, in joint campaign rallies in the “Blue Wall” states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, all states that if Harris can win them, along with the Second District of Nebraska, will be enough to give her the electoral votes needed for victory on November 5.

Many other Republicans have also appeared at rallies in support of Harris, most notably former Illinois Congressman Adam Kinziger.

So the two Republicans on the January 6 House Committee will go down in history as the most courageous and influential Republicans above many others of lesser renown who have shown principle over ambition, and will be well regarded in reputation in the long run of history!

Trump And Christian Nationalists Promoting Trump As Speaking For Jesus Christ!

It is horrifying how some Christian nationalists who believe in white supremacy are promoting the idea that Donald Trump is sent by God, as the modern Jesus!

This is a threat to civil order, and to nonwhite populations and the Jewish population of the nation.

It is promoting that America should be a theocracy, which is against the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the views of most of the Founding Fathers.

Separation of Church and State was a basic tenet at the time of the creation of the nation, and America should not abandon that tradition.

And to make Trump equivalent of a Jesus Christ is preposterous, as he is fully ignorant and unconcerned about religion, just exploiting it for his own ends.

Facing Reality: Voting For Trump Means President Vance!

Donald Trump is clearly in cognitive decline, for anyone who has a brain, and watches how Trump acts at rallies, and his lunatic statements promoting threats and violence.

If somehow he is elected, it seems clear that, mentally, Donald Trump will not survive a four year term in stable mental shape, and with his overweight and other medical issues that he refuses to share with the American people, the odds are good that he might not survive the term.

So face reality, that voting for Donald Trump means President JD Vance is very likely, or at the long range scenario, Vance, if not becoming President during the term, will have a very good possibility of following Trump by election in the White House.

So when voting, one has to think about the concept of JD Vance, a chameleon, massive liar, and a nasty individual to boot, who has been promoted by billionaires, including Peter Thiel and Elon Musk, because the odds are very high that he would succeed Trump during the term.

With Vance being a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, and the fact of the Project 2025 architects and others who already were abusing power in the first Trump Administration, but gained pardons from Trump, likely to have a major role in the operation of the government over the next four years, the conclusion is clear!

This should be enough motivation for Americans to cast their vote for Kamala Harris, as the only alternative to save the nation from Fascism!

Irrational For Any Female, Black, Or Latino To Support Trump!

With less than three weeks to Election Day, and early voting having begun, including this author and blogger having voted by mail already, one has to wonder how any female, black, or Latino American could find justification to vote for Donald Trump.

Voting is a complex act, as clearly, no candidate for any public office has a “perfect” record, and one can disagree with some views or policies of any candidate for public office.

But anyone following public affairs, and who has reasoning powers, would have to overlook reality to vote for Donald Trump in 2024.

This is particularly the case for females, African Americans, and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

The fact that Trump appointed three Supreme Court Justices who brought about the end of abortion rights guarantee should be enough information for all women except the extreme anti abortionists, who do not care about the welfare and lives of pregnant women.

The fact that Trump has been openly racist throughout his life, not just in his Presidency, should convince African Americans that he has no regard or respect for African Americans and Hispanic-Latino Americans.

For the latter to allow the immigration issue to overcome the history of Trump’s lack of concern for immigrant families trying to escape oppression, violence and bloodshed in their home countries, and to separate children from their families, as occurred in the Trump Presidency, is shocking.

Trump’s bizarre behavior of swaying and dancing at a rally, truly erratic behavior;

his constant threats to go after “internal enemies” who he thinks are more dangerous than Russia or China;

and his obsession with tariffs and with deportation of more than ten million migrants, which all would undermine the American economy, and particularly the agriculture industry

should be enough to convince any rational voter who is female, black or Latino, along with everyone else, that they must unite around Kamala Harris, who has been backed by massive numbers of conservatives and Republicans who see Trump as a threat and disaster for the nation!

Danger Of American Fascism Greater Now Than Ever Before!

America has had the danger of Fascism before in its history, but never as great as in the present with Donald Trump!

In the past, we had Huey Long in the 1930s before 1936, with him being assassinated in September 1935.

We also had Strom Thurmond in 1948.

We also had George Wallace in 1968.

We also had Patrick Buchanan in 1992 and 2000.

The closest threat before now was Wallace in 1968, who ran as the American Independent Party nominee, and won 5 Southern states and 46 electoral votes. I cover the story of Wallace in my Presidential Assassinations book.

Strom Thurmond won 4 Southern states and 39 electoral votes in 1948 as the candidate of the Dixiecrats.

