Republican Party Presidents

Joe Biden’s Amazing Economic Record After 2.5 Years In Presidency!

We are coming up on 2.5 years in the Presidency for Joe Biden next week, and when one looks back at these 2.5 years in reflection, it is clear that Joe Biden has had an amazing level of success, one of the best of any President for this period of time in office!

His NATO trip demonstrated that he is very much respected in the international community, and that he is a true master in foreign policy, more knowledgeable and experienced than any modern President except for maybe Richard Nixon, and on the margins, George H. W. Bush.

And Biden’s economic record is sterling, with the one issue, high inflation, now clearly tamed.

And when one looks at his Job Creation record, it is unmatched, as under his administration, we have seen 13.2 million jobs created from the low point of the COVID 19 Pandemic!

Just looking at the statistics on job creation, the closest to Biden is Bill Clinton, who presided over 11.6 million jobs in his first term, and 11.3 million jobs in his second term!

Next best was Ronald Reagan in his second term with 10.8 million jobs, followed by Barack Obama in his second term with 10.4 million jobs, and then by Jimmy Carter in his one term with 10.3 million jobs, a statistic that might surprise those who love to criticize Carter!

No one else comes close, and with Republican Presidents since Nixon much lower–with Nixon first term with 6.2 million jobs; Nixon-Ford in second term with 5.1 million jobs; Reagan first term with 5.3 million jobs; George H. W. Bush in his term with 2.6 million jobs; George W Bush in his first term only 0.1 million jobs and in his second term with 1.3 million jobs.

Obama in his first term, with the depths of the Great Recession that he inherited, had only 1.2 million jobs.

And get this, Trump, in his term, actually LOST 2.7 million jobs, the only President actually to LOSE jobs!

So as I have stated at other times on this blog over the years, Democratic Presidents do FAR BETTER on the economy than Republican Presidents!

And realize, there are still 18 months left of the Joe Biden term, so clearly, there will be millions more jobs likely created, pushing Biden way past all earlier Presidents since Nixon in a vast way!

Two Republican Presidents’ Last Speeches: Eisenhower On Military Industrial Complex; Reagan On Welcoming Immigrants From All Nations

In 1961 and 1989, two Republican Presidents, acknowledged as the greatest Presidents of their party after Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt, gave their last speeches as President.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, in his Farewell Address on January 17, 1961, warned of the dangers of the “Military Industrial Complex” having too much power, and endangering American democracy by taking America into “adventurism” in foreign policy.

We did not listen to that warning, as we engaged in war in Vietnam and later in Iraq, both failed wars, causing mass loss of life in those nations, as well as among American military personnel, and with no long range benefit to the United States or the world.

in 1989, on January 19, 1989, his last full day as President, Ronald Reagan spoke at a ceremony awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Secretary of State George P. Shultz and to former Montana Democratic Senator Mike Mansfield, who had served as Reagan’s Ambassador to Japan.

Reagan spoke of “Lady Liberty”, the Statue of Liberty, and the fact that one can go to any other nation, and is still seen as a foreigner, but anyone who comes to America from any nation of the world can be greeted and accepted as an American, who can contribute to America’s advancement. He also spoke of the undocumented immigrants who walk long distances just to have a chance, an opportunity, to earn a living and support their families, and how they contribute their labors at great sacrifice, to the betterment of America.

Reagan said that America draws its “strength from every nation of the world and every corner of the world”, and “if we ever closed the door to new Americans, our leadership in the world would soon be lost.” Reagan also said: “It is bold men and women, yearning for freedom and opportunity, who leave their homelands and come to a new country to start their lives over”.

These two Republican Presidents set a higher standard for America internally and in the world, and instead, now we have a President who wants to start a “Space Force”, which is designed to create an American military dominance and monopoly in space, insuring a future world war by crazy militarists who want to force America on the world, rather than welcome people from foreign shores to America to enrich and strengthen American democracy.

We are at a crossroads, and it is time for mass marches and storming of the White House to demand the resignation of Donald Trump, and if Mike Pence wishes to pursue crazy ideas as Trump does, and right now is mouthing such sick ideas in his own public utterances, then Pence needs to resign in disgrace as well!