Public Opinion Polls

As Donald Trump Is About To Give His State Of The Union Address, His Public Opinion Ratings Are Lowest Except For His First Term!

As Donald Trump gets ready for his State of the Union Address on Tuesday evening, his public opinion ratings (Gallup Presidential Job Approval polls) are the lowest of any President since 1945, except for his first term first month!

From Harry Truman to Trump, below are the ratings, in order of high to low!

Harry Truman 87
Lyndon B. Johnson 78
John F. Kennedy 72
Gerald Ford 71
Dwight D. Eisenhower 68
Barack Obama 67
Jimmy Carter 66
Richard Nixon 59
Bill Clinton 58
George W Bush 57
Joe Biden 57
Ronald Reagan 51
George H W Bush 51
Donald Trump 45 (2025)
Donald Trump 44 (2017)

So Donald Trump is not gaining approval for his radical, anarchistic, and disruptive domestic and foreign policies, with a majority of Americans uneasy about the direction of the nation!

Why Kamala Harris Is Likely On The Road To Victory

Although the polls are very close in the Presidential Election race of 2024, all signs are good that Kamala Harris is likely on the road to occupying the Oval Office as the 47th President of the United States after the November 5 election date.

Harris is ahead in most polls in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona and Nevada, which if true, would give her a 287-251 Electoral College victory, also including the Second District in Nebraska.

There is no doubt that Harris will easily win the popular vote, and possibly by more than the 7 plus million vote victory of Joe Biden in 2020.

Additionally, Harris is ahead in the following categories:

Urban voters
Suburban voters
College Educated Voters
Women Voters
African American Voters
Latino Voters
Jewish Voters
Asian American Voters
Voters 18-29 Years of Age
Voters Over Age 50
Labor Union Voters
Gay And Lesbian Voters

Of course, being ahead does not mean that the percentages of each voter category are what they have been in the past, or that one would think they should be, so there is plenty of work ahead in the next 25 days to convince voters in all of the above categories to support Kamala Harris.

Donald Trump will have the edge with:

Rural Voters
Non College Educated Voters
White Male Voters
Wealthy Voters
30-50 Years of Age Voters
Religious Voters

It is clear that there are still those Americans who have not made up their minds, so non stop campaigning is essential, as this election is crucial to the survival of American democracy, the rule of law, and maintaining the US Constitution!

Kamala Harris Has Moved Into Lead In Polls, Two Months After Entrance Into Presidential Campaign

Two months after Democrat Kamala Harris entered the Presidential race, and two weeks after the ABC Harris-Trump debate that Harris clearly won, finally she has moved into the lead in multiple polls.

Particularly among women, Harris has a commanding lead, creating what is for now at least a clear gender gap, as with men, Trump is slightly ahead or there is a even balance, depending on the poll.

Harris is also ahead among college educated voters and voters over the age of 50, while Trump is ahead among non college educated voters and voters under 50.

However, younger and first time voters (those under 30) have been inspired by Harris’s candidacy, in a way that they were not feeling toward Joe Biden.

Also, it is clear that Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz is inspirational, and helping Harris greatly in gaining public support.

And now we are nine days away from the CBS Vice Presidential debate on Tuesday October 1 between Walz and Republican Vice Presidential nominee JD Vance, who is polling horribly, regarded as the worst VP nominee in modern times, even worse than Sarah Palin in 2008, which is quite a statement!

Kamala Harris Continues Her Amazing Rise!

On top of her wonderful performance in the ABC Presidential Debate against Donald Trump, Kamala Harris has continued her amazing rise, gaining large amounts of additional campaign financial support; winning over more Republicans (such as former Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez under George W. Bush); and gaining in polls that now show her with a five point lead, and ahead in the Rust Belt states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and tied in North Carolina and Nevada at this point.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is claiming he won the debate, which no observer or sane person accepts as fact, and he is seen as spending time with lunatics like Laura Loomer, who even Marjorie Taylor Greene denounces. Also, his claim that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio are eating people’s pet dogs and cats is preposterous, and an indication of how far gone mentally he is.

To believe that Trump could govern for the next four years is a fantasy, and the thought that his Vice Presidential running mate, JD Vance of Ohio, is a good alternative, is to be delusional, and with Vance promoting the myth about Haitian immigrants, purely racist, and threatening to their safety!

The Harris-Trump Debate: Competence Vs Lies And Disarray!

This evening’s ABC Presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump at Philadelphia’s National Constitution Center will be a crucial moment in the Presidential Election of 2024, as public opinion polls indicate a very even race emerging in the seven “swing” states.

Harris’s need is to show her experience, competence, compassion and empathy, against the monster who is Donald Trump, who is certain to lie incessantly, and go out of his way to insult Harris, calling her names, and demonstrating racism and misogyny unapologetically.

Trump also rambles and is often incoherent, raising questions about his cognitive abilities and mental health, making many Americans wonder if he is capable to lead the nation and have the nuclear codes for the next four years, when he would become the oldest President in US history, and already is the oldest Presidential nominee we have had.

