Ribert F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy’s Namesake Son A Disgrace To The Family Name!

President Joe Biden is a great admirer of former Senator, Attorney General, and 1968 Democratic Presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy, who was assassinated on June 5, 1968.

So much an admirer that Biden has a bust of RFK on his Oval Office Desk, often shown in photos when Biden is sitting at the desk.

And the two men share a common birthday, November 20, for Kennedy in 1925, for Biden in 1942.

Sadly, in the present, RFK’s namesake, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been disgracing the family name and reputation as an anti vaccine conspiracy theorist, and collaborating with right wing extremists, while making a lot of money promoting attacks on the good name of Dr. Anthony Fauci. The former Chief Medical Adviser to President Biden, consultant to every President from Ronald Reagan to Joe Biden, and former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for four decades, has been pilloried without just cause!

Now, RFK Jr has announced his candidacy for the Democratic Presidential nomination in 2024, challenging Biden!

This is laughable, as RFK Jr will receive only the support of anti science, anti medicine lunatics, who had no concern about the mass loss of life from COVID 19, which they contributed to by their reckless, ignorant repudiation of vaccines and masks in the most deadly epidemic in a century!

Biden should not agree to debate RFK, Jr, just ignore him, as RFK Jr makes a fool of himself, and embarrasses his mother, Ethel, who has lived 55 years since the tragic death of her husband, and will reach the age of 95 four days from now, mortified by her son, who seriously needs mental health treatment!