Presidential Recess Appointments

Impossible To Reject All Of Trump’s Outrageous Cabinet Appointments!

Reality must sink in, that there is no possibility to expect the Republican controlled US Senate to reject all of Donald Trump’s outrageous Cabinet appointments. Trump is not allowing FBI checks of his nominees, and threatens to force recess appointments of his nominees, if the majority Republicans do not play along!

At most, maybe one might be stopped, with the one thought to be most likely being Attorney General nominee, former Congressman Matt Gaetz, who has most members of the House of his party, and many Republican Senators really opposed to him, based on his scandalous life, but also his horrendous relationships with fellow Republicans over the years.

Sadly, Director of National Intelligence nominee, former Congresswoman and Democrat Tulsi Gabbard; Secretary of Health and Human Services nominee Robert F. Kennedy, Jr (also a former Democrat); and Pete Hegseth, Fox News host and nominee for Secretary of Defense, despite horrendous information about all three of them, will unlikely be able to be stopped.

All of these male nominees have been accused of sexual harassment and sexual abuse, but will likely overcome accusations of their misbehaviors, as Donald Trump has managed to do so throughout his life!

The idea that America’s Justice Department; Intelligence Agencies; Health Care System; and Military and Defense establishment are under attack by extremists chosen by a President who is out to destroy the existing system of American democracy, is a reality hard to accept.

All decent people, including this author and blogger, are fighting off a sense of despair and depression, but knowing that if good people give in and give up, then the damage done will be greater, than if there is resistance.

US Senate Should NOT Give Trump Recess Appointments For Cabinet Choices!

Donald Trump is clearly attempting to grab power from the US Senate in his move to make recess appointments to his Cabinet, bypassing the power of the Senate “to advise and consent”.

The idea of recess appointments has always been rarely utilized, and for Trump to just go ahead and pick his advisers, and ignore the Senate, is alarming.

One has to hope that enough Republicans are willing to challenge Trump, and prevent what would be the gaining of a new absolute power of Trump, and potentially, future Presidents, making the Senate a weakened legislative body.

There may be 53 Republican Senators, but if four of them resist Trump, they, hopefully, could stop this dangerous power grab.

Potential such Senators would likely include:

Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska
Senator Susan Collins of Maine
Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia
Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana
Senaator Thom Tillis of North Carolina
Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma

If the Senate allows Trump to do what he wants, and allows Billionaire Elon Musk to have a major power over Trump policies as well, without any resistance, it will be a massive step toward what Trump had called “Dictatorship on Day One”!

This is a battle for survival of American democracy, and no patriotic American can sit on the sidelines, and they must pressure the Senate and others on Capitol Hill to fight and resist in every way possible!

Proper And Smart Move For Obama To Make Recess Appointments For Consumer Financial Protection Bureau And National Labor Relations Board

President Obama has been stymied constantly on appointments to various government agencies by Republican filibusters in the US Senate.

The Republicans are not contending that Obama’s appointments are not qualified, but simply playing politics and refusing to approve appointments to necessary positions on important government agencies.

So the President, in another example of aggressiveness, has made a recess appointment of Richard Cordray, former Ohio Attorney General, to be the heed of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, an agency formulated by Elizabeth Warren, who knew she would never be approved to head the bureau, so is running for the US Senate.

Recess appointments are allowed in the Constitution to prevent Congress from paralyzing government by refusal to fill positions in government agencies. Barack Obama has not been the first President to do this, with George W. Bush using the power extensively, most notable with John Bolton as a recess appointment to be United Nations Ambassador.

Cordray’s appointment will be effective for two years, to the end of 2013.
And Obama also made three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, another government agency that Republicans wish to paralyze, but Obama took action and should be commended for it.

This is the fighting Obama that should have been there from day one, fighting the GOP, but after nearly three years of trying to get along and work with Republicans, Obama is following the aggressive tactics of Democratic Presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Lyndon B. Johnson, and Bill Clinton! Kudos to him!