Right Wing Orthodox Jews

76th Anniversary Of Israel: Great Division Among Jews Inside And Outside Over War Strategy In Gaza!

When Israel was attacked by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas on October 7, 2023, there was universal horror and shock at the massacre of 1,200 Israelis, the worst single event since the Holocaust of World War II, that killed 6 million Jews!

It was understandable that Israel would mount an offensive to do what could be done to eliminate Hamas.

However, the total eliminination is clearly impossible, as indicated by the reality that in areas that Israel seized in the northern Gaza Strip, already Hamas has returned to be an influence.

With 35,000 Palestinians, including 70 percent estimates of women and children killed, and others facing famine with the incessant Israeli military offensive, now being focused on Southern Gaza and Rafah, it is clear that if anything, the survivors of this brutal war will have resentment and bitterness and want revenge on Israel.

So all out war has failed to accomplish its goals and clearly, never will be successful in the manner that the Israeli government has set as a goal.

Meanwhile, many Israelis want the war ended and the remaining hostages released. The Jewish community in the United States is also divided, with many younger Jews alienated from the extremist government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his extremist Orthodox Jew ministers and supporters, who want all Palestinians dead!

Support for Israel in general is waning, and antisemitism is rampant, so an insoluble situation for future stability and recovery seems unattainable.

This is also affecting political support for Joe Biden as he is against a full scale attack on Rafah, but Donald Trump does not represent a better future.

Devoutly “Religious” People Of All Faiths And Donald Trump Corruption!

This author and blogger has real problems with understanding the mindset of so called “religious” or “devout” individuals of any religion.

Evangelical Christians, hardline devout Catholics, and Orthodox Jews are seen as heavily supporters of Donald Trump, despite his lack of religiosity and his massive number of sins in his personal life as well as his public life.

People who could not tolerate Bill Clinton’s personal scandals, somehow, have no problem accepting Donald Trump’s massive violations of all ethics, morals, and scruples.

Christians, whether evangelical or Catholics who support Trump, do not see any conflict with the teachings of Jesus by Donald Trump, absolutely mind boggling.

Orthodox Jews are major outliers of the vast majority of the Jewish population, as they see Donald Trump as a hero, even though he has had support from antisemites, including David Duke, Nick Fuentes, Kanye West, and a multitude of others of that stripe.

This is why the Founding Fathers promoted separation of church and state, as they saw that religion has its place, but should not be related to government policies.

The Donald Trump Mafia And “Religious” Type Cult Controls The Remnants Of The Republican Party!

It is time to recognize that Donald Trump is like a Mafia Chieftan, a gang leader, a cult leader, with many so called “religious” people, both right wing evangelical Christians and Orthodox Jews, following his lead, and believing he is the savior of their America!

The Presidential Election of 2020 was the only time when America did not experience a peaceful transfer of power, as even after Lincoln was elected in 1860, his inauguration went forward without direct threat, although there was a “Baltimore Plot” that was prevented from success and open bloodshed!

Their America is one of racism, sexism, nativism, misogyny, Islamophobia, and even antisemitism, as well as worshipper of guns, and homophobic!

Donald Trump is clearly still a threat to national security and to American democracy, and it is essential to ban him from being able to run again for President, utilizing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, as this author and blogger wrote about on this blog a few days ago.

But also, the conspirators of January 6, 2021 must be prevented from holding public office, as they are the true scum which has no regard for human life and safety!

Even when one of the worst conspirators of all, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, has a relapse and admits the terrorist attack, along comes the evil Tucker Carlson of Fox News Channel, who intimidates him back into obedience to the cult!

The Republican Party is a very sick party, and a threat to the future of American democracy, and must be overcome on all levels, a battle for the ages to redeem what Abraham Lincoln spoke for during the Civil War!