Radio Interviews

Notice To My Followers: All Of My Interviews And Articles Are Found On Right Side Of The Blog!

Having just come off two radio interviews this week, one about my Assassinations book, and one on the Trump Presidency, I wanted to make sure my readers and followers are aware that all of my interviews and published articles are on the right side of the blog.

The most recent interview today on the Trump Presidency will be up in the next few days, and I have been fortunate enough to have found a few media outlets that have given me the opportunity to be on their shows multiple times, which I greatly appreciate.

I will continue to have interviews, and plan over time to have more articles, with 66 on History News Network in the past 18 months, and reprints on Time and Newsweek of some of these articles.

I greatly appreciate those who follow me and pay attention to these great opportunities I am blessed with, to share my views, along with my work on the blog itself!

I am also on Facebook and Twitter–under my name and the blog name and Assassinations name on Facebook,and under polithist on Twitter, so feel free to follow me and become a “friend” on Facebook.

Thank you very much!

Interview On Presidential Assassinations Book On Monday, Presidents Day, On WLRN 91.3 FM NPR 1-2 PM Eastern Time!

This blogger and author will be interviewed live on Monday, Presidents Day, on WLRN, 91.3 FM, National Public Radio, from 1-2 PM Eastern time on his book published last August–ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA  (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, 2015).

The interview will be posted on the right of the blog under “Interviews”, and join more than 15 such interviews already posted there, plus some from earlier years, on public affairs issues.

Additionally, my C Span Brian Lamb hour interview is posted there, and next weekend, a 90 minute lecture on my book will be on C Span 2–Book TV–the weekend of February 20-21, and possibly be repeated the following weekend as well.  To have the opportunity to be on C Span twice is a wonderful development!

Hope you find time to listen, and that you enjoy the WLRN interview.  And next weekend, to watch C Span!  Eventually, that book lecture will also be posted on this blog!

Major Features On “Progressive Professor” Blog

Many of my readers may not realize, or be paying attention to, the fact that besides commentary on political and historical events, the blog also includes multiple radio interviews, as well as op-eds, relating to my recent book, ASSASSINATIONS, THREATS, AND THE AMERICAN  PRESIDENCY: FROM ANDREW JACKSON TO BARACK OBAMA (Rowman Littlefield Publishers, August 2015).

There are, as of now, 13  interviews on the right side of the blog, which a reader can click on to listen to many of my radio interviews in the past three months.  Additionally, there are 2 op-eds that I have published on the website THEHILL.COM in the past month .  Soon, there will be two C Span videos, one with the author interviewed for an hour by Brian Lamb to be aired on C Span on Sunday, November 29 at 8 pm, 11 pm, and 6 am on Monday, November 30 ; and a lecture and book signing on my book at Florida Atlantic University in Jupiter, Florida, lasting 90 minutes, to be taped on December 8, 2015, and being shown on C Span sometime in January.

There are also, on the right side of the blog, past radio interviews on other current events topics; several newspaper interviews in past years and one from a month ago; and three videos of 90 minute lectures I did at Florida Atlantic University on Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, and Lyndon B. Johnson in recent times.

There is also a new feature, CONTACT ME, which allows for anyone who is interested in requesting my participation in future lectures, interviews, or scholarly engagements to contact me, and is located on the top of the blog on the right.

Interviews On “Assassinations, Threats, And The American Presidency: From Andrew Jackson To Barack Obama” Mounting On Blog!

This blogger and author is in the midst of doing interviews, having done 25 by this date, and 12 of them are now available on the right side of this blog, under “Interviews” for those who wish to listen.

Additionally, an Op-Ed on the dangers and threats to the President and Presidential candidates, published on the website this past Thursday, one of the leading news sites for politics and government, is available under the heading of Op-Eds.

As more interviews and other activities regarding the book occur, readers will see them added, and I welcome my readers to listen and watch, and feel free to comment on the topic of the book, and the book itself!

And I encourage my readers to consider purchase of my book, which is a good read on a very important topic!