It is likely that there might not be another Presidential debate, although Vice Presidential nominees Tim Walz and JD Vance will debate on CBS on Tuesday, October 1.

Age, Gender, Race, And Education Gap In Polls On Presidential Election Of 2024

At this point of the campaign for the Presidential Election Of 2024, there is a major age, gender, race, and education gap developing.

Young women are overwhelmingly favoring Kamala Harris, while young men are giving a slight edge to Donald Trump.

Also, older white men are giving a wider margin to Trump, while older white women are more evenly divided.

One must recall that younger voters in the Presidential Election of 2020 gave the edge to Joe Biden.

Now, overall, younger voters, women voters, and racial minority voters (Black, Latino) are clearly favoring Harris, along with college educated voters and suburbanites, while older voters, less educated white voters, and rural voters, are favoring Trump.

Whether these major divisions based on age, gender, race, education, and location of population will be sustained by Election Day will be interesting to watch!

Trump And Vance “Going Off The Rails”!

The Republican Presidential campaign, running scared, as public opinion polls show a definite move in the direction of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, is going off the rails.

Trump is employing crude sexual innuendo language toward Harris on Truth Social.

Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery on the third year anniversary of the Afghanistan withdrawal, but inappropriately became engaged in a controversy about taking photographs to be used as campaign fodder,that was not allowable under cemetery rules.

Meanwhile, JD Vance said publicly that Kamala Harris should “go to hell”, when Harris was being criticized for something she did not say, and the idea of using such language in public is shocking!

Vance also continues to attack “Cat Ladies”, and to criticize Randy Weingarten, head of the American Federation of Teachers for not having biological children of her own!

This crazy stuff could not be made made up in fiction, but it is reality in nonfiction!

Vance has a lower public opinion rating than Sarah Palin had at this point in 2008, and is a drag on the Republican ticket.

And Trump has again been indicted by Jack Smith, to modify charges after the Supreme Court decision on July 1 (Trump V US) that limited Trump to being indicted only on non Presidential actions, not official actions.

Prospects For Democratic Congress Improve Due To Kamala Harris Candidacy

The prospects for a Democratic controlled 119th Congress (2025-2027) have been vastly improved by the Presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris, and her Vice Presidential running mate Tim Walz.

Things looked gloomy before Joe Biden decided to withdraw, but now the excitement over Harris and Walz have boosted the hopes for Democrats to regain control of the House of Representatives, and maintain and maybe gain seats in the US Senate.

Public opinion polls show a boost in the candidacies of incumbent Democratic Senators all over the nation, and the prospects for gaining seats in the House in New York, Florida, and California seem promising.

And there are hopes that possibly three Republican Senators, who are not very popular, could lose their seats.

Rick Scott in Florida, Ted Cruz in Texas, and Josh Hawley in Missouri face tight races for now at least, from Debbie Mucarsel Powell, Collin Allred, and Lucas Kunce, respectively.

If at least one of these unpopular Senators were to lose, that would be a major boost for the Democrats.

Psychiatric And Cognitive Concerns About Donald Trump Grow, As Harris Makes Major Gains In Polls

Psychiatric and cognitive concerns about Donald Trump are growing, as he is becoming more delusional by the day, lashing out even at his own contributors, and obsessing about size of crowds for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, claiming false AI (Artificial Intelligence) photos!

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris has surged to a lead over Trump in polls for Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, and signs that she is gaining in Arizona and Nevada, including massive crowds showing up, despite 100 degree weather.

Trump is having trouble conceiving of how Harris replacing Joe Biden, and taking on Tim Walz, is having such a surge for three weeks, and with the Democratic National Convention coming in one week, an event very likely to boost Harris and Walz ever further in public support.

Major amounts of funds and volunteers continue to skyrocket, and more white men than expected are shown to be willing to move toward support of the Democratic ticket, to add to that of minority support, women, and young people.

With 226 electoral votes seen as assuredly Democratic, IF Harris can win Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, she would end up with exactly 270 electoral votes, the magic number to win the Presidency, even without Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, and North Carolina, the other so called “battleground” states!

Donald Trump’s Flailing Campaign

As the campaign of Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz draws large crowds at rallies, and raises massive amounts of funds and volunteers for the battle ahead, Republicans Donald Trump and JD Vance are flailing in their campaign.

Donald Trump has made many blunders, including:

His selection of JD Vance as his Vice Presidential running mate.

Racist attacks against Kamala Harris, and his disgraceful performance at the National Association of Black Journalists gathering in Atlanta, particularly against ABC News correspondent Rachel Scott.

His bragging about ending abortion rights, through his gaining the end of Roe V Wade by his Supreme Court appointments.

His involvement and connection with the extremist right wing Project 2025, and Vance’s authorship of the Introduction to the 922 page document.

His attack on fellow Republican, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, for having refused to back his attempt to interfere with the election results in the Presidential Election of 2020.

His praise of Russian leader Vladimir Putin for making the deal for release of Americans wrongfully held, rather than praising Joe Biden and the US Government for bringing home those individuals.

The momentum is definitely toward the Democrats at this point, with some public opinion polls showing Kamala Harris ahead of Donald Trump for the first time.