Long was a great potential threat to Franklin D. Roosevelt for 1936, but was assassinated in 1935, as I cover in my Presidential Assassinations book.

Patrick Buchanan weakened George H. W. Bush in 1992 primaries, and his name on the ballot in Florida in 2000 led to confusion, gaining votes that were meant to go to Democratic nominee Al Gore, affecting the election of George W. Bush.

But now, Donald Trump is a real threat, not only to immigrants, but also to critics, whether in the news media or opposition politicians, and calling for a dictatorship on Day One, leading General Mark Milley to declare Trump a Fascist, and the most dangerous threat to American democracy, the Constitution, and rule of law in all of American history!

Kamala Harris And Expansion Of Democratic Presidents’ Social Reforms

Democratic Presidents for the past century have cared about the welfare of Americans, and have been able to promote and expand Federal protections.

So in 1935, Franklin D. Roosevelt accomplished enactment of Social Security, which Republicans have, constantly, wished to cut back on or eliminate over the years.

So in 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson accomplished enactment of Medicare, and the following year, Medicaid, for the elderly, handicapped, and poor, which Republicans have, constantly, attempted to cut back or eliminate over the years.

So in 2010, Barack Obama accomplished enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare), covering millions of Americans who had no health care coverage, which Republicans have, constantly, attempted to cut back or eliminate since then.

Republican Senator John McCain cast the decisive vote to prevent elimination of this legislation under Donald Trump’s Presidency in 2017.

Now in 2024, Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is proposing that Medicare be expanded to cover Home Health Care for those unable to perform activities of daily living or have a serious cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s Disease.

Also, her proposal would expand Medicare to include vision and hearing, and end estate recovery from those who have passed away after having services.

So once again, Democrats have demonstrated social welfare as a prime role of the federal government, and have promoted what most European democratic nations have long covered. If left to Republicans, they would wish to end all such programs, based on their historical opposition.

Kamala Harris Being Judged Differently Due To Race And Gender

This entry is being revised from the original entry, which accidentally was deleted by the author, for which I apologize. I will be brief in summarizing my ideas on this entry with the same title, and anyone who had commented on the original entry, I would ask to submit a similar comment, and again, my apologies for the blunder, which has never happened before today, and will not happen again!

John F. Kennedy (Catholic); Barack Obama (African American); and Hillary Clinton (female), all faced discrimination and bias due to their uniqueness as Presidential candidates in 1960, 2008, and 2016, respectively.

In the first two cases, the issue of Catholicism and of race were overcome, while Clinton, although winning the popular vote by 2.85 million, was unable to win the Electoral College.

Now, Kamala Harris who is the second woman to seek the Presidency and has Asian Indian and African-Jamaican heritage, is facing critics who are claiming she is unqualified on intelligence and on abilities and knowledge, to occupy the Oval Office.

Harris has had more government experience than most Presidents, more than all Presidents since 1900, except for Lyndon B. Johnson, Gerald Ford, and Joe Biden.

Harris is also much more intelligent than some Presidents, including Warren G. Harding, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump since 1900; and also more qualified to be President than some Vice Presidents who succeeded to the Oval Office, including Andrew Johnson and Calvin Coolidge.

So the negativism around Harris in some circles should be seen as not worthy of being considered, and hopefully, she will break the barrier as the first woman President in American history!

Why Kamala Harris Is Likely On The Road To Victory

Although the polls are very close in the Presidential Election race of 2024, all signs are good that Kamala Harris is likely on the road to occupying the Oval Office as the 47th President of the United States after the November 5 election date.

Harris is ahead in most polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, which if true, would give her a 287-251 Electoral College victory, also including the Second District in Nebraska.

There is no doubt that Harris will easily win the popular vote, and possibly by more than the 7 plus million vote victory of Joe Biden in 2020.

Additionally, Harris is ahead in the following categories:

Urban voters
Suburban voters
College Educated Voters
Women Voters
African American Voters
Latino Voters
Jewish Voters
Asian American Voters
Voters 18-29 Years of Age
Voters Over Age 50
Labor Union Voters
Gay And Lesbian Voters

Of course, being ahead does not mean that the percentages of each voter category are what they have been in the past, or that one would think they should be, so there is plenty of work ahead in the next 25 days to convince voters in all of the above categories to support Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump will have the edge with:

Rural Voters
Non College Educated Voters
White Male Voters
Wealthy Voters
30-50 Years of Age Voters
Religious Voters

It is clear that there are still those Americans who have not made up their minds, so non stop campaigning is essential, as this election is crucial to the survival of American democracy, the rule of law, and maintaining the US Constitution!