Republican Party Sycophants Of Donald Trump

Apologists For And Sycophants To Donald Trump Endanger America!

The display this week of a host of Republican officeholders acting as apologists for and sycophants to Donald Trump, by showing up en masse to his New York trial, is a total outrage!

Many of these characters showed up because they are hoping they will be selected to be Trump’s Vice Presidential runningmate, which in itself is an example of total lack of principle, an indication they would do anything Donald Trump wanted!

This is a danger to American democracy and the rule of law, and yet there is no embarrassment or concern as to how it appears to the general public.

The thought that one of these apologists for or sycophants to Trump could be a heartbeat away from the Presidency is obscene, and their willingness to refuse to accept election results if Trump loses, is a major character flaw in the vast membership of the Republican Party.

So the likelihood is that January 6, 2025 might be even worse of a constitutional crisis than what occurred on that date in 2021!

Mike Johnson, The Religious Hypocrite And Underminer Of The Rule Of Law!

America is, unfortunately, saddled with a Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, who is both a religious hypocrite and an underminer of the rule of law.

This is a man who claims to be a “good Christian”, and he and his son monitor each other on avoidance of pornography online.

But at the same time, he shows up at the trial of Donald Trump, who has been engaged in illicit sex affairs with multiple women, and arranged a payment with two such women to keep the American people from learning about the affairs before the Presidential Election of 2016.

Trump has had three marriages, and cheated on all three wives, including just after his youngest son was born in 2006, and yet, Mike Johnson comes to his defense.

Johnson and all of the other Republicans who have shown up at the trial of Trump are out to defend a person engaged in illicit and criminal activity, and are undermining the rule of law, common decency, and morality and ethics.

The thought that Johnson is two heartbeats away from the Presidency under the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 is horrifying and just another reason to insure that the Democrats win the House of Representatives in the upcoming Presidential Election of 2024.

Imagine if past Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi intervened to defend Democrats facing trial, such as Hunter Biden or Senator Bob Menendez. What an outrageous reaction there would be, but such an event would never occur.

And think back to the Bill Clinton sex scandal, when Republicans were so moral and ethical, but now have switched gears completely!