Radio Appearances

Tenth Anniversary Of “The Progressive Professor”: 6,066 Entries And Counting!

Today, August 11, 2018, is the TENTH anniversary of “The Progressive Progressive” blog!

In these ten years, I have published, including this entry, 6,066 contributions to political and historical discussion of public issues.

It has been a thorough delight sharing my thoughts and perceptions with many others, and I applaud all those readers who have contributed to this blog with their comments and thoughts.

This blog not only has these entries with major topics easily found, but also has my History News Network columns, my radio appearances, my cable and lecture videos, my two published books, and a wide variety of relevant websites on history and politics.

I plan to continue this blog for many more years, and to see America overcome the crisis and threat represented by Donald Trump, and I hope my audience will keep their loyalty, and that new participants will join those who have added so much to this website.

So cheers and good health and fortune to all who see this!