Public Opinion Polls

Public Opinion Polls Show Surge Toward Kamala Harris!

In just ten days since Joe Biden withdrew and Kamala Harris entered the Democratic Presidential race, public opinion polls show a great surge to Harris in all of the “swing states”.

The seven “swing states” include:

North Carolina

All seven show Harris ahead of where Biden was, and leading Donald Trump or within the “margin of error”.

Fundraising has been massive, and Harris had a raucous crowd of 10,000 in Atlanta on Tuesday evening.

And for those who did not realize it: Kamala Harris is quite charismatic and dynamic as a speaker, and her smile and optimism ring true, demonstrating that she has been underrated, just like Joe Biden was in 2020!

Sad, But Essential That Joe Biden Step Aside!

As a strong and loyal supporter of Joe Biden for many years, it is a sad moment that now this blogger and author strongly believes that Biden must step aside and endorse Kamala Harris as his successor.

Biden should finish his term, but give all his efforts to the promotion of Harris to be the 47th President of the United States.

Harris has been a loyal and dedicated Vice President, and the criticisms of her are primarily racist, sexist, and misogynistic, as she is, clearly, perfectly qualified to be the next President of the United States.

The latest public opinion polls demonstrate that Biden is behind Donald Trump in every “swing state”, as well as in trouble in states that should not be in play, including Virginia, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Colorado, and Minnesota, and the Second District in Nebraska.

The thought of Donald Trump and JD Vance as the next President and Vice President is horrifying, but it could be even worse with the Democrats losing the US Senate and failing to regain the House of Representatives majority, which otherwise seemed likely.

No one man can be seen to be allowed to use his ego over the needs of his nation, his party, and all of the American people.

So by Sunday night, Biden needs to address the nation and announce his withdrawal, and endorsement of Kamala Harris.

It is only a bit more than 100 days to the election, and six months to the inauguration, and the nation needs to see a unified Democratic Party fighting for a decent future, and preventing an extremist right wing government under Trump, and long term, the much more dangerous JD Vance!

Joe Biden Harming His Legacy By Stubborn Refusal To Accept That It Is Time To Retire!

President Joe Biden is harming his legacy by his stubborn refusal to accept that it is time to retire, and digging in to ignore entreaties that it is time for a new generation to lead the Democratic Party.

Biden comes across as delusional, in the face of public opinion polls that show him trailing badly behind Donald Trump, and behind Democratic state races of incumbent US Senators.

His comment that if Trump won, he would still feel he had given it his best effort, indicates he does not understand the great harm he will have brought about, and the fact that his legacy will be destroyed by Donald Trump by plan and revenge!

Biden’s ranking in history will decline as a result, and his image will have been permanently damaged by what would be seen as his selfishness and self centeredness, and refusal to see reality.

And his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, would have her reputation and legacy also permanently harmed by her refusal to recognize that her husband needs to have private time, away from the burdens of the Presidency, and ability to write his memoirs and plan his Presidential Library while he is alive and functioning.

Trump Support Declining In Latest Polls!

The Donald Trump Criminal trial in New York City is undermining his support, which already was never the majority of Americans.

Recent polls also indicate that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is taking away Trump supporters more than Joe Biden supporters in his crazy third party bid!

The information about payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal to cover up their affairs with Donald Trump, and the renewal of the information about the Access Hollywood tape of 2016, which almost destroyed Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign, now has “reared its ugly head” once again!

As more women look at the facts about Trump’s disrespect for women, and the fact that he has caused the end of abortion rights through Roe V Wade being reversed in Dobbs V Jackson Women’s Health Organization in 2022 by the Supreme Court, and has bragged about it, seems certain to insure his defeat in November, beyond many other issues and factors!

Donald Trump’s First Criminal Trial Begins

Belatedly, after so many delays and obstructive tactics, finally, Donald Trump will face the first criminal trial that any President of the United States has faced, on Monday morning.

Arguably the least significant of the four trials the former President faces over time, it is bound, nevertheless, to have a negative effect on Trump’s campaign to be returned to the White House.

Trump will have to sit in court four days a week and keep his mouth shut, and while there will be no televising of his trial, there will be reporters in the courtroom to report on every detail of the trial, including any reaction that Trump displays.

The facc that there are many witnesses, including those who had once been close to Trump, will have a dramatic effect on the trial and public opinion.

And the shock that Hope Hicks, who was so closely linked to Trump, is going to testify, is a major surprise.

Polls already indicate declining support for Trump, and no matter how much he makes himself the “victim”, he is, finally, being held to accountability for the first time in his life!

Some Reasons Why Donald Trump And Republicans Will Lose in 2024

Despite conflicting public opinion polls, there are many reasons to believe why Donald Trump and the Republican Party are on the road to defeat in 2024!

Among them are the following:

If one uses Ronald Reagan’s argument in 1980, “Are you better off than you were years ago?”, and use it in reverse, most certainly, economically, the nation is far better than it was in 2020, by any economic statistic! The stock market is booming; unemployment is at a 50 year low; inflation is coming down; and more jobs have been created than under any modern President in a four year term!

