The year 2010 was supposed to be the year of the Republican woman Senators, but it turned out to be not that at all!
Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire did win the vacant seat in New Hampshire, but she had come across as noncontroversial in her race.
But Sharron Angle of Nevada, Christine O’Donnell of Delaware, Carly Fiorina of California, and Linda McMahon of Connecticut all lost their races, with Fiorina and McMahon spending millions of their own personal fortunes on trying to go from the corporate world to the Senate. Angle also had millions of dollars donated to her campaign to unseat Harry Reid, but fell far short of such a possibility.
O’Donnell, of course, had the problem of being seen as totally unqualified in every sense for the Senate, and the GOP defeat of Congressman Mike Castle in the primary basically gave away the seat to Chris Coons, who could not have had better luck!
Meanwhile, Democratic women in the Senate who were up for re-election won another term, specifically Barbara Boxer in California and Patty Murray in Washington State.
So the era of the Republican woman in the Senate is not quite here, with only Ayotte, Kay Bailey Hutchison in Texas, and Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe in Maine representing the fairer sex for the GOP in the Senate. With Lisa Murkowski leading in her write in campaign to retain her seat in Alaska, the number of women who are Senate Republicans might rise from four to five, if Murkowski is able to produce what many consider a miracle!
But actually, at least in the mind of Tea Party Movement activists, Hutchison, Collins and Snowe are all seen as targets when they come up for re-election, as being too moderate!
So it is still easier for Democratic women than it is for Republican women, when it comes to service in the US Senate!