Promotion Of Male Supremacy

The Growing Threat Of Donald Trump Revealed, As Election Nears!

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize winning historian, who has written books on authoritarians and autocrats, says Donald Trump’s promotion of male supremacy in his rallies mirrors the rhetoric of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini.

Also, former General and Trump White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says in a New York Times interview with Michael Schmidt that Trump expressed strong admiration for Hitler.

Journalist Jeffrey Goldberg reports that Trump has said he wants generals around him as Hitler had, who will be loyal to him alone.

Trump has said publicly that there are “enemies from within”, mentioning specifically Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff, calling them more dangerous than foreign authoritan leaders. And he talks about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of America, sounding just like Hitler, and has said there will be mass deportations, and prison camps if he is elected.

And beyond these points, Trump himself has said openly that he admires people like Putin, Kim Jong Un, Xi Ji Ping, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, and regularly praises them.

It is worrisome that there seems to be a massive difference in voting attitudes between men and women in this upcoming election, as particularly, young males seem to be gravitating toward Trump, while the margin for Kamala Harris among women is massive, creating a gender gap, that if it follows through to Election Day, will mark the biggest chasm between men and women in election behavior in American history!

Will voters be convinced by all these revelations and evidence that Trump is too dangerous to be given the powers of the Presidency again? That is the stressful issue as we are down to less than two weeks to the election, that clearly is the most important in American history since 1860 and 1940!