Also, Donald Trump brags about ending Roe V Wade, and this ending of abortion rights has become a major motivator among the vast majority of women and the men who love them, and will motivate many voters to be sure to vote and get others to vote!

Donald Trump also tells Republicans to reject the strongest immigration bill in a generation, and the crisis on the border is worse, as a result, and it will reverberate on Republicans in the Fall. With various conservative groups backing the legislation, it can be used as a weapon against Trump in the upcoming election, and harm the party chances in Congress!

The Republican House of Representatives has been a disaster, leading to some Republicans quitting early, not wishing to hang around, and leaving the Republicans with just one vote more than a majority, subject to change at any time, if anyone in their slim majority resigns, dies, or is in the hospital for an extended period. And Speaker Mike Johnson is in danger of being the second Speaker to be removed in the same Congress. So the Democrats have a great issue as they get ready for the election, which should guarantee a Democratic majority in that chamber in the upcoming 119th Congress of 2025-2027!

Donald Trump being indicted on 91 counts in four cases is not going to help promote loyalty of Republicans, as already, there are indications that a substantial number did not want him to run, and instead supported Nikki Haley. The idea that independents or Democrats will vote for Trump is not realistic, and already, he has a record of never winning the popular vote in either 2016 or 2020!

With so many former Trump Administration officials refusing to support Trump this time around, since they see how dangerous he is on foreign policy, and his plans for a dictatorship, this will also strengthen the case for Joe Biden as a center of stability and democracy!

And with Trump saying the January 6 Insurrectionists are “hostages” that he would free from prison is not a way to win support or strengthen Republican prospects!

With all these factors, Democrats have the advantage, but have to be concerned about keeping support of African Americans, Hispanic-Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Arab-Muslim Americans, Jewish Americans, and the younger Generation Z first time voters.

So there is plenty of work still ahead!

Most Dangerous Time In Foreign Affairs Since World War II!

America has been through a lot of crises in foreign affairs since World War II, with the 45 Years Cold War with the Soviet Union ending in 1991.

But now in 2024, we not only have to face the twin crises of the Russia-Ukraine War (the most massive war on the European continent since World War II), but also the Israel-Hamas War, which could spread throughout the Middle East.

And we have a former President, Donald Trump, seeking to come back to the White House, who consorts with autocratic leaders, including Vladimir Putin along with many others.

Trump promotes a return to the “America First” mentality advocated by Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and their ilk in the years before World War II, and the first two years and three months of that war, before Japan pushed America into prosecution of that war.

With eight months to go, the crisis facing America is totally horrifying, and with some public opinion polls showing Trump defeating President Joe Biden!

This cannot be allowed to happen, as it portends the end of American democracy and the rule of law, and the promotion of Fascist authoritarianism, autocracy, and the destruction of the 250th anniversary of independence in 2026!

Nikki Haley Is Not A Panacea For Republicans Or The Nation At Large!

Former South Carolina Governor and United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is NOT a panacea for Republicans or the nation at large.

She certainly is qualified for the Presidency, and is ahead of Joe Biden in some public opinion polls, but she has demonstrated a lack of courage in refusing to condemn Donald Trump, and many obervers believe she is angling to be his Vice Presidential running mate.

Her refusal to understand the role of slavery and racism in the American past, and her suggestion that she would pardon Donald Trump after a conviction destroy any sense of respect that she has had in the past.

She is the only true “survivor” of the disastrous Republican Party of 2024, but it is clear that she has no real chance of getting past Donald Trump, and is still unwilling to challenge a man who professes to want to be a dictator, and destroy the Constitution and rule of law!

The Rewriting Of History: Denials Of January 6 Insurrection!

It is shocking that as the third anniversary of the January 6 US Capitol Insurrection is commemorated tomorrow, that about a third of Americans, in a public opinion poll, and a majority of Republicans, have rewritten history, and deny the horrendous events of that day.

Despite all of the videos and other evidence of reality, instead these delusional Americans choose to believe the most massive liar of all time, Donald Trump, and to see the 1,200 people who have been held accountable as “hostages”, and that the FBI set up the false uprising!

Donald Trump says again and again that he is out to promote a dictatorship if he is reelected, and still, public opinion polls show a close race between him and President Joe Biden.

The future of American democracy is under dire threat, and yet, Donald Trump has convinced so called intelligent people that he has been wronged, not the nation by what has transpired.

Conspiracy theories abound, and undermine the stability of American government.

Polls One Year Ahead Of National Elections Prove Nothing!

National polling a year or more ahead of a national election is pointless, as much too often, it proves to be totally out of line with reality.

Also, elections are not decided nationally, but state by state, so therefore, the hysteria over the close polls on the Presidency showing a tight race should not cause people to panic.

At this point in many past election cycles, we were told Barack Obama was in bad shape in 2011; that Hillary Clinton was the guaranteed nominee in 2007; that Rudy Giuliani was the favored Republican candidate in 2007; that Howard Dean was favored in 2003; and on and on and on!

A year and more is an eternity, and the Democrats and Joe Biden still would be the favorite moving forward!